Project #5- Summary

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the beautiful landmarks in New York. Built by so many workers with so much hard work this bridge is the one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. According to the World Steel Association it’s the first steel wire bridge ever built in the whole world. It is 1,595 feet long. The designer of this bridge John Roebling died because of a foot injury which leaded to an infection. His son Washington Roebling then took over the work but unfortunately died later on also from a disease. This bridge stands out to most attractive tourist sites in New York. There have been many stories of people who jumped from the bridge. Films have also been shot on the bridge. Giorgio Pessi piloted a Caproni Ca.5 under the bridge. The bridge has also had anniversary celebrations which held for about 5 days. Many American poets also use to Brooklyn Bridge in their poetry. As of being New Yorkers we should have some knowledge of the bridge and of other famous historical buildings our states has. We should also go visit these historical areas instead of leaving them abandoned and also enjoy the beauty our state has.


“Brooklyn Bridge.” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013

“Building the Brooklyn Bridge.” 19th . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013


The curse of the Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the most famous bridges worldwide. It opened in 1883, connecting from Brooklyn to Manhattan. John Augustus Roebling designed the bridge, but after an accident that resulted in Roebling’s death, it was continued by his son Washington Roebling. Ever since this death, a series of other deaths have accured on the Brooklyn Bridge. One being the Brooklyn Bridge stampede on May 30, 1883. Rumors began to spread that the Bridge was about to collapse which resulted in people running in fear and trampling others. A legendary showman named P.T Barnum offered to walk his circus elephants weighing approximately 42 tons across the brooklyn bridge to prove the Brooklyn bridge was not a danger. Over the years many have attempted to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, some succeeding and others failing. Robert Odlum, a swimming instructor was the first person to jump the Brooklyn Bridge on May 19, 1885. Although Odlum survived the fall, a few hours later he was reported dead due to internal bleeding. According to Odlum’s friends, he did it for fame and money. Following this incident many also tried to do the same, Larry Donovan was the first to succefully jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and survive the jump. The Brooklyn Bridge has a history with interesting stories that have resulted in tragic accidents.


CBS. “Brookiyn Bridge – Creating Grandeur.” CBS Team, 2 May 2003. Web. 01 Dec. 2013.

Prentzas, G. S. The Brooklyn Bridge. New York: Chelsea House, 2009. Print.

“Odlum’s Fatal Leap.” The New York Times. 7 June 1885.  Nytimes. Web. Nov. 2013.

Summary of Project #4

Dumbo has the New York City’s highest concentration of technology. This place is a beautiful place. You can see a lot of old buildings there and more narrower streets that they had long time ago. You can find many things their. You can find the Brooklyn Bridge Park their. There’s also the merry go round where kids can go and ride on it. Dumbo has art galleries and boutiques, restaurants and cafes. There are super markets there as well but they are a pretty pricey. When you go to the park you can see the beautiful skyline above the city. You would see The Brooklyn Bridge on one side and the Manhattan Bridge on the other side. There is a water ferry that goes from the other side of the ocean to the other end of the ocean. The area that eventually became Dumbo often used to be referred to as the Bridges that I have mentioned earlier. The landmarks included almost the whole neighborhood in what it is called now is Dumbo Historic District. Overall this area is still known to so many people. A lot of people go their just so they can relax and enjoy the whole view and the calm environment especially during the summer time.

Summary of Metrotech Center

Metrotech Center is a fascinating place with a lot to offer. Originally, this was a place built as a non-profit improvement district and has grown to me a commercial and academic hub. It has some good conveniences, a great location, and an interesting community. Metrotech Center is a real help. You can find a number of restaurants and shops here. I have gone to the Subways restaurants for lunch fairly often. There are also shops to get supplies and materials. The location is one of the best benefits about being in Metrotech Center. The Metrotech Center commons has been the easiest and fastest way to get from the train station to NYCCT. Metrotech Center has a great number of trees, sculptures, and other decorations strewn about. During my two months of college I have seen many events and gatherings such as concerts, charity organizations and many other activities. We can find a number of conveniences in the area such as our next lunch. The location of Metrotech Center has made our commute to our classes easier. Even if we do not understand the sights and sounds of Metrotech Center we still see them as fascinating projects and events.

