Week 10 Discussion Topic: Robert Capa and the Greatest War Photograph

Robert Capa, Death of a Loyalist Soldier, 1936, published in Life Magazine, 1937

Robert Capa, Death of a Loyalist Soldier, 1936, published in Life Magazine, 1937

Robert Capa, Death of a Loyalist Soldier, 1936, published in Life Magazine 1937
At the age of 23, Robert Capa took a photograph that many have labeled the greatest war photograph of all time. Taken during the Spanish Civil War, the renown of Capa’s photograph, Falling Soldier or Death of a Loyalist Soldier, reverberated around the world as it was published and republished in contemporary news magazines. However, Capa’s photo has been shadowed by controversy, including accusations of fakery. Read an analysis on the image by Capa’s biographer, Robert Whelan, on the authenticity of the photograph. Do you find his arguments convincing? Do you think Capa’s photograph is staged or not? And do you think its authenticity matters?

Robert Whelan’s discussion of Capa’s photograph

Please submit your posts by Monday, December 15th.

Rock Star Food Behind the Scenes

Musicians have always been known for their eccentric creative processes, so I wasn’t really surprised to know that it extends even in the realm of food. I can say that Hargreaves did a great job in representing the spreads of the musicians that I know of, like Mariah Carey (The bendy straw, of course. The Champagne was just icing on the cake), Busta Rhymes (Guinness and prophylactics, enough said) and Rihanna and Beyonce (we now know how they maintain those beautiful curves). Some spreads did surprise me though, like Axl Rose’s (White Wonder Bread, what?), Marilyn Manson’s (I was actually surprised to know that he KNEW what Gummi Bears were!) and the Foo Fighters’ (I just laughed at this)–this is not a critic on Hargreaves but more of a revelation to me. This article just proves to me that these Rock Stars that we know of, and claim to know fairly well, are mere mortals too, and these ‘eccentric creative processes’ are their means to get through a tough time, all in a day’s work.

rock star food behind the scence

This was an interesting read. I actually enjoyed it. I would never think someone will take riders and make them into there own art and telling a little story of each musician at the same time is amazing. Its crazy what some of these musician order as their riders. Marilyn Manson and her gummy bears I can totally relate to that because I love me my gummy bears. Busta Rhymes request was pretty odd and the use of how he propped the condom on the glass of Guinness was gross. Britany spears request was strange as well I would never think she would eat a burger from McDonalds and why so many prunes.

photography in early film

from the use of props and the arrangement of the people in the film this does remind me of early photography. in some early photographs stories are told through people who pose in a certain manner. the similarities in photograph and film is they both use people to tell a story or get a point across.  they both use props to enhance their work or make it more interesting and real. The difference between film and photography is in film its a longer more in depth story line. Their are also uses of special effect to make film more realistic in photographs you do not have that.

Photography and special effects in early film

As I watched the video Le Voyage Dans La Luna it seems to be an animated type of film. I thought that it was a fun film to watch because it keeps you trying to find out whats going on because the characters in the film aren’t speaking. I noticed that since this film is made as film camera the camera captures each point of angle and it moves within the characters movement. In comparison with early photography the camera would just stay in one angel and the characters won’t move away from the camera and its angle.

Photography And Special Effects in Early Film

After watching this film of Georges Melies, A Trip to the Moon, I would indeed regard it as a masterpiece. Of course in today’s society, this piece would be looked at as the work of an amateur of some sort. However, in 1902 there was not another body of work that had the sophisticated special effects that A Trip to the Moon did. One scene that really stood out to me, were the explorers traveling across the mushroom filled landscape. Another scene that left an impression would be the animation of the missile traveling descending from above and plummeting in the ocean. While watching this film all that came to mind with this being the first sci-fi movie, was that these scenes resembles images straight out of a dream. With early photography, people were just limited to an instance of a piece of history that could be preserved for a long time. With early film, that gave people the option of documenting entire life events or situations with the ability of playback. Melies was able to take his imagination and project it on to screen, in a manner that would create awe in all of its viewers through early film

