Class Notes 12/10/15

  • Final Draft Presentations  due 12/15 by 2 pm
  • Final Draft Write up (25%) due 12/21 by 12 pm
  • Reflections (10%) due Mon 12/21 by 12 pm
  • Final course reflection due 12/17
  • Final Presentations (10%) : due Tu 12/15, 2pm 
    • post to our course site (categorize as “Final Project Presentations”)
    • in-class presentations on Tu 12/15 & Tu 12/17 (Those who are presenting on Thursday should not change their presentation after Tuesday)
    • If there is more you want to say in the presentation beyond the time limit, it may be mentioned afterward in the Q & A section.
    • Presentations should start with explaining what it is now and then the process.
    • Test if you are giving keynotes beforehand to make sure it works.
  • Final Course Reflection: due Th 12/17, start of class (must be done in a constructive and critical way. Extra credit will be given for those who complete the assignment according to the guidelines)
    • email file to Professor Belli before class
    • bring printed copy to class
  • Final Projects, final (graded) drafts: due M 12/21, 12pm
    • Create post on our Course Site (categorize as “Final Projects”) that includes an abstract of your project (~350 words), a link to the project write-up (& multimodal deliverables) on your ePortfolio site, a PDF of your write-up, the file (or link) to your presentation, and the file of your Project Reflection.




Class Notes Tuesday, December 8th

Project Write Up/Portfolio

Key components include:

  • Synthesize all the work which is very different from compiling. Synthesize means to put together; make something out of all your different aspect/components. Compiling means to take all the parts you’ve done and putting them all in the same space (container) and therefore, they all belong together, forcing your readers to figure out what it all means.
  • Integration– putting things in meaningful conversation with each other ( narrative)
  • Framing happens in the intro, conclusion and abstract.
  • contextualization
  • “so what?” (significance): What is this project? Why does it matter? What did you find out?
  • narrative
  • product
  • revision/changes
  • document: stand alone
  • audience (what they need & in what order?)
  • research/ sources
  • affordances of platform (e-portfolio)
  • abstract
  • multimodal
  • organization

*The write up is not a research paper. It is a write up of YOUR project. From here on out, this is a revision process. Think of the write up as a portfolio. The goal is the multimedia text in the e-portfolio. 

Lay out your project according to what you did without saying, “in my first week I did this….”

Ask yourselves:

What is the purpose of your project?

Who is your audience?

What context should your readers be able to understand in your write up?

Your multimodal components of the project should be housed in your e-portfolio and should be mentioned in your write up. They should be a part of the text because they are a component of your project. YOU MUST HAVE LINKS in the text.

Seek a balance of both your sources and what you’ve done in the process of your project into the write up.

Sub pages in your e-portfolio is encouraged rather than thrown on one page with long lengths of texts.

More of the progress and process should be in the reflection, you should not regurgitate what is in your progress blogs into your reflection.

Next steps…

Presentations starting the beginning of class on Thursday, December 10th

As you talk around your presentation, make sure you hit up the key points. This is not a presentation of what you’ve done to date.




Class Notes

HW for next week:
Final  presentation between 12-15 minutes
Draft presentation 10 minutes

  • We will get draft grades for the feedback  presentations
  • Everything  required for the final is submitted  in the draft
  • Deadlines are firm. No late work will be accepted
  • Everything  is being submitted in one post on open lab as the final progress report
  • Everything will be linked out to eportfolio  with attached presentation
  • There is an expectation that there is an integration of revision  and feedback. There will be consequences if the lengthy  feedback is not incorporated  in the final product.
  • Eportfolio  should be professional and personalized
  • The deliverables, progress blogs, and multimodal  attributes are not part of the write up but sources linking out is encouraged and recommended.
  • Utilize the open lab space to display project in the way that works best for your particular project
  • Make sure your final content does not consist solely of the source material

Suggested approach:

  1. Write up
  2. Presentation
  3. Reflection

Start with framing the project

  • The thought process and reasoning behind the Eportfolio  will be included in the reflection
  • Please leave comments and questions under each progress post
  • Key question: How does this project influence your thoughts on new media writing?

