About me.

My name is Gisell. I am 20 years old. Something interesting about me is that unlike many i was born at home because my mom didn’t make it to the hospital on time. I come from a colombian background. I live in queens with my mother and my two dogs.  I am an only child love animals. I love to play sports. When i was in high school i was in the soccer, indoor and outdoor track team. This is my second year at City tech. Originally my plan was to join the airforce but my plans changed. Although my plans changed, my goal of becoming a nurse have stayed the same . I enjoy knowing and learning about the human body. I also like that a career in nursing can offer economic stability and give me many options within the career itself. My path towards nursing hasn’t been easy itself. I have struggled with some classes ,competition  and discouragement from others. Over all i always set big goals and standards for myself. I love to travel and try new things especially new foods. I hope one day to be able to visit many different places around the world. Normally during every end of semester i try to go on a trip with my mother. I am very close to my mom. She raised me on her own and due to this I am a strong believer of women being equal to men. I am very opened minded. I like learning about new ideas concepts and mentalities of life.


My two biggest weaknesses in writing are spelling and grammar. I have always had trouble with this, but i try my best an revise my work many times before handing it in. I have to admit am not a big reader. Although when I do read I enjoy fictional stories, one of my favorite books is The Great Gatsby. A weakness in reading would definitely be reading things in old fashion english, it just bores me to death. Its very confusing for me, it makes me feel like I am not even reading english. It hard to enjoy something you really don’t understand.  My technology background doesn’t go any further than using a phone or the basic computer. Even though my mother is big on technology and my house is full of it sometimes i like things old fashion.  What i know about Utopia is that its a world considered to be “perfect”. Its where things are very organized and controlled. In Utopia there is no individuality because everyone is the same. I also read the book The Giver when i was in high school. Many of my ideas of Utopia come from what the book demonstrated. In my opinion a Utopia is never going to word and end up in distopia due to the fact that we all thing differently and believe different things. What may seem perfect to some can be horrible to others.  I am taking this course because it is a requirement.





A Little Bit of Me


Hello my name is Kali Mai, I am 20 years old . My major is Hospitality management  I  am in my 4th semester here in the New York City  College of Technology.  I am hoping to get my bachelors in Hotel Management.

The reason I choose this major is because  it allows me to interact with  alot of  people of  different backgrounds and learns things I never knew before.  It also holds a key to the things i love whether its my love for food or to travel it gives me great insight of things i would like to do with my life.

Currently I work at Starbucks in Manhattan  as an Barista in hopes to not only get experience but also to learn about coffee which I have a passion for.  My Hobbies includes cooking , baking,  surfing the net, listening to music and also reading.  One of the things i wish to be able to do one day is to travel the world . I haven’t really been to much places so it would really inspire me to learn new things whether it is language, culture or history.  I like to visit places such as going to museums, and  parks just to look at the arts and scenery and even learn a few things.

I Strengths and weakness when it comes to reading and writing is the i can read really fast  but  it really does take me to have an interest in the topic for me to really want to continue on .  If its  a topic i normally don’t like i get bored of it so i tend to never finish it.  I am honestly not that great of a writer,  i have a lot of mistakes  when it comes to writing. such a vocabulary and grammar . I like tyo read in general with topics that help open my imagination to think about the storyline in  which  keeps my curiosity to continue reading in hopes for it to turn in to the way i want it to be. My knowledge for technology is a little bit higher than average because i do like to surf the net so while I do that i tend to learn a lot about things i could do whether its software or things I cud do with certain programs. My knowledge on Utopias aren’t that great i have learned about it a bit in middle school as a concept of the perfect world, a way in which everyone is seen as equals in a sense everybody almost  even look the same. On the other hand I’ve have never learned about Dystopias at all.  The reason im taking this corse is because it is  a required class as an L/A/P but this  class has caught my interest with the way we learn about the different topics in literature

My Name Is..

