Brave New World v2.0

The movie adaptation of Brave New World was very different from the book. In the book there were a lot of key factors that were not included in the movie. One of the major differences was that there was not a lot of detail in the story prior to Lenina and Bernard going to the reservation.  I feel as if the 1st 100 pages of so of the novel were summed up in the 1st 20 minutes of the movie. There was not a whole lot of detail as to what was going on and the dialoge was not that deep so we can gather an understanding of what was going on. If I did not read the book prior I would not have known what was going on.

In those 100 pages there was a lot of character development for Bernard and Lenina. In the movie Bernard seems like different person. In the book, Bernard is a sort of outcast and doesn’t fit in well. In the movie he is your normal Alpha. In the book Bernard is shown as someone who has ideas different than the World State. That is not depicted even in the slightest in the movie. When Bernard and Lenina go to the reservation, they crashed into it instead of just landing and wanting to stay.

One other point that was made clear in the book and not in the movie was the worship of Ford. Now this isn’t really a huge issue as far as the plot is concerned but it was made such a  big deal in the book that I almost expected to see some adaptation of it in the movie. One major thing that was left out in the movie was the character of Helmholtz. In the book he is a big role in the whole storyline. He and Bernard talk quite often in the book. He is there at Bernards side during the soma riot. I think that maybe one of the 2 guys we see Bernard socializing with in the beginning is Helmholtz but it is never referenced too.

Another difference was the riot scene. The director made this more so of John just throwing soma on the floor, everyone jumping after it and then some type of security getting a hold of John.  In the movie this is a much more elaborate scene. John throws the soma off of a balcony and this ensues the public becoming rowdy and start attacking John. Then the peace robot came out giving out soma and restoring peace. The movie depiction did not seem like a riot at all, just a temper tantrum.

There was another major plot point that was changed in the movie. In the novel, Linda was a citizen of the World State and got abandoned by the Director in the reservation. In the movie Linda was born on the reservation and was introduced to the World State by the DHC and he got her pregnant. It really did not make a lot of sense. Unless the DHC brought her soma and stuff along those lines how does Linda know so much about it?

Essay Draft 2

Dominick Abate

The novel “We” by Yevgeny Zamyatin was quite the confusing book to read. The novel is written in the style of a journal that is written by the protagonist D-503. D-503 is a building engineer in the One-state which now governs society after the 200 years war that destroyed society. In typical utopian style, the government tries to control every aspects of the citizens lives through various means such as the Table of Hours, everyone having names such as D-503 and I-330, and using pink coupons to allow the citizens to have privacy with another person in their glass homes. As the story progresses, D-503 starts to change his writing style from a type of informational piece to some sorts of a journal where he talks about what is on his mind. He reveals that he has fallen in love with I-330 . He then becomes mentally unstable due to his new found emotions. Love can drastically change a person life.

Claim 1:

D-503’s instability starts when his mind which is programmed to be able to calculate everything starts to uncover variables in his life, which in this case is his newfound emotions for I-330.


“yet within me everything is somehow cloudy, cobwebby, shadowed by the cross of s a strange fourpawed X(22)”



claim 2: D-503’s believes he is “sick” because he is feeling all of these new emoitions.


“Because it was not my fault that I am sick.(38)”


claim 3: D-503’s love fro I-330 causes him to change his whole outlook on life and starts to question his values.

“Well, you are sick, you have committed crimes because of me
 And now, the Operation-and you will cure yourself of me
Well,  I’m waiting. Make your choice: the Operation
 ‘ I cannot
without you. I want nothing without you (185)”.



Is he really sick?

In these entries that we read, we start to see more about how d-503 is as a person. he starts to drift away from describing how the One State is to his targeted ancestors and we start to see more of his personal life. So instead of being some type of maybe journal describing the society, it is becoming more of a complex diary in which he is describing his feelings. Due to there being less information in the story and it is mores of him reflecting, the entries become harder to understand.

