I am Roselyn

IMAG0448My World.

Hi, My name is Roselyn Cintron and I study Hospitality Management at City Tech. This is my second semester at City Tech and so far I am enjoying myself. In the future I will be a front office operation manager. I say “will” instead of “would like to be” because it makes me think that I am wasting my time studying for something I would not become.

I like to read books. In the month of January alone, I read 9 books. I read an entire series called Breathe, written by Rebecca Donovan. I’ve also read Paper Towns and The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene. John Greene has been my favorite author since I read his book Looking for Alaska in High School. I read four more books, 2 out of the 4 we’re apart of series called Seaside, which I am currently reading now. I read anything that catches my attention.

The only knowledge I have on utopias is that its a place where everything is so called perfect. I have no other knowledge on utopias and no knowledge on dystopias. My strength as a writing is getting my point across. My strength as a reader is understanding what the author is trying to portray. My weakness as a writer is coming up with an introduction an conclusion. My weakness as a reader is, if I don’t enjoy the topic, I won’t understand whats going on. I took this class because I wanted to read a book in a English class and I expect to gain an interest in utopias.