Finally over! But confused

I have to say, I am extremely happy to be finished with this book. This book was the hardest thing for me to try to blog about. I found this novel very hard to comprehend. I was seriously confused reading this novel from beginning to end. Honestly, I’m not exactly sure what happened throughout the whole story.

The purpose of the character D-503 journal was for unknown outside readers beyond his world. For them to understand The One State way of living, and to subject them to happiness. Throughout the story D-503 struggled with staying on topic with his writing. D-503’s interaction with the character I-330 turned his writing into his infatuation with her. In the beginning of the story D-503 was trying to avoid her. I believe that he knew that something wasn’t right with her, but quickly fell into her trap. I didn’t really understand how he fell for her as quickly as he did.

Brave New World Response #5

After reading these four chapters, I was more interested in the story. At the beginning of the book, I wasn’t so fond of it. But now I guess it got a little easier to understand, and I’m enjoying it.

In chapter 10 I found it ironic how the Director was going to fire Bernard and send him away to exile because of his weird actions. When all along the director was the one that committed something that their people were completely against. He made someone a mother, something that their people were foreign to. Being parents was laughed at among their people. Instead of him firing Bernard, he quit because of his embarrassment and his disloyal ways to what his people stand for.

One thing that caught my attention within these four chapters was the relationship between Lenina and John. Lenina seems to have strong feelings for John. In chapter 13 Lenina is talking to her friend Franny. She states “but he’s the one I want” (pg.171). Franny then says “Don’t think about him….take soma” (pg.171). “I do…But in the intervals I still like him. I shall always like him” (pg.171) states Lenina. But she is not alone. John seems to have feelings for her as well. Although, they are both unsure if the other likes them back as well. In this chapter Lenina goes to see John to confess how much she likes him. She takes half a gramme of soma upon arriving at John’s room. When she arrives, he seems to not look happy to see her. It’s because he was expecting someone else. Nevertheless he is happy, because now he can confess his love for her. Lenina tries to kiss John, but instead he starts talking about proving his worth to her. By this he wants to bring her the skin of a mountain lion. Lenina is confused to why he is acting this way. He’s pretty much telling her he would do anything to show her how much he loves her. He starts talking about marriage, how where he’s from people get married. “For always. They make a promise to live together for always” (pg.174) stated John. At this point Lenina is horrified by the idea. But she still likes him, and continues to throw herself on him. At this point Lenina is trying to seduce him by taking off her clothes and trying to touch on him. Now John is the one that’s horrified. He’s confused at her weird actions, so he calls her a whore. Obviously Lenina and John come from different worlds. Where certain things are acceptable, and others aren’t. For Lenina, in her world if you like someone you then express it through sex. For John, in his world if you like someone you prove your worth then you get married. That why when they would try to “seduce” each other, the other was confused to why they would take that kind of action.

I found it funny that when Bernard finally started to get a good reputation, he allowed it to go to his head. He bragged about how many women he had within a week. He didn’t think much of his new found popularity. He thought that being John’s “guardian” would help his popularity stay afloat. But in the end, John was behind the reason why his popularity didn’t last long.

Brave New World Chapters 6-9 Reading Response #4

It was kind of difficult for me to read these three chapters. It had a lot going on. To me it didn’t really seem to stay on topic with what the author wanted the reader to get from it. Hence making It difficult for me to understand. Nevertheless, whatever I did understand, I  did enjoy.

The more I read this story, the more it reminds me of the short story The Machine Stops. The character in Brave New World Bernard Marx, reminds me so much of Kuno from The Machine Stops. To me they both have similar mind sets. They both feel as though they are different. They believe that the world that they live in isn’t right. They wish to have their own thoughts and feelings about things, and not be like everyone else. They want to follow their heart and do what they feel is right, not what they are told or “conditioned” to think.

