Class Notes 11/24

Reminders about progress updates:

Everyone should

  • Be addressing useful comments and concerns about your project
  • Be very specific and detailed in your moving forward section
  • How will your deliverables reflect the media you’re using
  • Remember the week of 11/30 is the last week of creating content before drafts are due 12/8
  • Attend meetings with Professor Belli for guidance
  • All aspects must be completed by the 8th
  • Make the next two updates geared towards how you’ll complete the project

Ashley- Define clearly that you’re looking at peoples interaction and attitudes about the content not you personally

Pam- How can you tell how a website chose to get their content out there

Fola- Build your linkedin and add content to it, use the help tool. Visit the Professor development center on campus. Attend an open lab workshop and touch on your e-portfolio more in your updates.

Jodie- Clarify delivery aspects and narrow down focus

Sam- Define success more clearly, maybe divide content into genres, use third party app.

Class Notes 11/3


  • Professor Belli will be away at a conference Thursday 11/5 (Professor Leston subbing)
  • Bring all books and materials to class on Thursday (working on final project)
  • Professor Belli’s office hours have changed, after this week there will be no office hours on Tuesdays 4-5 until 12/10 (contact her to set up meetings)

Upcoming due dates (HW)

  • 11/7 (Saturday) Proposals for the final project, ask for the feedback that you want! ALL BLOGS MUST BE ON TIME OR THEY WILL NOT BE RESPONDED TO!!
  • 11/9 (Monday) Response Blog, check the schedule for the prompt!!!!
  • 11/12(Thursday) Presentations, again check the schedule for the guidelines, will be based off of revisions and conversations with Professor Belli (hold off on creating those)

Notes on the Final Project

  • Theory and practice project, hands on, experimental
  • Make your proposal as clear and detailed as possible even if you’re unsure, get your ideas out there
  • Engage with the process but be open to change as your ideas develop and emerge
  • We will have multiple in class assignments and check ins
  • Be mindful of the questions in the Proposal
  • Be mindful of logistics and timing
  • Check the final project page (under assignments) for guidance and grading rubric

Class Discussion: Lebduska Article 

Overall we discussed images and how they were juxtaposed to portray Martin and Zimmerman.

Images can be used to manipulate points of views and arguments, think of how images of Martin in a “hollister” shirt were selected when they portrayed him as a victim, and images of him acting like a “typical teen” were used to portray him an as aggressor.

Culture plays a huge part of how we relate to an image, how we relate to it and how we respond to it.

(Page 6) “..images are not things” quote and how without our views, culture, political and social make an image is just an image but how we respond makes it relevant

(page 4) Pedagogy and media stereotypes

Jodie posed the question Can we retrain ourselves to see things differently

(page 5) Myopic lens, bias, the million hoodie march and how people stood in for a stereotype.

By marching in hoodies people of all different races broke the stigma attached to “the hoodie”








Class notes 10/8



  • Check the schedule to catch up on all previous work.
  • Comment on Blogs and other content on our OL
  • Catch up on readings or get familiar with future readings


How Social Media is Ruining Politics


  1. What restrictions or freedoms does it afford?
  2. Does it verify or confirm our existing viewpoints?
  3. What kind of democracy is being promoted?
  4. What is being gained / loss by these changes?


You end up gathering or flocking to people who are like you and share your views.

The message ends up lost and unclear on social media.

Social media has become more encompassing, taking over.

Regulates what we see as well as our responses.

Think of social media as a window, you can only see what’s outside the window. Meaning we only see what’s filtered through other  mediums.

These things are not helping us get more involved or informed on social issues or politics, it’s benefiting the companies and big name brands.

Communication becomes less meaningful and more superficial on social media.

Gaining, speed, updates and access to news

Loosing, quality, pernicious content

Social media places more information in peoples hands however they have to know how to use it, better yet WANT to use it and access vital information.

Peer Input;

“(Jodieann) Social media has the power to drastically change how we think, and it effects our individual self. Disrupting who we are as people.”

“(Mariah) Social experiment on asking people who the current political leaders are, and how shocking it was that many did not know. Going to show that we are not more informed because of social media.”

“(Pam) Quick news stories, they come as us so fast they’re not as important as they were in the past”

“(Ashey) DeBlasio (mayor) had a mainly social media campaign, grabbing team attention and new voters attention” >Fola (replied) admitted her voting for President Obama based on popularity and his image, not by doing political research.

Jones and Hafner- Chapters 8 and 10

Chapter 8-

(Page 117)Online Affinity space- discourse system, theres a way of going about operating in these communities. A starting place where people come together to build, interact or communicate to build relationships.

Cultures of use- conventions norms and values that grow up around a particular group of users. Each affinity space has its own set of them.The better you are at understanding these the better you will be at communicating.

Discourse system- using different tools, to get your message across. Communicating in a community. Ideaology, face systems, forms of discourse and socialization. For example don’t take things at face value, look further into them.

Face System- how people interact or get along with one another. Interpersonal connections.

Forms of discourse- How the communicate, online, in person ect

Socialization- how people learn to communicate within that discourse community. Online communities use the apprenticeship method, learn on the job. The relationship between the self and the community is important.

We often participate in multiple discourse communities, learning to adapt to each one. We also flock to ones we relate to or are interested in joining.

People try to learn the rules and gain skills in the forms of discourse to climb in within the group.

Media ideologies: With the shareability of online communities your messages can be spread or perceived in ways you didn’t intend. You cant look at just one medium, they effect each other. There’s no one way to use the tool. Each culture will have its own definition of what’s “socially acceptable”

With each downside or folly of one medium there  is advance in another. These networks cant stay the same, their use and communities evolve and change over time. Different networks lend their abilities to different professions and groups.

Informational vs relational: do you want to get information or spread your idea or voice. Meaning are you using a platform to get information or to spread it.

(Bottom of page 121) Approaching different platforms, everyone has a different view on how medias are used (twitter vs facebook) The media you chose to share your information will determine the audience it will reach and the response it will get. The idea against technological determinism, it will determine partial uses but it really depends on the community.

Online communications can sometimes amplify cultural divides or differences, what was once a small scale issue can now be shared globally. Discussions about traditions, culture practices and ideology can take center stage.

We reinforce our values and cultural norms online, however being online gives us the ability to share our views on other cultural norms, sometimes creating controversy sometimes creating smaller or sub groups of larger communities.


Prezi Presentations: Ashley and Mariah presented on 10/8 the rest of us will present on 10/13 (for more information on each presentation click the persons name!)

Fola – Discussing Pintrest

Ashley – Discussing Instagram

The terms and service of instagram- many many communities on instagram but not all understand what happens to their media. You own your original content. When facebook bought IG there was great upset over the privacy practices. Device identifiers or cookies collect data connected to the operating system, meaning this is why you get “just for you ads” and things that seem oddly tailored to you. IG has access to any device you log onto, they may store it an share with third parties (apps or sites affiliated with IG legally)

Jodieann – Discussing LinkedIn

Pamela – Discussing Facebook

Mariah – Discussing Tumblr

Fandoms- built around a general or shared interest, they create media posts based around that shared idea. Very vocal and interested in sharing the best of the fandom. Tumblr is a global platform. Tumblr doesn’t take your posts you own them. Tumblr tracks the popularity of fandoms, whats trending, whats coming up.

Samantha – Discussing Twitter


Fortuitous: By luck or by chance

Tribalistic: A multi view point community

Pluralistic: One view point community

Kindred : Like minded people

Ideaology: The study of ideas

Cloistered: grouped together but separate

Pernicious: bad or harmful