
In a mathematically impeccable world such as the One State, a square seems to be the most symmetrically perfect shape to reflect the overall life in the One State. Everything must be carried out with precision and the citizens of the One State must abide by the table of rules given to them by their God, the benefactor. They are never to think, desire, or question anything outside of this way of life; they are confined to a square mentality. With this essay I will analyze how the narrator, D-503, unconsciously questions this square of a society as well as breaks out of his own mental square.

We first must analyze the way of life in the One State to understand the analogy between the One State and that of a square. Beginning with the concept of uniformity, “thousands of numbers, in pale blue unifs, with golden badges on their breasts, bearing the State Number of each man and woman.” (5) As this excerpt clearly states, the people in the One State are to wear the exact same uniform, preventing any physical form of individuality. Individuality means weakness in a society like this, because a person that is allowed to think and be different is a potential threat to the well being of the society; the greater good.

Further examples of uniformity are found throughout the book, but they all lead down the same road of constraint. Life down to the very second was controlled in the One State, this was carried out by the “Table of Hours”. “But our Table of Hours! Why, it transforms each one of us into a figure of steel, a six-wheeled hero of a mighty epic poem. Every morning, with six-wheeled precision, at the same hour and the same moment, we- millions of us- get up as one. At the same hour, in million-headed unison, we start work […] designated by the table, we lift our spoons to our mouths. (12) We observe in this excerpt how the system (people of the One State) carries them selves in unison. They take pride in their togetherness because they know of nothing else but this table. Again confining them into a single-minded way of thinking, the perfect square.

After understanding the One State and the square they live in we can now begin to analyze how D-503 views this society. In the beginning chapters D-503 states something very interesting: “Now, think of a square, a living, beautiful square. And imagine that it must tell you about itself, about its life. You understand, a square would scarcely ever think of telling you that all it’s four angles are equal: this has become so natural, so ordinary to it that it’s simply no longer consciously aware of it. And so with me: I find myself continually in this square’s position.” (20) We see here that D-503 compares his ways of life to be as natural as the corners of a square. This could be seen two ways, the most direct way is that D-503 feels that describing his way of life is unnatural since it has become part of him. Second interpretation can be that he feels that he is trapped in this squared society and knows nothing but this life. So it would be unnatural to say something outside of this.

infinite numbers – infinite revolution

A particular part of the 30th entry caught my eye; It was explanation of the revolution planned by I-330. “”My dear – you are a mathematician. More – you are a philosopher, a mathematical philosopher. Well, then: name me the final number.” What do you mean? I . . . I don’t understand: what final number?” “Well, the final, the ultimate, the largest.” “But that’s preposterous! If the number of numbers is infinite, how can there be a final number?”” (174) In the excerpt, I-330 challenges D-503 in a way that he can understand her reason or cause for a revolution. This shows the subtle differences between the two and their position in society, mentally. D-503, even more then half way through the book still needs things to be explained at a more mathematical level for him to understand outside of his square mind created by the One State. No matter how far along in the story we are D-503 always reverts back to his safe zone, his square mind, the One State.

I-330 explains the revolution a little further and compares it to the final number. “Then how can there be a final revolution? There is no final one; revolutions are infinite. The final one is for children: children are frightened by infinity, and it’s important that children sleep peacefully at night . . .” (174) With this excerpt I-330 explains that her plan is not to end the One State in one shot but to continue a revolution for children and for their future. She has a sort of hope that children will question the One State and all it stands for just as she has, and will band together for the same cause. Maybe in doing this slowly and secretively will create more numbers and will eventually be enough to overthrow the One State, only a few rebels are powerless.

Concluding from the previous excerpt that children will go on to be the new rebels in the One State, I-330 states that “Children are the only bold philosophers. And bold philosophers are invariably children. Exactly, just like children, we must always ask, ‘And what next?” (175). Understood in this quote is a very interesting way of looking at things. Children truly are bold philosophers inside or outside of the contexts of this book. Questioning everything trying to find a final cause, children are naturally curious. In leaving her mark on this society as a rebel, it can be the spark that will ignite a flame of questioning in these children, and hopefully have it spread throughout to the others. Possibly and eventually leading to the down fall of the One State.