Class Notes 11/24

Reminders about progress updates:

Everyone should

  • Be addressing useful comments and concerns about your project
  • Be very specific and detailed in your moving forward section
  • How will your deliverables reflect the media you’re using
  • Remember the week of 11/30 is the last week of creating content before drafts are due 12/8
  • Attend meetings with Professor Belli for guidance
  • All aspects must be completed by the 8th
  • Make the next two updates geared towards how you’ll complete the project

Ashley- Define clearly that you’re looking at peoples interaction and attitudes about the content not you personally

Pam- How can you tell how a website chose to get their content out there

Fola- Build your linkedin and add content to it, use the help tool. Visit the Professor development center on campus. Attend an open lab workshop and touch on your e-portfolio more in your updates.

Jodie- Clarify delivery aspects and narrow down focus

Sam- Define success more clearly, maybe divide content into genres, use third party app.

Class Notes 12/1

To do for Thursday 12/3

  • Revise your blog post and presentation to include multimodal components
  • Revise proposals to include the updated proposal at the top
  • Revise your reflection post to reflect any feedback from Jill or the class
  • Write short and thoughtfully post on the Skype session with Dr. Brian Greenspan of Carleton University 

Things to keep in mind

Progress reports should be a narrative of your progression with the projects thus far

Lighting presentations will be on 12/3

Check out page 132 and 141 in the Digital Literacies book specifically the sections on embodied stories in digital media.

Recap of the 20 minutes discussion before the presentation with Dr. Brian G

Game design– is the art of applying design and aesthetics to create a game to facilitate interaction between players for entertainment or for medical, educational, or experimental purposes.

Locative-(abbreviated LOC) is a grammatical case which indicates a location


Location-based Storytelling-is popular and there is much to gain by applying a transmedia storytelling-based approach.

Interface– a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc., meet and interact.

Hyperliterate- extremely literate in hypertext

Alternative Reality-

Augmented Reality-is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS based.

Digital Humanism– is the notion that people are the central focus in the manifestation of digital businesses and digital workplaces. Businesses who embrace digital humanism use technology to redefine the way people achieve their goals and enable people to achieve things not previously possible.

Interconnectivity– refers to the state or quality of being connected together.

Holistic-characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.

Key Takeaways from the Skype Session 

Digital Songlines

Dr. Brian Greenspan wants to take a holistic approach to game design. Perhaps with this approach to interconnectivity it can change the way individuals feel about the world.


Class Notes 11/19/15

Locative– of or being a grammatical case that denotes place or the place where or wherein.

No new readings for Tuesday

Progress check ins every Tuesday, once a week

Progress report blog post due Monday night at 11:59 p.m.( talk about what you’ve done, outlining; making the case of what you’ve done throughout the week). Discuss questions you may have, feedback you may have, things that you are struggling on. Looking ahead to next week, according to what you have done so far, what will you complete for the following week?

Proposal Presentations






Be sure to explain how you are articulating your project, show how it builds on your existing interests. The reflection is more of a process/personal. Critical reflection should be available in the e-portfolio. Reflection is worth 10% of your final project grade and you must reflect on the process of your project.

December 7th to 8th, everyone needs a complete right up of their final project. 


Class Notes 11/17/15


Focus on the following:



It is more than just saying what you did or liked. It is critical engagement. It should say what you did and what you tried to do and what the outcome was. This is a small project and a time to learn and reflect.


It is our responsibility to seek out resources.


If necessary, Professor Belli can also help us to connect with resources.


Let future work inform past work – a feedback of what we learn

Progress Reports

  1. You must critically engage
  2. This report will is not centered on the rubric (only on time/not on time)
  3. Scaffolding recommended for time management


Final projects will be posted in the e-Portfolios.

E-Portfolio Presentations







Collective Feedback

Customize menus allow multiple menus and make content more accessible.

