- Final Draft Presentations due 12/15 by 2 pm
- Final Draft Write up (25%) due 12/21 by 12 pm
- Reflections (10%) due Mon 12/21 by 12 pm
- Final course reflection due 12/17
- Final Presentations (10%) : due Tu 12/15, 2pm
- post to our course site (categorize as “Final Project Presentations”)
- in-class presentations on Tu 12/15 & Tu 12/17 (Those who are presenting on Thursday should not change their presentation after Tuesday)
- If there is more you want to say in the presentation beyond the time limit, it may be mentioned afterward in the Q & A section.
- Presentations should start with explaining what it is now and then the process.
- Test if you are giving keynotes beforehand to make sure it works.
- Final Course Reflection: due Th 12/17, start of class (must be done in a constructive and critical way. Extra credit will be given for those who complete the assignment according to the guidelines)
- email file to Professor Belli before class
- bring printed copy to class
- Final Projects, final (graded) drafts: due M 12/21, 12pm
- Create post on our Course Site (categorize as “Final Projects”) that includes an abstract of your project (~350 words), a link to the project write-up (& multimodal deliverables) on your ePortfolio site, a PDF of your write-up, the file (or link) to your presentation, and the file of your Project Reflection.