In chapter 6 (part one) the author reveals that Bernard has some internal conflict with himself. He struggles with what he wants to do, and what his society thinks of him. Everyone knows that he isn’t like everyone else. In the beginning of the chapter the character Lenina described him as odd. Her friend Franny explanation for Bernard being different was “alcohol in his blood-surrogate” (pg.88).   There’s certain things that people like doing, but Bernard rather do something else. For example, he would rather sit alone with Lenina all night to talk, instead of playing electro-magnetic golf.  “It makes me feel as though I were more me, if you see what I mean. More on my own, not so completely part of something else. Not just a cell in the social body” (pg.90). This quote means to me that Bernard wants to have his own thoughts and opinions. He wants to do what he thinks is fun, not what someone of higher authority tells him what’s fun. He wants to be his own individual, not slump together with others. “But wouldn’t you like to be free to be happy in some other way Lenina? In your own way, for example; not in everyone else’s way” (pg.90). He wants to do what makes him happy, not what he is told should make him happy. At this point Lenina is in shock at his statement. She states “why don’t you take soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours. You’d forget all about them. And instead of being miserable, you’d be jolly” (pg.91). At this point Bernard gives in and takes the soma. I think he did it to make her stop complaining and to seem like everyone else.

There are also some similarities among the characters Lenina from Brave New World, and Vashti from The Machine Stops. They both come off to me as people who follow the rules and someone who wouldn’t dare to be different. They both follow societies thoughts on what’s right and wrong (in a sense). Both Lenina and Vashti think that someone having their own idea isn’t normal.

Brave New World, Chapters 1-5

Reading this story, it kind of reminded me of one of the previous stories that we read, The Machine Stops. In the novel Brave New World starts off describing a factory which I believe may be one of the main settings of the story. The setting is located in London at Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. The story takes place at some weird time in the future. In this factory human beings are being produce by asexual production instead of sexual production (as already mentioned by Kali). In the factory the babies are being created in test tubes, with preselected destinies already planned out for them. In said factory, the babies are also being placed in a caste system that consists of Gamma, Beta, Delta, Alpha, and Epsilon. It’s obvious that this story is dystopian, by the fact that everyone has preselected destinies and placed into a caste system.

At the beginning of the story, there’s a group of students that are being given a tour of the factory by the director. The students are given the run down about how the process works with creating the test tube babies. The author Aldous Huxley uses plenty of imagery to make the reader get the feel of the setting. It makes you feel like as if you are really there experiencing it.

In chapter two, the thing that stood out to me the most was the experiment that the nurses did with the babies. The nurse presents flowers and books to a group of babies. The babies are allowed to play and get familiar with the items. Then the nurse sets of an alarm and an electric shock to the babies. At this point the babies are screaming with terror. Afterwards the nurse tries to present the items to the babies again, but they refuse. Now in the babies mind, they believe that the flowers and books set off the alarm and the electric shock. So now they don’t want to play with it anymore. This reminded me of something I learned in one of my psychology classes. This is called Pavlov Classical Condition (also mentioned by Denise). They did this to get them to like and dislike certain things.

In this timeframe peoples thoughts and actions were controlled by a higher authority. Who they would become what they did, what they would like and dislike was not in their hands to control.

In the novel, the author uses repetition a lot. One of the phrases that he emphasizing is “every one belongs to every one else.” This quote means to me that everyone shares significant others. Well technically, they cant really be significant if they aren’t yours to have.

This story isn’t really the most interesting so far, but I guess I’ll just have to wait and read more.

Reading Response #2 The Machine Stops

First off, this story was far more interesting to read then the other two. Although it was quite long, I enjoyed reading it. The setting of the story takes place years and years into the future.  After reading this story, it made me realize how much technology has really consumed our world. Today, we use our smartphones, or our computers to communication with others instead of doing so in person. In the story they used a machine to communicate with each other, which also controlled everything in their surrounds.

In the first section of the story The Air Ship, the character Vashti is called upon by her son Kuno through the machine. He wishes to see her in person and not through the machine. “You mustn’t say anything against the Machine”(pg2), said his mother. Kuno stated, “You talk as if a god had made the Machine. I believe you pray to it when you are unhappy. The Machine is much, but it is not everything”(pg2). In the story the people had become so depended on the machine, which they began to worship. Kuno believes that his mother is one of them.