D-503 responds to this rebellious talk and says “There’s nothing next! Period. Throughout the universe – spread uniformly – everywhere. . . .” then I-330 says “Ah: uniformly, everywhere! That’s exactly where it is – entropy, psychological entropy.” (175). I-330 responds to D-503’s ignorance and basically says that this system that he cherishes so much will lead to psychological entropy, a unpredictable change in behavior. I-330 believes that spreading this way of life throughout the universe may be working fine now but down the line it will change and the people will become unpredictable, one of the major fears of the One State; any utopian/dystopian novel.

Finding himself.

We began as a journal to show the way of life in the One State as seen through the eyes of its most prized mathematicians, but in these few chapters, I feel as if it has become a quest for D-503 to find himself. D-503 has developed into a troubled character and it is clear to us the readers that he in unsure of himself and his feelings towards the society. Although he understands the consequences that may happen if the One State were to find out his thoughts and actions, he carries on with caution and uses this “journal” as an escape into his own mind.

We realize that in his eighteenth entry D-503 states “I was alone …. It was essentially an unnatural sight: imagine a human finger cut off the whole, from a hand -a separate human finger, running, stooped and bobbing, up and down, along the glass pavement. I was that finger. And the strangest, the most unnatural thing of all was that the finger had no desire whatever to be on the hand, to be with others [. . .]” (103) D-503 is clearly accepting the fact that he was alone, and wanted to be alone. He had no desire to be a part of this society any more. Is this because he has realized all the restrictions that were put upon the society in order to maintain happiness? Or is it because he longs to find out more about himself and the only way this will ever happen is breaking free from the One State. Either way, we now know D-503 is unhappy in a place he once spoke to highly of and would rather be separate from it; alone.

We’ve also noticed on several occasions that D-503 he sees himself as being sick/ill. I believe he wants to make himself and others think he is sick to sort of compensate for acting or thinking abnormally. He wants to believe that his feelings towards other characters like O-90 and I-330 are not real but effects of this “illness” he has. When in reality, D-503 has grown apart from the One State, mentally. “My dear, you don’t look normal, you look sick – for abnormality and sickness are but the same thing. You are ruining yourself, but no one, no one will tell you that.” (131). Here we have some evidence that this “sickness” is not real. Nothing is wrong with D-503, he is simply growing into his own person, or rather, growing out of the One States’s norm. The One State is covering up his individuality by calling it a sickness. A lie that even D-503 believes; this can be evidence of his loyalty yet to the One State, by believing what he is told with no questions asked, yet.

What I feel makes D-503 human is I-330. She is his weakness and the only way we see happiness in D-503 is when they are together or when he speaks/thinks/writes of her. The journal is meant to speak of the “grandeur” and “extolling” the beauty of the One State but instead D-503 speaks this way of I-330. An example is found when D-503 says “And I am a crystal. I dissolve in her. I feel with utmost clarity how the polished facets that delimit me in space are melting away, away – I vanish, dissolve in her lap, within her, I grow smaller and smaller and at the same time even wider, ever larger, expanding into immensity […] Darling, forgive me! I don’t know – I talk such nonsense, so foolishly. . .” (131-132) This excerpt shows the creative and heartfelt way D-503 writes about I-330, something we have yet to see him do for the One State.

Ancient House – I-330 the rebel

The first encounter of I-330 and D-503 at the “Ancient House” was very strange. It was the first time they officially met and spoke. The way this place was described reminded me of the savage reservation in “A Brave New World”. “I opened a heavy, creaking, opaque door, and we stepped into a gloomy, disorderly place (they called it an “apartment”). The same strange “royal” musical instrument—and again the wild, disorganized, mad music, like the other time—a jumble of colors and forms. A white flat area above; dark blue walls; red, green, and orange bindings of ancient books; yellow bronze—chandeliers, a statue of Buddha; furniture built along lines convulsed in epilepsy, incapable of being fitted into an equation.” (26). D-503 describes this “apartment” like an alien world, in the one state they are so used to things being so mathematically correct and unformed that an natural place like this was quite confusing for him. Everything that seems normal to us the reader seemed very wrong and unnatural to D-503. Colors, music, and even furniture were out of the norm and “incapable of being fitted into an equation”. Another example I found was when he describes a little of the children’s room “We crossed a room with small children’s beds (the children at that time were also private property) . Then more rooms, glimmering mirrors, somber wardrobes, intolerably gaudy sofas, a huge “fireplace,” a large mahogany bed. Our modern- beautiful, transparent, eternal—glass was there only in the pathetic, fragile little window squares.”(27) In this excerpt we see how D-503 mocks the only piece of glass in the house by calling them “fragile little window squares”. From this we get a slight hint of how he feels towards the “ancient” world compared to his “modern, beautiful, transparent, and eternal” world.

