Taping Into Your Personal Brand *revision*

While doing the activity of analyzing my media presence, I realized I didn’t have one. This led to the idea of documenting the creation of my personal brand. The brand I am creating will be based on natural hair and my personal experiences. This ties closely in with my personal goal of becoming a professional natural hair and beauty blogger. My objective is to create a blog and media presence while document the evolution and productivity while following the rules of creating a personal brand.

Through the semester we have gone over many methods of successfully using social networks and I will be applying all of this to my project. This research stems past my existing experience because I have always been a viewer and not a creator of my own brand. While creating my brand, there will be daily progress of what it takes to create and maintain a successful platform. The end goal of the project is not to obtain the most viewers but to understand and successfully implement the methods of creating a successful brand.


The key to analyzing the success of the project will be in the definition of successful branding. Successful branding will be considered remaining authentic and transparent throughout the entirety of the development process. The goal is to create content for the benefit of the brand and not to bring foot traffic.


  1. Audience interaction will be measured to objectively view how others interact with my brand.
  2. Daily content must be produced for the purpose of furthering the brand. Any content not directly related to the brand is not considered authentic and therefore unsuccessful.


  • What makes a successful brand?
  • How to establish a productive media presence?
  • How does multimodality influence my target audience?

Multimodal Forms Used

  • WordPress: “Getting It Together” blog hosted outside of the ePortfolio
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Tentative Timetable

Week of Nov. 23rd

  • Create daily blogs, pictures and tweets
  • Record the traffic to the blog
  • Immerse myself in the existing community to gain viewers

Week of  Dec. 30th

  • Create daily blogs, pictures and tweets
  • Record the traffic to the blog
  • Immerse myself in the existing community to gain viewers
  • Use hashtags to boost online visibility

Week of Dec 7th

  • Create daily blogs, pictures and tweets
  • Record the traffic to the blog
  • Immerse myself in the existing community to gain viewers
  • Make adjustments to increase visibility
  • Compile data gathered


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