Project #2

There are many people who claim to know New York very well, yet most of the times when they say “New York” they are only referring to one borough in specific which most of the times ends up being Manhattan but, New York is not only about Manhattan, there are other boroughs too. One of those other boroughs is Brooklyn. One day while in Brooklyn I decided to take my time and explore around the surrounding area of the New York City College Of Technology, while on that trip I came upon a certain street by the name of Livingston St, that certain street had something that captivated my view and that was the Museum Of Transit. To get to the Museum Of Transit  you must first head south on Jay St towards Johnson St, turn right in Willoughby St, turn left onto Pearl St, turn right on Red Hook Lin, turn left on Boeron and finally turn onto Livingston St.

While walking towards The New York City Museum Of Transit I noticed a lot of things, for example I saw that a lot of people walked in extreme urgency, also when I reached the museum I noticed that the museum itself could be seen from a distance thanks to those hanging posters from the sides. When looking at the Museum Of Transit I began to notice that the museum itself was a Juxtaposition, the reason for this claim is because the museum itself is a modern piece of work (meaning a building) but the items that the museum displays are historical artifacts or old artifacts.The display of the artifacts is also surrounded by modernism and technology making the museum a Juxtaposition.

The buildings around the museum are very similar to each other making the museum blend in with the modern structures, The Museum Of Transit would be very difficult to locate if it wasn’t for the directions provided by the MTA on their website and also because of the big posters hanging outside of the museum.

The reason I chose this location is because I ride the subway everyday of the week and often times when I see the trains I start to wonder who came with the idea of such a method of transportation. I have also been curious about the history of the subway and the history of the MTA in general for example: Why pick letters and numbers for the trains? or why chose the stations that we have and not other stations?.

When I entered the museum it was sort of like entering the train because the museum is located underground, the museum itself is pretty huge and exhibits models of old trains, stations and even buses. My favorite part of the museum is the store, the store offers merchandise that are faithful to the MTA. Personally my favorite item of the museum has to be the centennial chick poster because I remember that piece of art being in the train the first time I rode the subway.


Letter Of Advise

Dear upcoming freshmen,

When entering college a person does not know what to expect, and I am sure there were teachers in high school who told you that college is nothing like high school and they were right. Please believe me when I say that college will not be your worse enemy but rather the deadlines of the assignments, and the reason why I saw this is because when a teacher told me that I had a week to do a project I tended to just slack off and keep telling myself that I would do it at the last minute, and most of the time I ended up doing a poor job at it and sometimes I did not even do it at all. I would like to recommend that if you do not know the surroundings of where the New York City College Of Technology is located in, then it would be a good idea to explore the area since that will be your second project in the English 1101 class and it will probably be the most important project of the entire semester. The reason I am placing such an importance to this project is because this project is not only going to be used for the rest of the semester in the English 1101 class but it is also going to be used in the Effective Speaking class since both of those classes are going to cooperate between each other. Another thing I would like to recommend is that you whenever you have the chance try to practice writing summaries since you are going to be expected to do a few of those, another reason why I am saying this is because the exams are going to be based on writing summaries on the articles that are given to you. Having said all of that I wish you all good luck and remember to take college seriously.

Summary Of Project #4

The New York Transit Museum. For some people it is a museum, for others it can mean more than that. Court St was a train station that was located close to Borough Hall and Jay St Metro Tech, the station also had connections to other trains that went into Manhattan just like like Borough Hall, Jay St Metro Tech. Due to those other stations being placed into the convenience of the public Court St did not really had much ridership and was forced to close down, this occurred on June 1946. After being abandoned for years, the transit authority came up with the bright idea of using the Court St station has an exhibition, the exhibition consisted of showing the history of the public transportation such as buses and trains.  While the exhibition was meant to be temporary it has still continued until present day due to the increase in popularity among the people and tourists alike. With this information in mind I proceeded to pick two articles, one article was written by Edward Rothstein and in this article he describes the things that can be found on the museum. The other article was written by Melissa Noble and in this article she explains her point of view on the museum which mainly consists of facts ratter than describing the stuff that can be found on the museum.