We then begin to see a dialogue between the two which somewhat confusing to me, as well as D-503 himself. He has mixed feelings about I-330 and describes them as such. We find this in “This, of course was natural: I saw myself reflected in her eyes. But what I was feeling was unnatural and unlike me (it must have been the opressive effect of the surroundings). I felt definitely frightened. I felt trapped, imprisoned in that primitive cage, caught by the savage whirlwind of the ancient life.” where he describes a strange feeling towards I-330 but then quickly blames it on being overwhelmed by the ancient house surroundings. This feeling I believe will only get stronger and hopefully a little more clearer so that we the readers can better understand why he acts this way towards I-330.

“Clearly,” she interrupted me, “to be original is to be in some way distinct from others. Hence, to be original is to violate equality. And that which in the language of the ancients was called ‘being banal’ is with us merely the fulfillment of our duty. Because …” […] “Don’t you find it astonishing that once upon a time people tolerated such characters? And not only tolerated, but worshiped them? What a slavish spirit! Don’t you think?” (28,29) With this we begin to see a little more of the way I-330 thinks. She seems to have an appreciation for the ancient times and ways of life compared to the modern day that they live in. We also note that she is a bit of a rebel, some evidence of tis is shown when she tells D-503 “And if I asked you to remain here with me?” “Look, do you … do you know what you are saying? In ten minutes I must be in the auditorium […] “I know a doctor at the Medical Office, he is registered with me. If I ask him, he will give you a certificate that you were sick. Well?” (29) Everyone knows that everyone must attend this meeting yet she wants to arrange for D-503 to stay at the ancient house with her? Also can make a call to a doctor for an excuse. These are definitely things not allowed in the One State, I-330 seems to be the rebel in the story.


We have finally reached the end of this story and I am left unsatisfied. Questions about the society have been answered yes, but I do not like the ending of the characters. Questions about what happens to the characters now and what fate are they left to. Are these questions left to the reader to figure out?

Bernard the coward. In the last few chapters our protagonist Bernard has shown to be nothing but a coward that will do anything to be accepted by his “Fordship” or to look like a sort of hero as seen in the last couple chapters when he introduced the savages. Analyzing his character throughout the story, Bernard seemed like the character that would eventually rebel against the system and express his own views and ideas. I realized that after his downfall at the party he completely lost his momentum in the story. We see in chapter 16 Bernard says “You can’t send me. I haven’t done anything. It was the others. I swear it was the others.” He pointed accusingly yo Helmholtz and the savage. “Oh, please don’t send me to Iceland. I promise I’ll do what I ought to do. Give me another chance. Please give me another chance. (203). We clearly see Bernard give up and as we say “throws under the bus” his supposed two best friends, the only people he can relate to. Without question puts full blame on them like nothing just to get out of this inevitable and certain relocation. I found this to be the most cowardly act from Bernard, crying and pleading to take the “others” instead of himself. We later see him asking for forgiveness in chapter 18 “And by the way John,” he continued, leaning forward in his chair and laying a hand on the Savage’s knee, “I want to say how sorry I am about everything that happened yesterday.” He blushed. “How ashamed,” he went on, in spite of the unsteadiness of his voice.” (217) We can see how confused and out of place Bernard is, clearly his mental state is unstable and relocation is the best option for him. Until he finds himself, he will remain under the shadow of Helmholtz even on the island.

The calm and accepting Helmhotlz. Completely opposite of Bernard, he accepts his fate of being sent away to an island with pleasure “By the way, Mr. Watson, would you like a tropical climate? The Marquesas, for example; or Samoa? Of something rather more bracing?” Helmholtz rose from his pneumatic chair. “I should like a thoroughly bad climate,” he answered. “I believe one would write better if the climate were bad. If there were a lot of wind and storms, for example. . .” (206) I feel as if Helmholtz remains strong and proud as an Alpha should, accepting his fate and speaking to someone with such power as the worlds controller with no problem or tremor in his voice is definitely admirable. He keeps his composure as well as controls Bernard’s tantrums. I feel he will do well in the islands, I can sense he will find himself and more people to discover what he has been questioning about himself since our introduction to his character.

