Category: Reading Responses (Page 4 of 7)



1: I came late because my car stuck in snow and it’s not coming out that’s why i came late

2: I’m doing group studying with my friends that’s why i came late.

3:  I’m preparing for my job interview with my friend that’s why I came late.


1: I slept late last night and I didn’t woke up on time that’s why I came late.

2: I’m with my family and they drop me late that’s why i came late.

3:  My phone is dead and I’m waiting for charge it up that’s why I came late


1: My internet is giving me issues that why I came late in class

2: I forget my zoom password and I’m trying to recover it that’s why i came late

3: I forget to set my alarm for class nd i woke up late.

“(un)learning My Name” by Mohamed Hassan and “Zayn Malik and the Songs that Bring Us to Prayer” by Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib

Unlearning my name by Mohamed Hassan is a poem depicting the perfect immigration transition to new languages, culture and many things that factor a new beginning to people.

People make judgments in society based on who they think you ought to be, though that’s sometimes not who you actually are. Mohamed Hassan brings awareness to that transition through his poem (Un)Learning My Name, which illustrates his struggle between conformity and self-identity. Hassan begins with the experience of being mistaken for a white man because of his unique blue eyes, and how he felt like he had forgotten who he was and why he couldn’t impose who he was. The poem actually relates to the narrative of HANIF WILLIS-ABDURRAQIB  song that brings us to prayer how two people raised differently in a migrants background could interact by a song and assimilate in a very different way. One defines himself  by a well pronounced name and establishes cultural and religious ways and one connects it to it but somehow evades his identity.  The other one is a superstar that is define by the article wrote by HANIF WILLIS-ABDURRAQIB  as an ”The work Zayn does, as I see it, is more in service to the young Muslims reveling in the pleasures of their non-Muslim peers, and the guilt that can come with that. Zayn is an unmistakable sex symbol, covered in tattoos, who sings about love and intimacy. ” Culminating the idea of different transition of the immigrants experience and how they associate and grow with it as an identity.  


1: I like this reading because I learned some new things from that. The reader will know what types of writing they are not comfortable reading, and in turn will write according to their own preferences. Bunn also introduces the idea of using quotes at the beginning of a piece of work.

2: One thing I learned from this about what the author is conveying to the audience, how this information is being conveyed, and what one can do to write like the author.

3: The author is trying to say that Some people find that using a quote is more effective with impressing their readers and some people show different meaning of that.

4: The author Mike Bunn’s purpose in writing this piece is to explain that readers are encouraged to think about how the published text may be improved or different.

5: I think the genre of this text is an informative essay.

6: I noticed that they are so many examples because author is trying to show the main point.

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