Speech Competition

On 12/12/13, I attended the CityTech speech competition. I came to the competition with a few other of my classmates and we helped out with setting up the classrooms for the first round of the speech. The first round in my class had five speakers. The winner of the first round in the classroom I was in spoke on cyber bullying. The final  round was located in the Atriumm theater room. on the base floor. There were 7 speakers in the final round. The second speaker was my favorite one. He spoke on why we should limit the use of our smart devices. I believe he raised many good points, which is why his speech was my favorite. Fortunately, he was the one that came in first in the final round.


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition:  very strange or unusual

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/%20surreal

Meaning : I saw this when I was reading the article Tunnel Rats of Atlantic Av in the lines  I got tunnel fever when I was walking to a market in Brooklyn Heights and came upon the surreal sight of ordinary folks crawling into a manhole, some of them wearing their nice clothes.

Now that I know what surreal means I think that it meant it was a very strange to the author seeing people going the manhole.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: to move with or as if with long steps

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/striding?show=0&t=1387342248

Meaning : This word was encountered when i read the story about the man about his experience walking from the airport in New York City. In the lines On that note, still striding briskly, he walked down into Manhattan and across Little Italy.

Now that i know what stride means it means that he was taking long steps while he was walking.


Part of speech: Noun

Definition: a divine imparting of knowledge or power


Meaning: I read this word in “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” in the lines:

“The afflatus of the city’s bowels — now we’re getting into the real body of the city.”

I think it means that New York city provides an feeling of inspiration because this relates to the context where the whole message of the article shows the glory of New York City.


Part of speech: Verb

Definition: Accumulate, Gather or collect information

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/%20amassing

I found this word while reading Who knows Brooklyn :

“I think he might have felt upstaged, because I was amassing this huge photo collection and he wasn’t doing that much.”

Now that I know what ammasing is i think he meant to say collect huge photo collection.

Glossary – Afflatus


Definition: a divine imparting of knowledge or power; inspiration

This word was found on the 3rd page of “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport.”

I didn’t know that the author was referring to inspiration when he used this word.

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/afflatus

The curse of the Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the most famous bridges worldwide. It opened in 1883, connecting from Brooklyn to Manhattan. John Augustus Roebling designed the bridge, but after an accident that resulted in Roebling’s death, it was continued by his son Washington Roebling. Ever since this death, a series of other deaths have accured on the Brooklyn Bridge. One being the Brooklyn Bridge stampede on May 30, 1883. Rumors began to spread that the Bridge was about to collapse which resulted in people running in fear and trampling others. A legendary showman named P.T Barnum offered to walk his circus elephants weighing approximately 42 tons across the brooklyn bridge to prove the Brooklyn bridge was not a danger. Over the years many have attempted to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, some succeeding and others failing. Robert Odlum, a swimming instructor was the first person to jump the Brooklyn Bridge on May 19, 1885. Although Odlum survived the fall, a few hours later he was reported dead due to internal bleeding. According to Odlum’s friends, he did it for fame and money. Following this incident many also tried to do the same, Larry Donovan was the first to succefully jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and survive the jump. The Brooklyn Bridge has a history with interesting stories that have resulted in tragic accidents.


CBS. “Brookiyn Bridge – Creating Grandeur.” CBSForum.com. CBS Team, 2 May 2003. Web. 01 Dec. 2013.

Prentzas, G. S. The Brooklyn Bridge. New York: Chelsea House, 2009. Print.

“Odlum’s Fatal Leap.” The New York Times. 7 June 1885.  Nytimes. Web. Nov. 2013.

Tips and tricks for ENG 1101

If you’re taking ENG 1101, then you’re going to find out a few things about New York whether you like it or not. If you’re new to this part of New York then you’ll learn about it eventually. Your best bet to an easier time in class is to find someplace that you’re really interested in. If you have the time, then take a walk around and see what looks nice or fun. If you don’t have the time to do that then I’m sure you can be creative. There are a number of things that you can write about, especially the historical landmarks. A large amount of my class mates did their research and projects with the Brooklyn Bridge as the topic. This is defiantly a safe bet, since there is so much to write about it, but if you want to be more noticeable or stand out, then you may want to write about a different place in New York. No matter what location you choose, don’t pick a location that you find boring. If you do that then, you’re likely to put yourself to sleep when writing or presenting your project. You have to feel that you can talk about this topic for hours and hours. When you have the location for your topic, then you’re next step is to do some research. You have access to a number of sources that can tell you about your topic. You can go see a location as it is today, but you also want to know how it was like before you heard about this place. The history can be just as interesting as the place is now. Assuming you pay attention in class, you should do fine. If you hold interest in the location that you chose as your topic, then the essays and speeches write themselves. You can write your assignments in minutes if you are interested in the topic. You’re success in this class is heavily influenced on your topic. After that, then everything should be fine. With that said, good luck! Have fun with the endeavor known as college.

Summary of Metrotech Center

Metrotech Center is a fascinating place with a lot to offer. Originally, this was a place built as a non-profit improvement district and has grown to me a commercial and academic hub. It has some good conveniences, a great location, and an interesting community. Metrotech Center is a real help. You can find a number of restaurants and shops here. I have gone to the Subways restaurants for lunch fairly often. There are also shops to get supplies and materials. The location is one of the best benefits about being in Metrotech Center. The Metrotech Center commons has been the easiest and fastest way to get from the train station to NYCCT. Metrotech Center has a great number of trees, sculptures, and other decorations strewn about. During my two months of college I have seen many events and gatherings such as concerts, charity organizations and many other activities. We can find a number of conveniences in the area such as our next lunch. The location of Metrotech Center has made our commute to our classes easier. Even if we do not understand the sights and sounds of Metrotech Center we still see them as fascinating projects and events.

Advice for Future Students

Dear Students,

When I first started the semester, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Now that I am here, almost at the end of my first semester, I realize I learned a lot and that it wasn’t as hard or dreadful as you may expect. I enjoyed this semester very much with my classmates and professors. Everybody is helpful and has positive energy when dealing with situations that can be stressful in school. The professors are very fair when it comes to deadlines and understanding about influences that may hinder your ability to produce work. My best advice would be to let you know that nobody will nor should care more about your success in school than you. This is for your future and to do well will be to put yourself in a better, more comfortable position ultimately. Try to find a major that your interested in doing for a career because that is my major problem right now. It’s hard to choose something that you will do for the rest of your life, but just try different things if you have to. No matter what, if you’re in school, you’re learning and you know more to put towards any opportunities you may have. One thing thats different about college from high school is that you may have been able to get away with minimal work to graduate high school, but in college you are counted for everything and that means that you need to try your hardest on every aspect. Things like registering and making your schedule will make you more responsible and put into perspective how much of an independent accomplishment it is to go to college. When things get a little hard and cause a lot of stress, just know that it doesn’t last forever and if you do a good job at the end, there is no greater feeling. Be the best student and person you can be and only good will come of it. Use you’re resources given to you by City Tech to help you through your endeavors. Even though it is up to you to succeed, others want to see you succeed as well.

Ryan Hobe