Announcement: Presentations, Blogging and One More Exhibit Option


Andre Kertesz, The Fork, 1928

Andre Kertesz, The Fork, 1928

We will meet outside the Janet Lefler Dining Room on the 2nd floor of Namm at 11:30 am on Monday 11/17. Each group will have an opportunity to upload their PowerPoint presentations to my computer before we head into lunch in the dining room. I’ll also use the time to take attendance. We are expected to be ready to be seated in the dining room by 11:50 am. A reminder there is a dress code for the dining room and they request attire appropriate to business meetings, therefore no jeans, no sweats, no sneakers, no hats. You can leave your things in your lockers or check them in the coat check outside the dining room. Please don’t forget that the dining room is a classroom too, therefore be encouraging and respectful of your fellow HGMT majors as they work the dining room for our enjoyment.

A reminder about the group project. Your group projects’s PowerPoint presentation should feature photographs taken by you, not images taken by someone else. I’m excited to see your ‘egg’ photos! Each group will present for only 5 minutes (I’ll set a timer) right after lunch in Namm 206.

A note about Writing Assignment #2. I have added one more exhibition to the list of possible shows to visit for Writing Assignment #2. After visiting the Met last weekend, I realized the Thomas Struth exhibition is a good, small show to review. Please see the revised PDF for Writing Assignment #2 under Assignments. Don’t forget to keep your museum entry stub/ticket or take a brochure from the exhibit to be turned in with your paper. This paper is due Monday, December 1st.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in the dining room for Monday’s class!

Week 9 Discussion Topic: Rock Star Food Behind the Scenes

Henry Hargreaves, Rihanna’s backstage request for “hard-boiled eggs, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, at any time through out the day” from petapixel.com

Henry Hargreaves, Rihanna’s backstage request for “hard-boiled eggs, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, at any time through out the day” from petapixel.com

As you prepare your “egg photos” for your upcoming presentations, I thought you would like to share your thoughts on these still life photographs of unusual requests made by musicians when they go on tour. When musicians perform at major concerts, their contracts include riders that outline what they need to have backstage. These riders often feature requests for food such as Lady Gaga’s request for a “small plate of cheese (nonsmelly, nonsweaty), on ice.” The photographer Henry Hargreaves with the help of a stylist produced photographs in the style of Flemish still life painting, a genre that emerged in the seventeenth-century Netherlands. The photographs are stylish and give viewers a peek into the personalities (and quirks!) of different musicians. Read the article on Hargreaves’ Band Riders photo series and share what you think of his pictures.

Read about Henry Hargreaves “Band Riders” photo series here.

You can see the entire “Band Riders” series on the photographer’s website (he has also photographed ‘deep-fried’ gadgets like iPads).

Please submit your posts by Monday, December 15th. 

photography and special effects in early film

Watching the video of early film, I found few similarities and differences between early photography and film.

I figured that in early film, there is no movement of camera. Every scene happens within a still camera’s angle just as early photograph that process takes very long and camera had to be stay still in one position for a while.

The biggest difference I found is that, the film camera still catches the movement of object and people whereas early photography could not do that. The process took a while, and the photograph could not capture anything that moved.

Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

The Moving Picture. That is the first thing that came to my mind when I began thinking about a response to this thread. One can say that film making is an offshoot of photography, as its tools (a ‘documenting apparatus’) are pretty much similar to photography; its just the products that differed–the former a moving art form, while the latter, a still one. I find that early film making exude that same stiffness and/or clumsiness that subjects of early photography did, which is pretty understandable, as the art form is still in its nascent stage. Another similarity of the two is the limited perspective captured by the camera, (‘limited’, meaning that it may only show one perspective or, as in Le Voyage dans La Lune, some scenes show most of the characters in the periphery because of the limited scope of the camera lens) which, now in contemporary times, is resolved by using several, each one pointed to shoot a different angle.