John’s sad fate. John’s character has really has hit his highs and lows. He is being taught about the world state’s society throughout his time being there. I personally think it was too much for him to understand and take in. Not being born into this lifestyle made everything harder to picture and believe. I also believe that the combination of the Savage way of life and the World State’s “civil” way, were polar opposites and not easy on John to comprehend. In chapter 17, John and Mustapha have a lengthy conversation on religion and the way things “should” be compared to the way they are. Both sides of the arguments seem to make a lot of sense in their own way, and as readers we now fully understand and can grasp why things are the way they are in the World State. John on the other hand chooses to do things the way he feels is right. Ultimately, we find that John gives into his thoughts of Lenina, which go against what he was trying to prove to himself that he was able to overcome and ends his life.

This ending has me wondering what will happen with Lenina, one of the only characters that had he most interaction with the main characters. She also knows the most about how Bernard truly felt. Will she ignore what she heard? Will her love for John fade away now that he’s dead? Will Mond or anyone find out about what happened between her and John? Will she be exiled if they do find out?

Really liked the story regardless of the ending, just wished Huxley left us with some closure on the characters.

Effects and uses of soma

So in these chapters I feel that the use of soma has really shown itself to be useful in different ways. We find this through characters that we have grown to understand little by little and observe the exact moment and situations that cause them to intake this “feel good” drug.

Taking soma when feeling uncomfortable. A prime example of this is in Lenina’s character. Throughout the book we observe that Lenina has the tendency of feeling very uncomfortable in certain situations or conflicts with other characters. First example is when she took soma after being rejected by John on her roof in chapter 11″Drying her eyes, Lenina walked across the roof to the lift. On her way down to the twenty-seventh floor she pulled out her soma bottle. One gramme she decided, would not be enough; hers had been more than a one-gramme affliction.” (157). We can tell she does not take rejection lightly being that her first reaction to sadness is to take soma. Another example is in chapter 12 (163) when Lenina says “I’d better take a couple of gramme of soma” after the Arch-Community-Songster asks her to join him. We can tell she does not want to go, making her feel uncomfortable and of course she resorts to soma.

Linda is another interesting case in the use of soma. In this case we find that she is using it to sort of forget all that has happened to her in the reservation. Soma-holiday as they call it; a permanent way of drowning her out of the society she once was apart of. Knowingly putting Linda into a state of “eternity” where she would be out of the way and out of sight chapter 11 (143). John and Dr. Shaw ultimately knew that consuming this much soma would eventually kill her, but the “bright-side of this was that yes, the soma would shorten her life in real time but will lengthen it in “immeasurable time” out in eternity.”. I find it very interesting that this was there way of fixing this situation. Having all this advance technology and way of life. They found Linda unable to be “rejuvenated” and they did not feel bad about it. They prefer it this way, why? Maybe she could have corrupted the society with what she knew from the reservation.

We move onto our protagonist Bernard, the one character I thought would never touch soma. He seemed so against it in the first couple of chapters but lately we’ve seen something different. In chapter 12 “Watching them, listening to their talk, he found himself sometimes resentfully wishing that he had never brought them together. He was ashamed of his jealousy and alternately made efforts of will and took soma to keep himself from feeling it.” (166). Observed in this part of the book, Bernard finally uses soma to subside his true feelings on the newly found relationship between Helmholtz and John. He simply cannot accept the fact that they instantly bonded over literature and rhymes, a bond that Bernard thought only he had with John. Bernard knows that the soma does not help his situations, so it leaves me to wonder why he continues to take it. Is it him finally giving into his conditioning? or is he trying to find an accepted way of escape? Many questions arise from Bernard use of soma, but what we do know is that he takes it when is trying to cope with an unrecognizable feeling or urge. Feelings that are normal to us the reader and completely frowned upon in the World’s State.

Bernard’s conflicts

In these few chapters there are so many turning points and major factors that help us better understand the characters in A Brave New World. I was definitely not expecting so much to happen in just a couple of chapters. I would like focus the attention to who I feel was is the main character or protagonist at this point, which is Bernard. Bernard’s character has caught my attention as a reader since our first introduction to him even though he did not necessarily play a major role in the beginning of the story. He has slowly made his way into the spotlight and has continued to show us the readers around the “Worlds State”. I found that in these chapters Bernard’s internal and external conflicts are a bit more evident.