Summary of Project 4

In the Project 4 research essay, I as the author discussed and analyzed two storied accounts in the history of the Brooklyn Bridge. These stories were the death of John A. Roebling and the Stampede of 1883. I first analyzed them and explained the stories in complete detail. Then i compared and contrasted them as this was the only way to see how different and similar these accounts are. The similarity in the two stories were that both of them resulted in huge tragedies. The death of John A. Roebling was tragic since he was the men responsible for the Brooklyn Bridge while the Stampede of 1883 resulted in the death of various human beings and put fear in everyone’s mind. However the aftermath is where the differences come in to play. The death of John A. Roebling resulted in more people dying from working on the bridge and his son becoming ill as well. More tragedy seem to come their way. In the Stampede of 1883, the deaths resulted in people testing out to see if the bridge was safe thus preventing such event from happening ever again. In the essay i stated “history can be defined as an argument on how we interpret the past” which shows how others view this differently.

Works Cited

Project 4 by Jason Castillo

Looking through the midterm to the final exam


  • No general opening line
  • It’s usually good to start your summary paragraph with a sentence that follows a set format:

In Author’s article, “Title,” published in Publication in YEAR, one-sentence-summary.

According to Author in his/her article, “Title,” published in Publication in YEAR, one-sentence-summary.

Author, in his/her article, “Title,” published in Publication in YEAR, argues/presents the idea/discusses one-sentence-summary.

(we can develop other templates)

  • Check your grammar in that first sentence!
  • Include the author’s name, the title of the article, the source and year, if not in that first sentence then in the next one.
  • Identify the main idea, if not in that first sentence then in the next one.
  • Include three or four supporting ideas in the summary.
  • For the purposes of writing a summary for the final exam, use one (or two) quotations in the summary.
  • For the purposes of writing a summary for the final exam, make your summary one paragraph.
  • Refer to people with their full name initially, then with their last name only in subsequent references.
  • Do not call attention to what you’re writing (In this summary, or Since this is a midterm, etc)
  • Keep it impersonal. Avoid using I, me, my, etc in the summary.
  • Get the facts right!
  • Don’t refer to paragraph number or page number in the text—use a parenthetical citation instead (Paragraph 2).
  • Feel free to follow the order of the article, but know that you can re-sequence the order if it makes sense to do so.
  • This is not the place for your creativity.
  • Don’t end with something that’s more commentary than summary.


  • Include an opening line that is not too general. Start with your topic and move narrower to your thesis statement
  • You probably want a sentence similar to the first one in the summary (see above).
  • Establish your claims in the first paragraph
  • Find the right balance between general and specific—it takes work!
  • In your thesis statement, avoid general terms such as different or similar or various ways, etc, rather than specifying what those are.
  • There are three main points you need to make in your midterm or final exam:
    • What the article claims about the specific topic
    • What you think/know/have experienced/have witnessed/have heard about the specific topic
    • A comparison of the article’s claims and yours
    • These can be addressed in a few different orders (block vs. point-by-point).
    • Notice that your goal for writing about the article is different than writing a summary. In the summary, you’re summarizing the whole article; in the essay, you’re focusing on a narrower part of the article.
    • You can use personal pronouns here (I, me, my), but do so sparingly, since it should be clear that anything you’re writing that doesn’t come from the article is your idea.
    • Include quotations from the article to support what you’re saying it claims.
    • Do not refer to the quotation as a quotation—in the article, it’s not a quotation, unless it’s something the author quoted. The author didn’t write a quotation; you’re making what the author wrote into a quotation.

Let’s look at a few opening sentences:

In “The Tunnel Rats of Atlantic Avenue.” written by Yonette Joseph talks about Bob Diamond and his experience with history.

Different methods of learning about history can reveal different ideas and understandings to the reader or viewer.

I am going to be talking about different ways of learning about history and if I agree with those ideas in the article.


“Reading Lucy” summary

According to Jennifer Egan in “Reading Lucy”, Egan met a friend named Luccile Kolkin, by the old letters from her in Brooklyn Historical Society. By reading Lucy’s letters for her Husband, Egan knew about Lucy’s life and felt there were lots of similarities between Lucy and her, and she really like Lucy’s passion. Both of them liked to write “to-do list”, they live in Brooklyn and they “both work hard and struggled to find time for practical necessities like cleaning and shopping”. In addition, while reading the letters, Egan also tried to guess Lucy’s personalities, what did her like and what did she interest with. Though Lucy’s life, we saw there were a lot of facts which reveal the society in that time. “I (Lucy) went to college. So what. I look for a job and people say, ‘Yes, yes but what can you do?’ ‘Nuttin’ say I.”  This showed the college education did not really matter; people were more willing to employ the men, because “men” are not equal at that time. Just like Minnie, a Negro who wanted to become a fitter in Navy Yard got rejected because she is a woman and a Negro. At the end, by reading Lucy’s life, it helped Egan to approach her Novel researching, a woman worked at Brooklyn Navy yard during WWII.

