Maps At The Brooklyn Historical Society- Map Of Brooklyn Heights

1-What is the map’s call number?

The Map’s call number is [18-?] g.FI

2-What is the map’s title (if available)?

The title of the map is map of the Brooklyn heights.

3-Which collection does the map belong to?

The collection that the map belongs to is the Pierre point collection.

4-When was it made? The map was made in the 1800’s.

5-What size is the map (approximately)?

The size of the map is10x15 Inches.

6-What colors does it use?

The colors that the map uses are Tan, Black, and Green.

7-What materials were used to make the map?

The map used paper and ink.

8-Who made the map?

The map does not say who made it.

9-What location does the map depict?

The map depicts Brooklyn Heights.

10-What details does it include?

The map includes details of the street names, and where the east river is located.

11-What time period does the map depict?Is this the same as the time when it was made?

The map depicts Brooklyn Heights in the 1800’s and the map does represent Brooklyn heights at that time.

12-What is familiar to you about the location depicted in the map?

The river, and some of the streets.

13-What is the purpose of the map?

The purpose of the map is to serve as a guide to the area and lands that the Pierre Point’s owned.

14-Why did it survive prior to becoming part of the archives at BHS?

The map survived and became part of the archives at BHS because the family managed to kept their records well.

15-Why did BHS incorporate it into its collections?

BHS incorporate it into their collections because its a map of the area in which the BHS is.

16-What is familiar or unfamiliar about the map?

Some familiar and unfamiliar things about the map are some of the streets.

17-What additional information would you want to better understand the map?

Some of the additional information that I would want to better understand the map is Probably a legend that tells what the color Green means.

18-Where is City Tech in relation to this map?

City Tech is located on the North East of this map.

Happiest/Saddest Place In New York City

My happiest place in New York City is Parkchester, Parkchester is located in the Bronx and it is the place that brings me happiness. I don’t really know why but whenever I get there I start to fell incredibly happy and according to my mom I turn into another person all of the sudden, another reason why I love this place is because I can never get lost in it.

My saddest place in New York City is probably 149th Street Grand Concourse in the Bronx. The reason I feel sad in that place is because it brings back memories of when I first got to New York City,  I have also been around that street for so long that whenever I get there I start to fell lost and disoriented and even though it is a feeling that lasts for a couple of minutes it makes me want to evade that street has much as possible.

Library session

On October 2 , 2013 our class went to the library, while in the library we were welcomed by a librarian who kindly showed us the important places to consider when visiting the library. When the librarian finished she took us to the second floor, while in the second floor we were taken to a room full with computers and there is where our lesson began. Wednesday’s lesson consisted of learning how to do better research and how to find books both electronically and actual copies of a actual book, at first we we given copies of two actual documents and we were told to examine which one was more credible, after that we proceeded to do some research online and we were told to try to find credible sources on the topic ” Brooklyn Theater fire” which turned out to be pretty difficult not only for us but for the librarian has well since it was pretty hard to find any information about the actual fire, I believe it is was a great experience and I learned how to be a better researcher, not only that but I also gained something called patience, I would definitely go again in case I need any help or want to find resources for a project.

Brooklyn Historical Society

On Monday September 30 our class went to the Brooklyn Historical Society, before arriving there we visited a monument of a famous priest, then we headed to the church in which the famous priest used to reside, after visiting those two locations we finally headed to the destination of our trip which was the Brooklyn Historical Society. The BHS contained a lot of interesting things which included sculptures, Historical books, and the building looking like a landmark. I personally enjoyed the trip and I can’t wait to go back, especially for the library.

First walk in New York City

My first walk thru New York City was a pleasant one, If I recall correctly it was in the year 2005 and it was in Coney Island Brooklyn, it was also my first time in the U.S and the walk turned out to be pretty weird since I did not know where I was. Thankfully I was traveling with my cousin and she knew the area around there pretty well, but I was so lost at that time that I cannot remember the name of the places we went to or the stores that we visited. What I do remember is that we passed thru a park, the park itself was pretty big and it had tennis courts, basketball courts, and a football field. In my opinion this park is great since the place I live in does not have that many parks or fields in which kids can play in, these are the only things that I can remember from my first walk in New York City which in the end turned out to be a great experience that I will never forget.

City Limits Summary

City Limits is a story told in Colson Whitehead’s point of view, the story focuses on New York City or “Your New York City” has he often refers to it by, and it is a story that really captivates the feeling of being a New Yorker in a sense. In City Limits the author Colson Whitehead begins the story by asking us the audience how we got to New York City, Colson Whitehead then proceeds to explain how and when is the reader able to be a New Yorker and according to him “you are a New Yorker when what was there before is more real and solid than what is here now.” In a later part of the reading he starts to make comparisons of the past and the present such as “But look past the windows of the travel agency that replaced your pizza parlor.” Those two comparisons are meant to make the reader think and relate about an specific place that they know and loved but now is gone and also to point out that most people that live in New York City do that sort of thinking. After that comparison Colson Whitehead starts to tell the reader that the buildings and streets in New York city sometimes know more than the actual people living in them and that once those buildings are gone our history will go with them as well. With Colson’s description of a New Yorker is no wonder that towards the end of the reading he starts to say that once you are inside New York you will not want to live anywhere else.

Fort Greene Dreams

Fort Greene dreams tells the story of Nelson George a music culture critic, journalist, and filmmaker seeking to create a bookshelf of volumes and sustained excellence not only for himself, but for others as well. In the beginning Nelson lives in a small apartment in Jamaica Queens that is until he receives a call from Spike, Nelson George then reveals to the audience that he is planning to move to an area known as Fort Greene which is located in Brooklyn, it is there that his life begins to change not only as a person but also as a culture critic, a journalist, and a filmmaker. When Nelson George gets to Brooklyn he begins to notice that the neighborhood he grew up in is not the same as it was back when he was a child, Nelson George also begins to compare Queens to Brooklyn and how are they different from each other. While working with different artist and aspiring artist Nelson George began to learn more about himself, what type of writer he was and thus learning he was kind of a mentor to other minor artists. When Nelson found out that he was kind of a mentor to aspiring artist he began to help then promote themselves in the artistic medium and eventually that is what he keep doing because according to him “achieving sustained excellence is what I preached to others and sought to myself.”

Reading Images: Photo #1

  • Women dressed similarly
  • The picture seems to only contain women
  • The women seem to be waiting in line for something
  • The counter seems to be holding food
  • No visible face expressions on most of the women
  • Some of the women seem to be facing towards the camera
  • The setting is indoors
  • The only colors in the photo are black and white
  • Lighting effect makes the floor look dusty