Spiritualisit Photography

Shannon Targgart website of spiritualism photography was interesting when you give it a glance. Once you start to examine and ask questions about pictures then you begin to wonder withier this pictures are realistic or not. I feel like she staged all her pictures to show her audience something she wanted us to see not what really as happening. One of the pictures that I saw was Dr. Ruth Westeimer for Columbia University, I wonder what this picture has to do with spiritualism and what her story behind the picture is. Another picture was Gabriel Kahane Is a One- Man Cultural Cuisinart when I saw this picture it seemed to me that the person in the picture moved it hands and it blurred out, it seems like  a picture you take with a phone and if you move it will capture other movements. When I think of spiritualism photography I don’t think of a perfect picture.  I think spiritualism photography is possible just that Shannon Taggart has set up scenes to look more credible but instead has made them more unrealistic. I think that this particular documentation is not valuable due to the ways the pictures are taken.

Announcement: Updates and Deadlines

Clock Cake from davidgeaney.com

Clock Cake from davidgeaney.com

The latest slide lists have been uploaded under class files, including the “short list” for midterm (Monday October 27th at 11:30 am).

Don’t forget that will do not meet on Monday October 13, school is closed for Columbus Day.

We will meet on Monday October 20th, the day Writing Assignment #1 is due!

Food Texture

Texture is an important part of food and is something I take into consideration when deciding whether or not I like something that I have prepared or tasted. This photo is of an ambitious creation I was asked to make by my sister called a Cherpumple. The cake is the perfect example of multiple layers of texture, as well as flavors. The bottom layer is an apple pie baked inside of a vanilla cake, the second is a pumpkin pie baked inside of a spice cake and the top is a cherry pie baked inside of a chocolate cake, all put together with butter cream frosting. Seven very different textures all in one extraordinary cake.


Leah Morgan: Food texture

Growing up in the Caribbean I had the privilege of eating fresh fruits daily. We had an abundance of fruit and a variety from mango, tamarinds, banana, carambola, ackee, soursop to name a few. Texture played a big role for me. For me to enjoy my fruits they would have to be firm and sweet. If they were soft a mushy I wouldn’t dare to venture there. Certain foods like wise for instance rice, must be cooked grainy in order for me to enjoy the dish. In my opinion the texture of the food will play a great outcome in the end result of the dish you will end up with. Also certain recipes will call for certain textures for e.g. Banana bread will require crushed bananas. Unless you’re a baby and require your foods to be crushed. I also think that texture sells food. If you’re baking a fruit cake for some one, when you cut a slice of cake then you should be able to see the pecans, cherries, raisins etc. if you don’t see any then you don’t have a fruit cake.  Texture also changes the taste of food. If you have a mango that is all mushy it will not have the same flavor as a mango that is perfectly ripe and a little hard and soft at the same time. Texture determines the type of fruits I would purchase. The following pictures: A firm Julie mango and and tamarind ball.


mango julie tamarind balls

Photographing Food Texture

download (3) Pasta is my go to food! I feel like no matter your culture, or cooking style, there is always a dish that you can incorporate pasta into. I like rotini because it has a great texture that is good for locking in flavors. The spirals help to trap food and flavors in. The texture is soft, but still solid, which goes good with sauce or meat. For example, I would eat rotini with bolognaise with fried julienne tortilla on top. Its a great balance of textures, solid, crunch, soft, and liquid.


Food Texture.

This is a picture of a slice of chocolate mousse cake.  The photographer was able to catch the perfect angle of the cake, showcasing the various features of the cake with hopes of moistening the palettes of those soon to digest it. Looking at the picture, you can see three different layers of the cake; each with its own unique taste. Analyzing the cake, you first start of with the chips of dark chocolate at the top. Crisp, smooth, and rich are all qualities that I am able to feel due to the picture. That was the main purpose of this picture I believe, to create the taste of the cake just by simple observation. Next are the layers of whip cream/cream/vanilla mousse and chocolate mousse. Light, smooth, and creamy are all sensations provoked also by this picture. Last but not least, the bottom layer is a chocolate sponge. Fluffy and moist are elements of a good sponge cake, and can also be sensed in this photo.cake

Brianna Vasquez’s Texture Post

Melting Ice Cream on Wood

Melting Ice Cream on Wood

Photography is a practice which is based on capturing a particular image. When a picture is particularly photographed to communicate a culinary dish, it must display the most important features of the dish such as color, complexity, texture. While color and complexity can be easier to evoke through photographs, texture is the most difficult to display but can be readily visual by the way the dish is presented as well as the positioning of the camera which angles the finished photograph to reveal many picturesque qualities of the dish.  Texture can be captured by possessing all the details in a dish that show off the structure of the food. My chosen picture depicts the reality of the texture of ice cream when heat is applied to bring it below the freezing point which leads to melting it. Also, it shows the clear difference between ice cream in its solid form and melting form which is dependent on temperature. The angle of the camera is positioned to acquire the different texture of all the components in the picture. Regardless, the waffle cone is still crisp but begins to soften near the rim where it is absorbing the melted ice cream. The scoop of ice cream remains solid since its shapely structure endures in a spherical shape while some of it begins melting with an irregular, spreading pool of melted ice cream milk that surrounds the crisp waffle cone. The texture demonstrates the smooth and creaminess that is composed in the dessert of ice cream.




In this particular picture I can feel freshness because of the yellow color, it looks really strong and pure. Also I can see it’s very juice and sweet in the middle, the orange skin looks spongy  and I think fruits in general have all these characteristics most of the time and this oranges are not the exception.

This delicious green tea mousse cake from Lady M is one of my favorite dessert. The texture of this is very soft and spongy looking. I took a couple of pictures of this mousse cake in different angle but this one was the best one. It has a good view of the cake in which you can identify/feel the texture. By looking at the mousse cake you can feel the fluffiness of the cake and also the sweetness of whipped cream.green tea mousse cake





Shannon Taghart’s photographs are great on capturing the spirits. But when you start to look the photo in her website you start to notice the photo don’t look like an documentation. She know how to position the person and how to make the affect. This is show on website because there’re articles that she upload her photo and has the same affect as the spiritualism. There is a band, sleeping on the wheel, and the painist. The portrait are the picture which don’t help the photograph to look like a documentary. It look like the light was included which you could tell that it in not natural light that is making the picture look different. The only one I see as an documentary is the photo of the ceremony. Also the technology they use to set up their spirit reading. The cabin where they do the reading too. The groups picture to see who was involved with the reading. The location will help other to know where to go to have these expiries. The knowledge of how to use the camera to make these affect help her to create this thing that are showed throughout her website. So my conclusion is no i would not consider this as an document photos.