Much like most utopian literary works, D-503 starts to question the values he was brought up with. Quite like how Bernard does in “Brave New World”. He starts to developed for feels for I-330 and O-50. He is used to just logically taking action to things through mathematical processes. Now that he is developing these human emotions, he seems quite unsure what to do. In return he is questioning a lot of facts and practices he was brought up with.  He cannot help but feel this way. This starts causing some internal conflict.  “I am saddened to see, that instead of a harmonious and strict mathematical poem in honor of the One State, I am producing some sort of fantastic adventure novel” (Page 103) ” He feels that this new mental dilemma he is going through he starts to believe he is sick. This was foreshadowed earlier in the book when he acts sick to avoid I-330.

D-503 really can be getting sick. He is dealing with a lot of emotional stress at this point in the story. He is not used to feeling these emotions so he thinks he is getting sick. It also doesn’t help that the One State is making him try to disregard his human emotion. I think this will end up becoming a huge factor in the stability of his mental state later on. He believes that these new feelings that he is having are actually symptoms of his “illness” and he doesn’t actually believe that they are real.

The big factor that is causing D-503 to feel sick is his affection for I-330. Yet it is ironic how he seems to be normal and cheerful when he is around her and doesn’t feel sick at all. This is somewhat foreshadowed earlier in the novel. I-330 questions D-503 and asks if he is still sick. D-503 suddenly “remembers” that he is sick and goes to the medical office.

No Such Thing as a Utopia?

In these 4 final chapters of “Brave New World” a lot of events transpired. To start of chapter 14, John sees his mother Linda die. The other people in the hospital, at least the younger ones, question why she looks so ugly and gross. John then starts arguing with the nurse, and she feels threatened.  Linda then dies off and John starts hysterically crying. He is surrounded by what I gathered to be very young children. To help the children try not to think about this whole ordeal, they start handing out soma to them. John starts to burst into an outrage saying phrases like “Don’t take that horrible stuff, it’s poison” (Huxley,191). He then takes all of the soma tablets and starts to throw them off the roof. This starts to stir conflict in this huge crowd thats forming and they start to rush John. Bernard and Helmholtz go to defend him. Low and behold this police type force shows up with more drugs administered by airborne machinery and water pistols with some type of anesthesia. The whole mess is taken care of and the story continues.


Out of everything that took place in these 4 chapters. That whole part just stood out. Throughout the whole novel we are told that they condition their people to be calm, happy and peaceful and not to think too much. They control this by means of soma and other pleasure practices to keep everyone very mellow. If this is what the World State was trying to achieve, then why was there this police for in the 1st place? The World State supposedly is attempting to create this utopian society in which everyone is happy and nothing bad happens. They have the idea that having individuals in society causes instability which in their minds leads to an uncivilized society. If they wanted to achieve this so bad then why do they have places such as the savage reservations and the islands?Even if they acknowledge that they exist, why do they allow the citizens from them into their society? Is that not the exact opposite of the goal of the World State? When someone goes from one type of society to another, they bring with them their ideals and traditions along with them. This is shown multiple times in the novel. Such as when Linda was stranded in the savage reservations. The traditions that the World State had are almost the exact opposite of the savage reservation. This is the same when John visits the World State. He brings all of his ideas from the reservation to the World State and this causes a huge case of instability in the World States mind. Is the police force there because the controller knows that there is no way possible that there can be a true utopian society without there being some type of variable in the situation? I think that the controller knows that no matter how hard they try, they will never achieve the perfect utopian society.


The Start of Lenina’s Downfall?

In the few chapters we read this week, I feel that Lenina’s character got more complex. She seems to have some emotional issues and believes that taking all that soma is going to cure her. Seems as if almost every single time something emotionally stressful pops up she takes a decent amount of soma. In example, in chapter 12 when John is supposed to come down to this concert, Lenina got very depressed over it and went to bed. She then states “ I’d better take a couple grammes of soma” (Huxley, 163).  There are many other points in the novel where she had taken soma to calm her nerves.

Lenina and Bernard also seem to have a new social status of some sorts as being known to take back the savages from the reservation. Lenina being a beta, finds herself in the company of some very good company. “By a number of important people, The Resident World Controller’s second security, the Ford Chief Justice, and the Deputy-Governor of the bank of Europe”. By how she talks abou them, they seem to be very important political figures. I imagine them to hold the same social status as maybe Senators and Congressmen. She now has this image in her head that she is this important person in society.