Kuno’s character comes off as hopeful in humanity. He believes what he wants to believe. He’s adventurous and open minded. As for his mother Vashti, she comes off as a follower. She sticks to what she is told is right, not what she feels. She comes off as arrogant as if she knows everything because of the book.

The Machine seems to control everything from their thoughts, surrounds, their society and to their actions. “Each infant was examined at birth, and all who promised undue strength were destroyed” (pg11). It seems to me that the Machine didn’t want anyone to be stronger than it. The Machine wanted to have and keep control of the people.

In the second section of the story The Mending Apparatus, Kuno is explaining to his mother his journey to the surface of the earth. He stats “cannot you see, that it is we that are dying, and that down here the only thing that really lives is the Machine? We created the Machine, to do our will, but we cannot make it do our will now” (pg15). The people of this time created the machine to make their lives easier, but over time the machine grew more power and wanted to rule the people.

Reading Response #1

I didn’t really understand the short story The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. The first 4.5 pages of this story was kind of boring to me. I felt that the first couple of pages was just filler for the real part of the story. What I got from this short story was that the city Omelas was a great beautiful place to live. Everyone in the town was happy, the people was cultured. Omelas was a perfect little town, and the perfect place to be. Although it came off as the city was so happy and joyful. Come to find out it was hiding a terrible secret. There was a child locked away in a small room in one of the buildings of the city. This child was filthy, naked, malnourished, sad and alone. It was afraid of any and everything. Everyone from the town of Omelas knew that the child was there. Why was this child there? If the people knew that the child was there, why wouldn’t or couldn’t they help him/her? This was because their city thrived on the child’s unhappiness. The city wouldn’t and couldn’t be joyful or happy or cultured, if the child wasn’t locked away. In the text it stated, “they all know that it has to be there. Some of them understood why, and some do not, but they all understand that their happiness, the beauty of the city……depends wholly on this child’s abominable misery.” How could a town of people be so happy that a child is locked away? How could people let a child suffer? According to the short story, the people of Omelas wanted to help the poor child. But they couldn’t. In the text it stated, “but if it were done, in that day and hour all the prosperity and beauty and delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed. Those are the terms. To exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for that single, small improvement: to throw away the happiness of thousands for the chance of the happiness of one: that would be to let guilt within the walls indeed.” To me it sounds like Utilitarianism. Which is that all action should aim for the maximum amount of happiness, for the greatest number of people.


I struggled so much trying to read The Day Before the Revolution. I could not read it straight through. I felt that it was really really long, and I could hardly focus. Le Guin uses a lot of imagery in both literary works. I didn’t really understand anything the author was trying to convey with this story. The only thing that I got from this short story is that, Laia the old women started a revolution many years ago. She suffered from a stroke, and her husband is long gone. I can’t really say much about this story. Although it was difficult for me to read and understand The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas, the message was more clear there then it was in The Day Before the Revolution.

Keanu B.

Hello! My name is Keanu and I’m 21 years old. My sign is a cancer, and my favorite color is purple. This is my first semester at City Tech as a transfer student. I’m a Liberal Arts major, although I plan to switch my major next semester to Human Services. I am currently working at a coffee shop in SoHo, where I often meet celebrities :mrgreen: .  In

Parsailing in Puerto Rico

Parsailing in Puerto Rico

my spare time I like to hang out with friends, spend time with my boyfriend, play video games, dance, go to parties, and just have fun. Over the summer I went to Puerto Rico with my boyfriend for my birthday. We had such an amazing time, that we are actually planning on going back this Summer.

I am a HORRIBLE speller, and my grammar could use some work too. I hate writing, although my writing is pretty decent. Sometimes when I write I don’t know how to start or end a paragraph/paper. I usually have a lot of ideas, it’s just getting it on paper and making it make sense.  As for reading, I don’t do it as often as I should. But I don’t like or dislike doing it. I hate having to read boring things, or things that I’m not really interested in. It makes it really hard for me to focus and understand it. My favorite things to read would have to be mystery or crime related. Besides me going on social media sites, browsing the internet, and writing papers, I don’t know much about technology. The only thing I know about utopias and dystopias is what was said in class. I am taking this course because it is required.