The first external conflict I came cross is between Bernard and Lenina. On page 89 in conversation between the two, we observe that Benard has deeper feeling for Lenina then just to “have her”. He wishes to talk to her and take long walks, Lenina does not understand why Bernard would want to do all this and I believe its because of her conditioning. Her conditioning does not allow her or anyone for that matter to be “attached” emotionally to anyone. I also noticed that when Lenina is over whelmed by what Bernard tries to tell her she simply takes her soma and zones out. This option is easier then to try and listen.

I also found the on pages 90-91 in a conversation between Bernard and Lenina, Bernard explains to her about wanting to be free from the enslavement of his conditioning. “As though I were more me, if you see what I mean. More on my own, not so completely a part of something else. Not just a cell in the social body. . . what would it be like if I could. If i were free – not enslaved by my conditioning.” He tries to explain to her that he wants to be free in his own way, not the superficial freedom that everyone else believes they have.

Reading on we find ourselves with another conflict; With the D.H.C. On pg 94, Benard enters the directors office to pick up his permit to go to the savage reservation. To some up the conversation. The director tells Benard a story about when he himself went into to reservation with a women he was “having” at the time. Benard notices a bit of sentiment in the directors tone but the director quickly cuts the story short as if to be ashamed and even reassures Bernard it was nothing on pg 95 “Don’t imagine, he said, that I’d had any indecorous relation  with the girl. Nothing emotional, nothing long-drawn. It was all perfectly healthy and normal.” This made me wonder, if this was supposedly already known to the society. Why did he need to reassure Bernard about it?. My suspicions were later confirmed by the threat of being transferred to Iceland and later we find the transfer actually went through on pg 100.

As far as internal conflicts go, we’ve had small glimpses of the struggles that Bernard is currently going through. We notice that because of the very obvious difference in physical attributes Bernard has compared to other Alphas, it has made him mentally unstable. I feel as if this one aspect of his life has triggered him to question everything else. I get this idea from a previous chapter where because of his lack physical features and abilities he gained “mental excess” making him smarter then the average Alpha. Giving him an ability to analyze himself, his options, his life, and his choices in general.

When Benard reaches the reservation, he is like a child in a candy store. Although his conditioning holds him back and gives him a feeling of being uncomfortable, he still is very curious about the way of life there. He wants to know how the people of the reservation have lived without order, unaided, and so savagely. He gets his answers through Johns life and the things he has been through. I believe Bernard sees himself in John and can connect to him through pain of being an outcast and being shut out of everything, examples can be seen on pg 128.

I cannot wait to see the directors reaction when Bernard brings John and Linda back to London in the upcoming chapters.

“Everybody’s happy now”

Beginning “A Brave New World” the first and second pages immediately caught my attention. The story begins with the a sort of “walk-through” of the facility, including detailed descriptions of the attire and of the people working here – “The overalls of the workers were white, their hands gloved with a pale corpse-coloured rubber.” (15). We also get introduced to the first character which happens to be the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning or D.H.C for short. This character walks around a group of students introducing the different areas of the facility and describes what is done in specific each area. I found it very interesting the way Huxley describes these areas in such a futuristic manner and so convincing; It made me believe that this place was actually real. This way of using the characters and create a situation in which it seems that the students are being shown around but in fact it is the reader that is being shown around the facility. I felt as if I was on that same tour, learning and being fascinated by this state-of-the-art “hatchery” as they call it. Learning about how they’ve managed to advance and improve the reproduction cycle using the “Bokanovsky’s Process” was remarkable. “One egg, one embryo, one adult- normality. But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety-six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full-sized adult. Making ninety-six human beings grow where only one grew before. Progress.” (17). I was thinking to myself if only this was something scientifically possible today! Reading along I start to get familiar with the several rooms and the exact purpose they served in the growth of these embryos. For example the “Decanting Room” was a dark room in which the embryos would develop according to their designated caste. Each embryo or caste group were set at a specific revolution and were given certain liquids/chemicals to enhance or discourage certain traits made for that specific caste. Which then brought me into recognizing the classes of caste this society had. Caste were named after the greek alphabet, these caste (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, & Epsilon) were in a hierarchy format. Alphas being the strongest, more attractive, and more intelligent. Down to epsilons which were seen as the lowest yet still usable for the dirty work. When these humans were being created designated a caste, they were already  “predestined” by the facility. Meaning, as young embryos they were being programmed to be exactly what was needed. For example “But why do you want to keep an embryo below par?. . . . Hasn’t it occurred to you that an Epsilon embryo must have an Epsilon environment as well as an Epsilon heredity?. . .The lower the caste the…the shorter the oxygen” (24). This quote was in regards of how the facility creates a sort of retardation in Epsilons by shortening their oxygen supply just enough were they still can function proper; by function they mean work.