Long Island City

Long Island City, Summer 2013

Iliane Soriano and I am from Ecuador. Yes, I was born there but I’ve been living in the U.S. since I was one. This is my third year at city tech and my current major is Liberal Arts/Sciences. My career goal is to finish here at city tech and then go on to medical school to become a doctor which has been my life long dream. One of my desires is definitely being able to manage my own practice one day. Two of my favorite hobbies are reading and going to the gym. I love doing both but sometimes there isn’t enough time when one is both working twenty four seven and going to school. My summer break was a blast I went to the Dominican Republic with a few friends. The only upsetting part about my trip was when I lost my sunglasses when riding the banana boat. This semester I plan to excel in school as well as at work. I hope to learn a lot from the classes I’m taking even the ones I’m only required to take. I also have a trip planned to Thailand for spring break. I am definitely super excited and looking forward to that!!

When I have the energy and I am able I believe I am a very strong reader. I do love to read. That doesn’t mean I love to read everything. I think my favorite genre of books would be non-fiction. I do like to read fiction as well but I find it harder to be interested in. As a writer I believe I’m an alright writer. I like to write essay’s it helps me clear my mind whenever I’m stumped about someting. I also like free-writing but not as much as I like having an outline and a specific topic to write about. I love technology it’s also one of my main interests. When it comes to all the new gadgets I probably know about them. I love reading about any kind of new technology that’s coming out and what it provides for the consumer. I’m also certified in computer repair. I studied computer repair in high school where I learned mostly about the hardware of a computer. As well as how to build one, which I think is very convenient. The only word that comes to mind when I think about Utopia is that its a perfect world. Once you get a perfect world in mind you think about that not being possible. Dystopias sounds like the total opposite of Utopia which makes me think of a bad universe, not perfect, and maybe even possible. I am taking this course because it is require for my degree but I’m also very intrigued to see what it’s all about. The reading that we’re going to do sounds interesting so hopefully it’s a good class. I hope i’ll be able to understand utopias and dystopias more in depth.

Who is Anna Norris?



I am an ambitious young woman who came to the United States from Russia.  Ever since I have been learning and growing in various ways, especially in understanding myself and my goals for the future.  Although I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Travel Industry Management, but I feel that I need to explore my potential as a graphic designer. Graphic design appeals to me on many levels and I am hoping that the classes I am taking at the New York City College of Technology will help solidify my career goals. I am very open to learning as much as I possibly can from other professionals and developing my skills and talents in this area.

In fact, art and artistic expression has always been something close to my heart. My love of museums only increased when I moved to New York several years ago. For the first time in my life, I was exposed to an entire spectrum of museums that were well financed, well rounded and spectacular. I found myself returning to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMa many times over. In my years there my parents would take me to different museums and art museums and I was always fascinated with the exhibits.  I found myself returning to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMa many times over. Frankly, in my early visits I tended to enjoy the nature of the Met more than MoMa, it was easier to understand and identify with some of the more traditional exhibits on display at the Met. The more esoteric nature of the MoMa exhibits would sometimes leave me grasping for the deeper meaning of the artist. However, this started to change significantly when I started studying Graphic Design at CUNY. The artistic requirements that are required to be a good graphic artist translated more closely to the modern art at MoMa. I found that I was able to identify with the concepts of abstract art much more closely than in the past. I was developing true appreciation and admiration for the creativity required to create a piece of abstract art. In fact, I found that I was starting to bring a more “abstract” approach to my work at University. I was truly developing a more abstract and creative thought process in my work.

Also, I am also very interested in Broadway performances and various cultural events around town. Gallery openings are also events that I frequent often.  In other words, I enjoy art and see its importance in our world. I feel strongly connected to art on a personal level and also see myself as part of this industry.

My weaknesses is writing . I enjoy reading books, specially history and art books, but I have difficulties to organized my thoughts in writings. I am taking this course, Perspective in Literature,  because is required and thursday class fits my schedule.  However, I am hoping this class help me become a better writer and improve my writings skills.


About Kayla

       Hi, my name is Kayla.  I was born in Brooklyn and I am the oldest out of three children. I have two younger brothers. This is my second semester here at City Tech and my major is dental hygiene. I hope to maybe go onto dental school sometime in the future. A few of my hobbies are cooking and listening to music.