English Class Summary on 10/30

On Wednesday’s English class, we discuss Jennifer Egan’s “Reading Lucy” and go over how Egan incorporate the source material in her article. At the beginning of the class we talk about how did our experiences in BHS are different with Egan. Most of us agree our goal, the purpose in the BHS are different. Then we discuss about incorporating source material.

The block quotation rules:

1.Started a new line.

2.Indent it on inch on the left, not at all on the right.

3.Keep the spacing the same. If it is prose paragraph, use regular formatting.

4.If it is poetry or something that takes a particular form, maintain that form.

Look at the example on page 22; we see there is a list, which quoted without quotation marks.  It gives us a sense of what the source material look like on the page. Moreover, we use colon (:) to set off a large quotation.

(Colon: signals an example)

If you only want to use part of a passage, use an ellipsis to indicate that something is missing; be careful not to miss leading the audience, and moreover at the end of the sentence, there are 4 dots, because one is the period.(for example: “xxoo##

When a quotation inside a quotation, we use single quotation mark inside the quote and the double quotation mark for the outside.

Reading Lucy by Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan’s essay, “Reading Lucy” from the collection Brooklyn Was Mine conveys Egan’s relationship to Lucy Kolkin and how it develops throughout letters written by Lucy to her husband. At the begging of the essay Egan talks about two month friendship she had with Lucy Kolkin until Lucy decided to move to California. Later on in the essay we understand that by that she meant that she spent two months reading Lucys letters to her husband that joined the navy on 1944. This relationship developed because Egan was doing research on a novel  she was writing about which was about a woman who worked in Navy Yard during World War II and she came up with Lucy who also worked at the navy yard for almost two years. To help her research  she decided to read the lecture notes lucy had when she took shipfitting school. While she examine the notes she noticed lucy did to-do lists just the way she did so it intrigued her to know more about this woman. Therefore, she decided to go to BHS to read the letters BHS had archived from her when she used to write to her husband. Jennifer Egan spend 2 months reading this letters and she got so into lucys life that she felt she was there a with lucy back in 1944.  Even if she didn’t get the chance to meet Lucy it was like if she already knew her by the emotion lucy put in those letters to her husband. At the beginning when she said she got to know lucy until she moved to California she meant that that was the last time she got to read lucys letters because lucy went to live to California to be with her husband, so obviously the letters stop at that point. Egan learned Lucy did have kids and grandchildren but that sadly she died. After that Egan decided to read some letters that Alfred Kolkin send to Lucy and she was happy and satisfied knowing that Alfred had the same amazing personality Lucy had.

“Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan’s essay, “Reading Lucy” from the collection Brooklyn Was Mine conveys Egan’s relationship to Lucy Kolkin and how it develops throughout letters written by Lucy to her husband Alfred Kolkin. At the begging of the essay Egan talks about two month friendship she had with Lucy Kolking until Lucy decided to move to California. Later on in the essay we understand that by that she meant that she spent two months reading Lucys letters to her husband that joined the navy on 1944. This relationship developed because Egan was doing research on a novel  she was writing about which was about a woman who worked in Navy Yard during World War II and she came up with Lucy who also worked at the navy yard for almost two years. To help her research  she decided to read the lecture notes lucy had when she took shipfitting school. While she examine the notes she noticed lucy did to-do lists just the way she did so it intrigued her to know more about this woman. Therefore, she decided to go to BHS to read the letters BHS had archived from her when she used to write to her husband. Jennifer Egan spend 2 months reading this letters and she got so into lucys life that she felt she was there a with lucy back in 1944.  Even if she didn’t get the chance to meet Lucy it was like if she already knew her by the emotion lucy put in those letters to her husband. At the beginning when she said she got to know lucy until she moved to California she meant that that was the last time she got to read lucys letters because lucy went to live to California to be with her husband, so obviously the letters stop at that point.