Even though Lenina seems important at this point in the book, there is one character that doesn’t see her as someone of significance. This character is John. Lenina tries multiple times to get with him. However, John constantly rejects her. The society has conditioned their citizens to have the mentality that if you desire someone, you can have them. John was raised in the reservation so he does not hold the same values as Lenina. Even after being rejected multiple times, Lenina still tries to get with John. Even after a few dates, John still rejects her. Lenina also shows some emotion toward John. “In a few minutes, I shall be seeing him, talking to him, telling him (for she had come with her mind made up) that I like him – more than anybody I’ve ever known.” Earlier in the book, she was criticizing Benard for having these emotional feelings. Now she is being a hypocrite and having these emotional feelings of her own. I believe that this is actually more deeper than Bernards because she was almost about to act on it. I thought a while about why she would have these types of feelings. I somewhat think that maybe because John has a different mindset than the rest of society, she is attracted to him in the sense that he won’t find it repulsive that she thinks like that.

The World State conditions people that they belong to one another. John rejecting her is the exact opposite of that and Lenina’s mind does not know how to cope with this. I think that all of these new feelings are starting to overwhelm her. Her mindset is now being all screwed up between her newly founded social status and John rejecting her time after time again. The World State has trained everyone to take soma when they are feeling stressed or having strange thoughts. Lenina is having all of these stresses and emotions that she never felt before and the only way she knows how to cope with them is through having a lot of soma. I have a feeling this is going to catch up to her very quickly


Chapters 6-9 blog

Throughout these few chapters, a lot of events occurred.  We 1st get to see the inner workings of Bernards mind and why he seemed so different than anyone else. He expresses a lot of his views which seem normal to us but radical and very different from the normal in the society under the World State.  Benard states to Lenina that he doesn’t want to be a cell of a social body  (Huxley 90). He also says how he wants to experience what passion is.(Huxley 92).In their society this is very strange under the ideology that everyone belongs to everyone. Bernard wants to know what it feels like to be in love is what I gathered from it. I don’t think he wants the physical end of it because that is so common. The emotional part of a relationship is pretty much forbidden and he yearns for it.


The story continues with Benard trying to convince Lenina to come with him on this retreat. At 1st I assumed that  this was maybe a vacation type thing mentioned earlier in the book when a character went to New Mexico. Turns out they were going to a “savage reservation”. A permit is required to visit these places. Benard owns a permit to visit savage resorts and he needs the DHC to sign off on one. When Bernard approaches him, the director starts telling a story about his past in which he traveled to a savage resort with a girl he knew. As i was reading this i was almost in disbelief in the newly revealed side of the director. Its as if he had feelings for this girl he took. I feel like he was choking up and getting emotional telling the story. Being that these emotions are prohibited i would have never thought the director would have had this side. Then after Bernard asks a question about his story, the director retorts with ” don’t imagine that I’d have and indecorus relation with this girl”  (Huxley 95). I wonder if the director is hiding something. I remember the professor in class saying that the Controller had a collection of poetry and literature from today. I’m thinking maybe the director dabbled into that and started having different ideals.

In the novel, a savage reservation is almost the same as an indian reservation today. the citizens are described being of dark colored skin, wearing animal skins and ragged clothes. A short while after they arrive, a new character is introduced named Linda. Linda used to be a beta – .  Linda tells lenina all of these stories about her transition from one lifestyle of one extreme to the exact opposite. Almost every value system of a society under the World State is the exact opposite in the savage reservation. The author also describes these violent and bloody acts of violence that are committed against Linda. With hearing all of these stories Lenina is shocked and downs 6 grammes of soma as soon as she can. Only reason i could think of that could explain the authors reasoning behind this is to show the drastic differences between the 2 societies. I’m assuming that this sets the ground for future events in further chapters.