       Once I graduate and earn myself a good enough living I really hope to achieve one of my dreams which is to be able to travel around the world. I would love to see how other countries are including their way of life and to see how different other parts of the world are outside of New York City and America. 

       I chose dental hygiene as my major because I am really interested in the Health Care profession. I know its hard and requires a lot of studying, time and dedication but I feel that it will all be worth it after I am really enjoying the career path I chose for myself and my future.  I am currently working in a dentist office as a dental assistant. This job is really helping me out and I am getting a lot of experience with the dental field, being in a professional work environment and I am learning many new things.  It’s great that my current job is related to what profession I want to do with my future. 
         I’ve never been the kind of person who would read for pleasure but if there’s a book where its highly recommended I would try it out. If I would read something by my own choice I’d read a magazine or the newspaper, especially because they are always left on the subway and they are right there. Writing is something I don’t enjoy too much, but I don’t particularly consider myself a bad writer. I don’t think I have the best vocabulary and I need work on fixing that.  The types of technology I use are computers and cell phones. I’m not too technology savvy, I use the computer to look on the internet, do school work and listen to music. Before taking this class I was very unfamiliar with utopias and dystopias, the only knowledge I have is what I had learned in class. Although this course is required for my major I look forward to taking this class and broadening my vocabulary, improving my writing skills and also maybe gaining an interest of reading. 






Getting to Know Me – Jonathan

Hey, my Name is Jonathan Mesias and I’m 18 years old, some say I don’t look like my age, that I look older. I presently live in Jamaica Queens, New York and been there for a long while. I live with my parents and a Younger brother and a younger sister, which means that I’m the oldest one. Being in College itself is a privilege for me, since my parents never made more higher than high school, I’m the first in the Family to be in College! This is my second semester in this College, my major is Computer engineering. I have to admit, It hasn’t been as easy as I thought , since day 1 I had trouble with classes. As I’ve been learning, in the real world no one will help you if you don’t try. You have to put effort into in things, nothing is easy in this world. Some interest I have is music it self, listening to music calms me. Since I know how to play the Saxophone, sometimes I play to take my Stress away. I’ve always been interested with Technology since a youngster Computers were always exciting to me, and it still is. My goal in life is to be able to make a better living with this major I’m going for, that this major gives me benefits at the end of this Road. During this Break we had, I honestly didn’t want to get myself into any jobs, so I relaxed. Although it wasn’t fun, I had more than enough time to relax, think of what I had coming to me this semester. My plans for this semester is to Make sure I pass every class and put more effort in any thing I do.Mesias.John

Observing myself, I don’t think I have any strengths as a reader, but I do have a lot of weaknesses , I have grammar problems, its really bad. I don’t have a good use of Vocabulary. And I cant read out loud, my nerves kick in and I cant manage to read it well. What I dislike about reading it read things I don’t understand, when they have big vocabulary words, especially shake spears…. I never want to read another book as the one I read in High school. My background with technology? I can say I’m a good user of it , I know how to manage it. the only word that seem familiar was the word Utopia. I’ve had heard the word Topia used in a film, I don’t remember the title I think it was Dinotopia, ha-ha! but what I remember from it-was that it was a land where many loved being in, so I feel utopia means a fantasy land where you want to stay there because everything that’s there you love. the reason im taking this course is mainly because I had to fill in for the requirements to get financial aid, and I also need it for my major so I would have ended up taking it in the future, so why not take it now that I had the chance. My expectation for this course? I honestly don’t know what awaits me…….

Keanu B.

Hello! My name is Keanu and I’m 21 years old. My sign is a cancer, and my favorite color is purple. This is my first semester at City Tech as a transfer student. I’m a Liberal Arts major, although I plan to switch my major next semester to Human Services. I am currently working at a coffee shop in SoHo, where I often meet celebrities :mrgreen: .  In

Parsailing in Puerto Rico

Parsailing in Puerto Rico

my spare time I like to hang out with friends, spend time with my boyfriend, play video games, dance, go to parties, and just have fun. Over the summer I went to Puerto Rico with my boyfriend for my birthday. We had such an amazing time, that we are actually planning on going back this Summer.

