Brooklyn bridge Summary

Brooklyn Bridge, This Bridge represents New York and when people think of New York, they think of the Brooklyn Bridge. This Bridge was planned and masterminded by A German born Immigrant named John A. Roebling. However before John A. Roebling could start the construction, he died when he was inspecting the site and got injured and died few days later from an infection, his son Washington  Roebling took over since he had helped his dad with the maps of the bridge. When the construction was started the hardest part was the digging the foundations.  This problem was solved wit the idea of casssions where a enormous wood box with air compressed into them with no bottom would be sunk into bottom an d workers would dig the foundation and this was dangerous work that caused a lot of illness also to Washington A Roebling leaving him paralyzed for life and his wife Emily had to take over. In this bridge the most interesting part are the 276 long towers. Adopted from the gothic architecture and made of limestone’s they add to the beauty of the Bridge. The Bridge also connects Brooklyn and Manhattan making life easier for thousand of people and helped New York to be what it is today.

summary of project 4

Henry Beecher was the first pastor at Plymouth Church. Thanks to him the popularity of the church increased rapidity through out time. Is that Henry Ward Beecher wasn’t a ordinary pastor. He was also a abolitionist that through his preaching tried to make a difference in this world. That was the main reason why he accepted to be the pastor in the first place. He knew that being a pastor he would get farther as a abolitionist. He did make a difference. He got to help slaves hide on the underground railroad era, he even bought slaves. One of them was pinky. Thanks to him purchasing her from her owner she was able to be free. Even though he did great things he was also known for sex scandal he got into. He supposedly committed adultery   in his own church with one of his friends wife. This got him in a lot of trouble, he even had to go to court for it. There was no proof of it so the case became exonerated. He may had his flaws but he achieved great things for this society. No one is perfect, but what counts is what you could do to make this world a better place to live on.

Letter of Advice

Dear next year student,

As this being your first semester in City Tech most of you wont know the area really well. Well with this course you would end up knowing most of it by the research projects that you are going to have to do. All the project are about a location around the school. But this would also give you a chance to get  to know the neighborhood your going to spent years studying a lot better. you will come to know how significant each place around here is. also you would learn to appreciate its history through the research you would do and your classmates would do as well. Maybe you would see this neighborhood not important at all when your first starting college but I assure you it hides the most fascinating places in NYC! but am sure you going to find out through this English course how true my words are. You would also get to read many stories about Brooklyn and most of them are all about places around here. It would make you feel like you want to visit each place you hear in each story. Don’t worry you wont be alone on this because professor Rosin and Davis start off by giving you a tour around this places so you can familiarize your self with it. Then your off to pick your special place. Which would be a place that interest you since you first laid your eyes on it. This English class comes together with your speech class so you would get to be with your same classmates as on English in speech as well. I would like to tell you not to worry even though this is a challenging class you would love the experience you get from it. I know I do. Have fun guys and learn.

Letter Of Advise

Dear upcoming freshmen,

When entering college a person does not know what to expect, and I am sure there were teachers in high school who told you that college is nothing like high school and they were right. Please believe me when I say that college will not be your worse enemy but rather the deadlines of the assignments, and the reason why I saw this is because when a teacher told me that I had a week to do a project I tended to just slack off and keep telling myself that I would do it at the last minute, and most of the time I ended up doing a poor job at it and sometimes I did not even do it at all. I would like to recommend that if you do not know the surroundings of where the New York City College Of Technology is located in, then it would be a good idea to explore the area since that will be your second project in the English 1101 class and it will probably be the most important project of the entire semester. The reason I am placing such an importance to this project is because this project is not only going to be used for the rest of the semester in the English 1101 class but it is also going to be used in the Effective Speaking class since both of those classes are going to cooperate between each other. Another thing I would like to recommend is that you whenever you have the chance try to practice writing summaries since you are going to be expected to do a few of those, another reason why I am saying this is because the exams are going to be based on writing summaries on the articles that are given to you. Having said all of that I wish you all good luck and remember to take college seriously.