Work Cited:

Project #4 by Jaime Garcia



People in the future, all future generations

” We cannot celebrate his memory the way a posterity ought to, by acknowledging a debt we’re called upon to honor, and so we want to celebrate his memory by confessing to a bankruptcy that dishonors us”

I now understand that that the people from the future should acknowledge his memory by accepting or confessing to a bankruptcy that may dishonor them.



To throw out of a window

“I once defenestrated a guy. The cops got all pissed off at me. I was drunk, but they said that was no excuse.”

I now understand that the man threw a guy out of the window and that is why the cops where pissed at him.



No longer living, existing, being used or functioning.

The parachute jump is a defunct amusement ride in Coney Island.

I now understand that the ride is not used anymore but it still works and functions.

Project # 1- Introducing Yourself

My name is Jaime Junior Garcia Martinez, I am18 years old and I am currently attending the New York City College Of Technology. This is my fist year in college and while I am not the first one out of my family to be in college I still believe it is an achievement worth celebrating. While growing up I never really had the chance to live in the place that I was born in which is New Jersey so I really can’t say that I “come” from New Jersey, instead I had the chance to live in Mexico and therefore I learned Spanish before I had the chance to learn English. While living in Mexico I also learned how to play Soccer, Tennis, and Kickball, I even got to learn some of their typical dances too but if I were to be honest then I would say that I am not a good dancer, so therefore I guess you can say that I am more Mexican than American and also a terrible dancer. Some of my hobbies include playing sports such as Soccer and Tennis, I also like to play video games and read books, I am also a big fan of scary stuff. People who get to know me really well will find that I am a very emotional person who does not actually like to show those emotions to other people who are not friends.

I chose this avatar because it had a video game character reading a book which are two of the that I enjoy to on my free time. Another reason for this choosing is because I grew up looking up to sonic, not because of his cocky attitude but because of his hatred towards injustices and evil.

Some ways in which people can misinterpret the picture that I chose has an avatar are  thinking that I am a person who is addicted to video games, that I am a nerd or that I don’t like putting pictures that actually depict myself.

My goal in life is to become a professional video game designer, this is due to the personal feeling that I have which is: video games are a form of art which can make people have reactions towards the games themselves. That is the main reason why I spend as much time has I possibly can playing and researching the ways on how to make a product that I can be proud of.

My profile is meant to convey that I am a person who likes to play video games, read books, and even a person who likes to scare himself from time to time. With this description of myself I hope to better inform the people who don’t know me and wish to know more about me.

The next stop is…Court St.

The New York Transit Museum, while not has famous has other tourist attractions it could certainly be one because of the different experiences that each visitor gets from it. The New York Transit Museum or the NYC Transit Museum has it is often referred to is a site which displays historical artifacts that relate to the New York public transportation such has buses and trains, the museum is located in Court Street and it is open to the public.

On June 1946 the subway station known has Court St was abandoned due to the lack of ridership and closed its doors to the public, however after being abandoned for years the Transit Authority came up with a bright idea that consisted of using the “now” abandoned Court St station has a exhibition of public transportation, the exhibition was planned to run for a limited time but it has continued until present day. The museum itself belongs to the Mass Transit Authority or the MTA has it is commonly known, it is also considered to be one the most well preserved museums around NYC. When visiting the museum of transit it is not likely for people to have the same experiences has other people do, what I mean is that the experience can vary with each person, such case happened to Edward Rothstein an author of the New York Times who visited the New York Museum Of Transit and wrote of his experiences. Before entering the museum Edward Rothstein begins to wonder why most of the people living in New York do not care about the subway and also why people who ride the subway do not pay attention to things that may seem silly at first but, once they are asked about them they do not know, one example Rothstein offers is a statement in which he says ” We also don’t think much about what makes the trains run.” This quote implies that even though we might know where the energy to make the train move is obtained from, we might not know how it is implemented onto the subways or the rails to make them run. Rothstein then begins to transition into the reasons that he believes why people might think that the museum is nothing sort of the ordinary and states ” We descend the steps almost as if we were ordinary straphangers, as if we didn’t realize this Court Street subway stop… was decommissioned long ago to be used as a museum.” This quote by Mr. Rothstein implies that if a person goes to the museum of transit thinking that it is like any other subway stop or just another day at work then the person is not going to see the wonders of the museum and the artifacts but, ratter a simple abandoned train station that has nothing to offer. In a later part of the reading Mr. Edward Rothstein begins to describe the different exhibitions offered at the museum, he also describes different things that have happened at the location such as the filming of the movie “The Taking of Pelham One Two Three” and the usage of a generator that causes a enormous wheel to move.