Aside from the hierarchy in mental and physical attributes, they were also segregated by clothing color: Alpha-Grey, Beta-Unknown, Gamma-Green, Delta-Khaki, & Epsilon-Black. To further separate the caste from each other they were conditioned through a recording instilling the desired moral values played during the child’s sleep; a technique used by the facility from an old story about a young polish boy that recalled things said from a radio station that was played on accident in his sleep. They realized this wasn’t useful for intellectual training but rather moral training.

After Huxley introduces us to the facility and the way things are created and why. He begins introducing us to more characters that carry on the story. We notice some relationships and interactions. My attention was brought to a character named Mustapha Mond. He is the “Resident Controller for Western Europe; One of the Ten World Controllers” (40). This character is shown a tremendous amount of respect from the time he enters the story, he also seems to know a lot of the history of Ford before it became what is shown today. In the first paragraph on page 41, Mustapha gives a major detail about knowledge of our (the reader) worlds history; everything from Bibles to Poetry. He also gives some insight on how parental figures used to be; During this, some students from the group felt sick. As if these ideas were so repulsive it made them sick to their stomachs to even think about it. Although we don’t know much of this character I feel he will definitely be our only connection to the past via the “Controllers”.

Some values of this society are exposed during the introduction of Mustapha Mond. For example “No pains have been spared to make your lives emotionally easy – to preserve you, so far as that is possible, from having emotions at all.” (49). From this quote I realized that the people were made in laboratories and raised exactly how they “The Controllers” wanted and providing them with everything they need to survive (stability) to prevent them from ever have emotional ties to anyone. This made it easy for them to concentrate on the work they were given to do. Another value is the “every one belongs to every one else” (48). This society believed in polygamy and were very open about sexual acts with one another, anything else was seen as abnormal. Many examples are shown throughout pages 46-49. Also seen, was that the society knew they they were all different in terms of the caste hierarchy but “All men are physico-chemically equal”(76) and even in death “even Epsilons perform indispensable services”(76)

Another character that caught my attention was Bernard Marx. Bernard is an Alpha, yet barely has the features of one. An example is shown in a conversation between Lenina and Fanny: “He’s so ugly!” said Fanny. “But I rather like his looks” “And then so small.” Fanny made a grimace; smallness was so horribly and typically low-caste.”. Also “Benard’s physique was hardly better then that of the average Gamma. He stood eight centimetres short of the standard Alpha height and was slender in proportion (69). Bernard knows he looks like an outsider “Contact with members of the lower castes always reminded him painfully of his physical inadequacy. . .his self-consciousness was acute and distressing. . .he felt humiliated” (69). This would cause him to isolate himself from every one. I also notice he is very defensive and thinks differently of people but does not show it. Although Bernard does not show rebellion against Ford, he does seem like he will be a troublesome character and may cause internal conflicts. An example of this is in his thoughts, overhearing a conversation about Lenina between Henry Foster and a coworker: “Talking about her as though she were a bit of meat.”. Bernard ground his teeth. “Have her here, have her there. Like mutton. Degrading her to so much mutton. . . “Oh, Ford, Ford, Ford.” He would have liked to go up to them and hit them in the face – hard, again and again. (51). What we do know is that what Bernard does not have in brawn he has in metal excess. As well as Bernard’s good friend Helmholtz Watson, another Alpha. Watson is a lecturer at the College of Emotional Engineering and is the prime example of an Alpha but yet is having trouble finding pleasure in the usual sports and communal activities.

I’m definitely eager to find out what happens in the upcoming chapters.

The pastoral life


The day begins with music and ends with it too. No day can function without it. Everything lives through the music. Machinery roll with the according tempo needed to run. Faster machines need a faster tempo, so the people that love that sort of music were obviously chosen to work in that field. The world is a much simpler place now; no weapons for war and no colors to hate. Everyone is of the same shade and raised with the same values. The idea is of equality, it was understood within the population that everyone is to have an equal and reasonable way of living. If one person was to want something different or more then it would be analyzed by the only “higher up”in the community. This person is nor male or female and is completely impartial. This person is not seen as a god or form of mandate to the people. It is seen for exactly what it does, which is to analyze the suggestions of the people and see if it can be beneficial to the population as a whole. If passed then the entire community receives this upgrade.