Brave New World Chpts 1-5

The novel “Brave New World”  by Christopher Higgens is a very gripping novel about a futuristic society that is quite different from our own.  The book describes this society in which the central government has complete control over the population through various means. To start they control the actual population number by “manufacturing” people in factories in a sense. The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning seems to oversee this process. They have dubbed this process “the   Bokanovsky process” . In the first few chapters of the novel,  he is giving a group of students a tour of the factory. He explains how they take a single embryo and turn it into 96 exact copies. They get developed over this long track that runs around the factory. Every 24 meters, a nurse then injects some type of hormone into the container,  depending on what type of worker they r making. They travel around this track for quite some time. It takes 2040 meters to complete. believe this to be a method of some sort of quality control for the factories that these people will work in. The quality of the product will be the exact same because the same person is creating it more or less.  Not only are the people physically the same, but they are mentally the same. They achieve this through brainwashing them while they sleep.   The factory pretty much sets the social destiny of the type of person they are conditioning. They are forced to accept what they are given and enjoy it.  The population is split between some type of social classes named Alpha,  Beta,  Delta,  Gamma and Epsilon. As the book progresses,  i get the feeling that some of the classes look down on others.  For example they constantly make fun of the deltas for wearing khaki pants.  Seems to be that the delta,  gamma and Epsilons are the lower members of society.

Even with all of this conditioning and social belonging,  there doesn’t seem to be any likes of the social problems we see in todays world such as poverty, crime, and homelessness.  Because everyone is happy with who they are and how they are there isnt any type of issues like i stated before.  Other things that are a lot different is the views of sex and relationships in that matter.  In the novel, it is normal to have multiple sexual partners and its actually abnormal if you are with the same person for longer than a few months. The society also frowns upon people getting pregnant. They also seem to practice sex at a very young age,  as young as preteens it seems.  In today’s society, people usually become sexually active in high school. It almost seems to be the opposite of our society today as far as their moral values are concerned.

Another thing that they seem to have abolished in the novel is the types of religion that we have today such and Catholic, Christian, Judaism, hindu,  ect.  Instead they seem to worship Henry Ford as a type of God. I guess this is because Ford invented the assembly line which is very common to them. Like today Catholics say Bc and Ac for before christ anf after christ. In the book they say  af instead for After Ford. Another way that they hint that Ford is viewed as a God is how they talk. Instead of saying “Oh God”  like we do today, they say “Oh Ford”.


My Utopia

—was given extension through email–

In my head, I imagine my own personal utopia as a futuristic looking big city with lots of tall buildings and huge plots of land for people to live in.

The general architectural style would be a type of modern but countryside blend. Lots of straight lines and sharp corners but using a lot of natural/ bio-degradable materials.

There would not be any form of central government/laws mainly due to everyone naturally being morally good. Everyone would be selfless to a sense in which if someone else needs help, everyone will pitch in to help them. Everyone would have the freedom to do whatever job that pleases them and currency will be more of a barter system instead of I hand you cash for food. In example, I am a carpenter in my Utopia and I need some eggs from the local farmer. The farmer’s barn door is broken and he needs a new one. So in exchange for a weeks’ worth of eggs I will build him a new door. This will prevent a lot of poverty and social issues that are current in today’s world. All of the homes would be customized to what that particular person wants in a home. Whatever goes on in your personal life will be your own business that no one else needs to know about. So simply if you do not want anyone else knowing about something you are thinking about, no one will force you to tell them and you will not be judged for not telling anyone. You can be whoever you want to be in my utopia without ever being judged for your actions. So regardless what your sexuality/religion/physical deformities are, you will never be judged for them. As far as education goes, everyone will learn the basics of reading/writing and basic mathematics. But if you have a specific trade you want to go in, you will either have to teach yourself or reach out to others in your field to learn what they know. It will also be your responsibility to teach others what you know when they come to you. You can keep some trade secrets to yourself though. Such as if your profession is to be a chef, you can keep a recipe to yourself.  This way no one gets stressed out over education and will ultimately enjoy what they are doing. Once you get into you trade, you need to work to get everything you want. If you want something new for your home or maybe something for your profession you need to either make it yourself or barter for it in some way. Things will never just be handed to you. If you want something, you have to earn it. Nothing will ever be easy in that sense. However it won’t be as difficult as it may seem. In example, if you want a new piece of furniture for your home, you will just have to do a job for the local carpenter and then you will be paid with that piece of furniture.