Another person who experienced a day at the NYC Transit Museum was an author of the New York Magazine by the name of Melissa Noble. Melissa Noble describes the museum has a underground institution that guides visitors through the evolution of one of the largest transportation systems in the world, not also that but she starts to describe the pictures that she observes throughout her walk around the museum, but there is one picture that she makes stand out and that picture is the one with the line of the first transit workers building the first subway station in city hall in 1904. Noble  Towards the end of the article Melissa Noble states “Complete with garish advertising and uncomfortable seats, the cars leave visitors to muse that the more things change, the more they stay the same.”  she implies that even though some things about the subway change, the subway will still be up and running no matter the changes.

After reading these two accounts we can understand that when an individual visits the New York Museum Of Transit their experiences can vary with what the person wants and is willing to explore.

The Museum of Transit is a place in which people have the opportunity to see the history of one of the most famous systems of transportation in the world, the museum itself has provided a different experience for both first time attenders and returning fellows alike and while not has big and popular has other attractions, it has certainly won over the hearts of those who have visited .

Reading Lucy Summary

Reading Lucy is a story told by the author Jennifer Egan, the story begins when Jennifer Egan who lives in Brooklyn meets Lucille Kolkin at the Brooklyn Historical Society it is then revealed that the reason for their meeting is due to fact that Jennifer Egan is trying to write a novel about “a woman who worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during World War II”. Jennifer Egan tells the reader that Lucille is a woman who had worked with the Navy Yard as a mechanic for almost two years and that one of the main reasons Egan loved Lucille was because she was passionate, Jennifer Egan then proceeded to show the reader how their friendship began and according to Egan it was because of the letters that Lucille shared with her, later in the reading Egan offers a description of Lucille and she is described has a shipfitter from the third class that fabricates and lays out the metal structural parts of a ship. The author Jennifer Egans also included the husband of Lucille Alfred, Alfred is described has having different things than Lucille such has not having been to college and having pep talks on how little college really mattered, but one thing that they shared in common was having the same religious beliefs. Has the story progresses Jennifer Egans begins to call Lucille “Lucy” showing that she has bonded with Lucille and that the author really cares about her story and her life, the longer the reader keeps reading the clearer it becomes that Jennifer Egan does not actually meet Lucille Kolkin in person but, she does through actual documents that she reads about her while in the Brooklyn Historical Society which in her opinion were enough to connect her to both Lucy and Alfred.

Summary For SPE

On Tuesday October 15, 2013 we went to the Brooklyn historical Society. While in the Brooklyn Historical Society we were given clear instructions on how to handle the maps because they were very delicate, that we were to point on the maps with our finger not with a pencil, not to hold up the maps, we were asked to leave our bag packs in a small place to avoid any undesired disasters, and lastly to treat the materials with respect. Groups were asked to look at maps that depicted how Brooklyn looked in the past, we also had to answer some questions about those maps in a handout that was given to us. Right towards the end of class Prof. Davis surprised us with an announcement, he stated that we were to create a speech based on the maps and that we had about 15 minutes to do it, the speeches overall were great and were presented professionally to the audience. In the end we heard some feedback from both Prof. Davis and Prof. Rosen that help us become better speakers and departed from there.