Change headers, change themes, add widgets and plugins,

  • Help page on OpenLab
  • e-portfolio help in G600
  • Email professor Belli


Research Presentations

(For Thursday)







Progress Report Check in (Tuesday)

Final Project Due

December 15th


Draft Presentations

December 8th and 10th

Must have a complete draft to get substantial feedback

Check in weekly

**Class notes**

Today and Moving Forward:

Customizing e-portfolio

Remember to:

  1. Tailor ‘about me’ section.
  2. Install plugins and widgets
  3. Choose theme that is targeted to your project
  4. Be mindful of your project and how it will be presented.

If you are having trouble:

  • Help page on OpenLab itself
  • e-portfolio help in G600
  • Email professor Belli


  • Check schedule for reading for next week *11/17*
  • NO RESPONSE BLOG for reading! – but reading must be done.
  • Speaker coming in so be prepared.
  • Start your e-portfolio work (bio, pages, etc.)
  • Reflection blog due about experience on E-PORTFOLIO (due Monday 11/16)
  • No formal presentations due on this reflection but you do need to be prepared to talk about it (coming up to smart board and walk us through)
  • ALL WORK MUST BE POSTED ON OUR SITE. (not on individual e-portfolio sites yet)
  • MLA formatting for annotated bibliography in ‘resource section’ of Open Lab course.

Due Monday 11/16:

  • Reflection about e-portfolio revamping
  • Annotated bibliography on 6 sources
  • Reflection about process of gathering research/ annotating at the end annotated bibliography **see schedule**








Class Notes 11/10/15

Cohen & Kenny

Online Brand-

Important of using your real name

Open honest/ authentic presence-voice

Maintaining control of your brand

anonymously brand:resonate

Professional– “public you” or ” professionalism”

Professional profile, voice professional , recreational

Branding (slogan)

representation, business, celebrities, characteristics, devil, capitalism

Free-write (5 minutes)

Your online brand is “focused”

Take a  look at your ePortfolio and update your site/ your homepage of the website for professional things

JILL want you to update your ePortfolio for next Tuesday

About page, images etc. . .

Check Dashboard etc.



Next steps for the project

Revise your proposal and find new reaserch

Develop your research question

Respond to the targeted feedback


What new media composing, live tweeting, blog, etc.

Present 3 new media composing experiment

5 sources

Clarify the projecttttttttttttttt!



Class Notes 11/3


  • Professor Belli will be away at a conference Thursday 11/5 (Professor Leston subbing)
  • Bring all books and materials to class on Thursday (working on final project)
  • Professor Belli’s office hours have changed, after this week there will be no office hours on Tuesdays 4-5 until 12/10 (contact her to set up meetings)

Upcoming due dates (HW)

  • 11/7 (Saturday) Proposals for the final project, ask for the feedback that you want! ALL BLOGS MUST BE ON TIME OR THEY WILL NOT BE RESPONDED TO!!
  • 11/9 (Monday) Response Blog, check the schedule for the prompt!!!!
  • 11/12(Thursday) Presentations, again check the schedule for the guidelines, will be based off of revisions and conversations with Professor Belli (hold off on creating those)

Notes on the Final Project

  • Theory and practice project, hands on, experimental
  • Make your proposal as clear and detailed as possible even if you’re unsure, get your ideas out there
  • Engage with the process but be open to change as your ideas develop and emerge
  • We will have multiple in class assignments and check ins
  • Be mindful of the questions in the Proposal
  • Be mindful of logistics and timing
  • Check the final project page (under assignments) for guidance and grading rubric

Class Discussion: Lebduska Article 

Overall we discussed images and how they were juxtaposed to portray Martin and Zimmerman.

Images can be used to manipulate points of views and arguments, think of how images of Martin in a “hollister” shirt were selected when they portrayed him as a victim, and images of him acting like a “typical teen” were used to portray him an as aggressor.

Culture plays a huge part of how we relate to an image, how we relate to it and how we respond to it.

(Page 6) “..images are not things” quote and how without our views, culture, political and social make an image is just an image but how we respond makes it relevant

(page 4) Pedagogy and media stereotypes

Jodie posed the question Can we retrain ourselves to see things differently

(page 5) Myopic lens, bias, the million hoodie march and how people stood in for a stereotype.

By marching in hoodies people of all different races broke the stigma attached to “the hoodie”