The pictures taken in Kent state are and what happened that day is very disgustful because people were being shoot at without even being violent people have the right to fight for what they believe and they want to be heard. Same thing is happening now with Michael Brown protest. Just that in this case there has been violence. I happened to be in Rockefeller center for the Christmas tree lighting and it was chaotic people were insulting the cops they began to throw down the rails. There were people who stopped traffic from circulating. I think people should be allowed to speak and be heard, but only if those people know how to do it and I don’t mean that cops should arrest, shoot or even kill because that is not right either. Pictures from both of these events are very heartbreaking and awful to see and imagine that there is so much unfairness out there. We are suppose to be a country of peace but in reality we are not and things need to change.
Author Archives: estephany
The New American Dustbowl: Documenting California’s Drought
I think that people are aware of the drought conditions in California because it has caused a great impact on our food supply. If you have ever walked in to a supermarket 1 or 2 years ago and walked in today you will have noticed that the prices have increased drastically. For examples you would be able to get 20 lemons for 1.50 now you only get 5 lemons for a dollar. Land needs to be giving time to rest is a living organism just like us humans we do not go throughout days months with out sleep because our body needs rest to start its like a phone the battery dies and it must be recharged, same concept with land it must rest. The FSA photography look a lot like California’s pictures the lands look very similar, something must be done and we need to be more conscious and take care of our land.
Robert Capa and the Greatest War Photograph
According to the writing of Robert Whelan I think Capa was at the right place and time when this moment occurred and he was able to capture one of the most important pictures in war history. I find Robert Whelan arguments convincing, especially because he did a lot of research and backs up every argument with evidence that support it. I think this pictures authenticity matters because people who first saw this picture believed that this is how the men who go to war suffer. When people are told something and believe it and later told something is not true, ignore and not give importance to the subject. I do believe in lucky shoots. Therefore I do believe that this picture is not staged.
Rock Star Food Behind the Scenes
Looking at Henry Hargreaves photos was very shocking. Seeing how much a person personality can be described in one picture is amazing. These pictures literally showed how this peoples individuality with out them having to be in the picture. Like for example Frank Sinatra by just looking at his picture I can tell he is a heavy hard liquor drinker. He loves his shrimp and must have cough drops for his throat. Mariah Carey picture can say she drink champagne sophisticated adult but adding that bendy straw show she has a young and party heart.
Le Voyage dans la Lune
I personally dislike black and white movies and even more when they’re silent. Le Voyage dans la Lune was a different because it actually caught my attention. I saw it twice the first time I just I understood the concept of the movie but I had to watch it again to really look at what the film maker did to create this movie. If you put close attention to the movie you can see that the filmmaker added many different pictures in the scenes and that are not even noticeable. My favorite scene was when the rocket ship landed on the moon. If you looked very close you can see that the moon is a human probably covered in whipped cream. Another scene was when they laid down on the moon and stars appeared you could see that it was a black curtain with holes for people to fit their heads in. It very impressive to see that he managed to create such a great film in that time period.
Why does it look delish?
I think this is a piece of art this is one of the many designs that a friend makes. Why does it look delish, it looks delish because it looks like a piece of art and guess what it is edible. This is a Jell-O and entirely edible. I personally was shocked when I was told that it was Jell-O because it dose not look like it. It did not only look delish but it smelled amazing. I think we, as human beans not only eat with our mouth but as well with our smell and eye sight.
Picturing Breakfast Around the world
I definitely think everyone should incorporate breakfast in his or her meal list, not just the kids. I think breakfast is an essential meal of the day because if you walk out your house with any empty stomach you do not function as if you left with something in your stomach you feel tired, hungry. I do think American breakfasts are too sugary because cereal is the main breakfast food for kids and those adults who eat cereal tend to always pick the sugary cereal. When Americans go out for breakfast, they tend to have pancakes and these are loaded of sugary syrups. For me personally I grew up eating lucky charm fruity pebbles, those were my favorite cereal and if it wasn’t that I would have fresh squeezed orange juice and coffee with pancaked and obviously the syrup. Like me, many kids and adults incorporate the sugars in their daily breakfast. It is amazing to see how some this kids who were interviewed have a breakfast large in variety but all this kids have in common is that they all have some sort of sugar in their breakfast such as in their tea, chocolate milk, bread or cereal.
Walker Evans subway photographs
After seeing Evans pictures of the depression era and riding present subways I can see many similarities and differences. It obvious that from when the pictures were taken and present time technology has advance tremendously, we now see people on their phones watching movies on the go, and back then people carried newspapers to keep them entertained. The facial expressions of people dazing out or staring at others have not changed. What has changed is how train station and trains looked and picture quality. People during the depression era dressed vey differently from today’s people. It is definitely interesting to look back and see how things were before and to see how things are today. That’s why I think Walker Evans decided to wait 25 years to share his pictures because if he were to share them during the depression era when he took the pictures it would not have caused an amusement to most people since they saw this during their everyday life, it make sense for him to have waited the time he waited.
Spiritualisit Photography
Shannon Targgart website of spiritualism photography was interesting when you give it a glance. Once you start to examine and ask questions about pictures then you begin to wonder withier this pictures are realistic or not. I feel like she staged all her pictures to show her audience something she wanted us to see not what really as happening. One of the pictures that I saw was Dr. Ruth Westeimer for Columbia University, I wonder what this picture has to do with spiritualism and what her story behind the picture is. Another picture was Gabriel Kahane Is a One- Man Cultural Cuisinart when I saw this picture it seemed to me that the person in the picture moved it hands and it blurred out, it seems like a picture you take with a phone and if you move it will capture other movements. When I think of spiritualism photography I don’t think of a perfect picture. I think spiritualism photography is possible just that Shannon Taggart has set up scenes to look more credible but instead has made them more unrealistic. I think that this particular documentation is not valuable due to the ways the pictures are taken.
Photographing Food Textures
I think that when taking pictures of food we need to deliver the audience much more then “oh !..vegetables”. We need to allow them to smell and taste as well. Textures can be transmitted to us in pictures if the object appropriate angle is captured. I think sunlight and the distance from the camera and food can be what defines the objects texture. The picture of the salad on the left transmits the crunchiness of the arugula and cucumber but shows the shine of the dressing. The light exposure on the vegetables allows for them to be define and gives the sense that its in front of you.