I am a HORRIBLE speller, and my grammar could use some work too. I hate writing, although my writing is pretty decent. Sometimes when I write I don’t know how to start or end a paragraph/paper. I usually have a lot of ideas, it’s just getting it on paper and making it make sense.  As for reading, I don’t do it as often as I should. But I don’t like or dislike doing it. I hate having to read boring things, or things that I’m not really interested in. It makes it really hard for me to focus and understand it. My favorite things to read would have to be mystery or crime related. Besides me going on social media sites, browsing the internet, and writing papers, I don’t know much about technology. The only thing I know about utopias and dystopias is what was said in class. I am taking this course because it is required.

Well, who am I.

I am a 20 year old guy from Queens, NY. At City Tech I am currently studying computer information systems (better known as programming). Computer programming is not my ultimate goal though. I am currently waiting to get into the NYPD academy. If everything goes right within the next year, I should be in the January 2015 academy and will graduate in July. I currently work for Target in Asset Protection. It is honestly one of the greatest opportunities I could have asked for. I have met a lot of really cool people with my job and also learned aw bunch of different skills which will be able to help me later on in the NYPD. I also do make some side money filming or taking photos of  sweet 16’s, weddings and all sorts of fun events. Even though my schedule is pretty packed with working full time and going to school 5 days a week, and the occasional filming event to do on a weekend,  I still manage to set time aside for my family, friends and the numerous hobbies I have had. I have a bad habit of switching hobbies pretty often and putting a lot of money into them. Right now my hobbies consist of PC gaming on this. 

I usually only get the luxury of actually sitting down and playing it maybe a few nights out of the week. All depends on how it looks like that week with my schedule and all that kind of stuff. Well I hope this helped you guys get to know me a little better and I look forward to getting to know all of you!

I am Roselyn

IMAG0448My World.

Hi, My name is Roselyn Cintron and I study Hospitality Management at City Tech. This is my second semester at City Tech and so far I am enjoying myself. In the future I will be a front office operation manager. I say “will” instead of “would like to be” because it makes me think that I am wasting my time studying for something I would not become.

I like to read books. In the month of January alone, I read 9 books. I read an entire series called Breathe, written by Rebecca Donovan. I’ve also read Paper Towns and The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene. John Greene has been my favorite author since I read his book Looking for Alaska in High School. I read four more books, 2 out of the 4 we’re apart of series called Seaside, which I am currently reading now. I read anything that catches my attention.

The only knowledge I have on utopias is that its a place where everything is so called perfect. I have no other knowledge on utopias and no knowledge on dystopias. My strength as a writing is getting my point across. My strength as a reader is understanding what the author is trying to portray. My weakness as a writer is coming up with an introduction an conclusion. My weakness as a reader is, if I don’t enjoy the topic, I won’t understand whats going on. I took this class because I wanted to read a book in a English class and I expect to gain an interest in utopias.

A little about me

Photo was taken at Far Rockaway during a Muay Thai competition on the board walk.

Photo was taken at Far Rockaway during a Muay Thai competition on the board walk.

Hey guys, I’m Brian but most people just call me by my last name (Rubio or Roobs). I’m in my 3rd year here at City Tech studying Advertising and Design. My goals are to have my own apparel company, Art Director, or do branding. My hobbies are mainly staying active; I am a martial artist with a concentration in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I’ve been practicing these arts for about 3yrs now and train about 6 days a week. Over the summer I did a little traveling to Florida and Upstate New York. For winter vacation I stayed local mostly but did take a weekend trip to Philly.

I can say I am a creative writer, although I don’t do it often. I really do not enjoy reading I feel like I can learn things quicker and easier by listening. My favorite type of readings are usually articles that are very straight forward and easy to understand. All my life I’ve been into technology. No matter what type or what it’s for, I find it all interesting. I don’t know anything about utopias or dystopias, this class would be the first time I really get an understanding of the concept of both. This class is required for my degree. The only thing I hope to gain from this class is something useful in the real world. I feel most classes are by the books and don’t really prepare students for the outside world.