“The Machine Stops” Analysis

In E.M Forster’s “The Machine Stops” introduces a utopian type society. I did not see it as your typical utopian society though. With a utopian society you image everyone happy and life is very simple and all is well. In this short story things seem a lot more depressing. I imagine the opening scene as something out of a popular video game series called “Fallout”. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic society where people are trapped in “vaults” and can never step into the outside world due to radiation. When the main character in the game steps out onto the earth for the 1st time, everything is like a desert with not a lot of plant life to be seen and a lot of destroyed buildings and towns. The color scheme is very bland and not a lot of vibrant colors. That’s how I imagine this world to be like. Now back to the depressing vibe I get from the imagery, when the protagonist Vashti hears the doorbell ring, she says this in response “I suppose I must see who it is” (Forster, 1). I just imagine a letdown person slowly move their chair over the door and kind of emotionlessly answer it. To me this does not seem like a utopian society.


Now throughout the story, this thing named “the Machine” is constantly being referred to. Now at 1st I thought that the Machine simply referred to Vashti’s house in which everything was mechanized. I soon realized that the Machine actually referred to the whole mechanical system that pretty much ran their entire society. There are also a lot of references that they see the machine as a type of God. The author specifically capitalizes the M in Machine. To me that signify that the machine is almost a person and has a name and not just an object. Vashti gets into an argument with her son Kuno in the story and Kuno says “You are beginning to worship the Machine” (Forster, 11). Vashti then responds with this “I worship nothing! I am most advanced. I don’t think you irreligious, for there is no such thing as religion left. All the fear and the superstition that existed once have been destroyed by the Machine” (Forster, 11). It almost seems like that this society has gotten rid of religion completely and viewed it as an almost taboo subject where everyone doesn’t have a God. However, Kuno believes that his mother is worshipping the machine as a God. I kind of agree with him. Especially when Forster writes “O Machine! She murmured and caressed her Book and was comforted” (Forster, 7). That’s almost the same thing to me as in our world when someone is distressed they yell out “Oh God”. The author not only identifies the Machine with a capitol but the Book as well which I’m assuming is either a manual or a way for the Machine to talk to people. I was not too clear on that.


Le Guin Blog

After reading “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Ursula K. Le Guin I spent a lot of time thinking about how society functions and Le Guins idea of a utopian society.  The author viewed a utopian society as one that is drug free, government free, law free and everyone is happy. Guin mentions often in his view of a utopian society where everyone is nude. I believe he used this as a symbol of being completely free of any government or laws. I imagined the society to visually be a futuristic medieval times type of design where there is no technology but the buildings themselves are futuristic in today’s standards.  However, in one of these buildings the author describes a child. This child is described to be all dirty and bruised from sitting in his or her own feces.  The child is nude like everyone else but they are very dirty and not visually appealing like everyone else.  In the story it is said that the child was neglected growing up and therefore he turned out like this.  I believe that this symbolizes what a bad environment can lead to in today’s world.  If a kid today is brought up in a broken family that is addicted to all of life’s vices, then they will turn up like that and be the very opposite of a utopian society. At the end the author describes people leaving the city of Omelas and not returning. I believe that this symbolizes that even though society is perfect, people still won’t like it and therefore you cannot satisfy everyone.  Maybe the child mentioned is a result of what you return as when you leave Omelas. I also read another piece that is in relation to “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” and it was entitled “The Day before Revolution” which was also written by the same author. In the prelude for the reading, the author immediately mentions that this piece was about someone who left Omelas. In my opinion this person is lead to be the protagonist who doesn’t have a name. The setting of the story is in the middle of a rebellion which in my opinion could potentially be the climax so to speak in a road to get to the people’s eyes of a utopia. The protagonist lost her husband Taviri to this rebellion. The protagonist then grows old and is unable to take care of herself and I feel that she sort of lost this will power when her husband died. The protagonist maybe believes that her own utopia would have to include her husband and she cannot have one without him. This story tended to jump all over the place and include a lot of detail that did not provide any detail to the story. You really have to dig deep to see how this even can be viewed as a story for utopian societies. Also the author doesn’t mention Omelas at all besides the prelude.