As the days go by and the music continues life is in tune. Not one person disagrees with the other. Everyone greets each other and carries on with their daily routines. Life, in some forms is the same as it used to be. By this I mean, everyone can have their own business, career, or profession as long as it falls in tune and does not cause discrepancies. The people remain at peace and happy with this way of living therefore there is no violence or animosity against anything or anyone.

The land is very well taken care of, completely different then the years before them. The people believe in taking care of what takes care of them. One of the values instilled into the population as children. The grass is the healthiest shade of green and and the sky is the purest blue you can imagine. Just as the people take care of the land, they take care of themselves. Exercise is seen as part of the daily routine, although not obligatory. The land gives such healthy produce that each individual is eating healthy without trying; There are no artificial foods or preservatives.

Technology is far more advanced then ever imagined but the people do not rely on it. Human interactions are key in keeping this community healthy; all types of technologies have advanced, from entertainment to medical but all are used as a final option. Some technology went into the infrastructure of the buildings. To create a stable and safer environment.

For those who rebel against this way of living or are not in tune with society there is a place called “the pit”. The pit is not talked about or not even known about by the population. It is believed that some people are born rebellious/evil. This keeps those people out of the pure/safe society. The way these rebels are extracted is, once a crime or offense is committed the person receives an alert/mail/email for a meeting. This letter would be worded accordingly and in such a way that no suspicions would arise. The rebel would attend the meeting; be restrained and taken to the pit. The family of this rebel would receive a letter stating that they have moved to another location for work. In this pit there is no music and no light. The vocal chords of the rebels are taken out to prevent them from speaking to one another. The pit is meant as a reminder of what they have lost. A perfect world in unison never to be seen again. There is no torture, this alone eats away at them until they reach old age and pass.

Thoughts on “The Machine Stops”

The concept for this story is very modern and similar to the things we’ve seen in movies that have or are soon to come out in theaters. The story captured me within the the first two pages. The author begins with painting a setting for the protagonist Vashti. The way this author did this was very interesting and felt very futuristic. Stuck with the theme/feel of the story very well. Continuing the story I felt more involved in this civilization and can picture the world perfectly, giving it color and characters along the way. We then become familiar with the “machine”, which is basically where they live. Everything revolves around this machine, it is their way of life. The machine provides the people with everything from the air they breathe to the lectures and materials they learn from. This machines is looked as a godly figure because of this, many examples of praise and ignorance to other possibilities of the “salvation” of this society against the “outer-world” as they called it. This machine was made by man but has now taken over every aspect of this civilization. The “outer-world” aka earth was now inhabitable and any new being was created inside this machine including children. It is explained that children are raised by their parents to a certain age and then are given their own rooms to live in. We then are introduced to Vashti’s son Kuno. Kuno I feel is a really important character more so then his mother. Through Kuno we find out what happened to earth and more on it’s current state. In conversation with his mother Kuno describes his own journey to earth through the darkness of this machine. Through this darkness he gets in touch with his true self and becomes human again. He finally feels pain, sees things on his own, and builds up physical and mental strength. At this point his character seems more realistic and easier for us to relate to, his story kick starts the utopia into a downward spiral and the machine is straying away from its “greatness”. It was upsetting that Vashti did not want to accept the fact that this machine was running their lives, and when Kuno was explaining his journey to her she was concentrated in how much of a disappointment he was. The machine slowly began to have problems, the people began to complain but it made no difference because the machine chose which complains were worth passing through to the “Central Committee”. Another very frustrating factor in this story. I then realized there was no escape from this machine. The people were so used to being fed false information and pressing a few buttons when they felt discomfort. They knew nothing of the real world or the world before theirs. They would not know how to survive outside of this machine. Realizing this, the story takes a turn for the worse. The machine breaks down completely and the people are exposed to a completely new atmosphere. They would scramble in terror and asked for euthanasia to get away from the pain but the machine would not respond. The only person that had experience on earth was Kuno and we later find out that the homeless which we were people the machine had expelled for disobedience and other punishments had made there own society outside the machine. This was their only hope to continue life.