Sheng (HW#1)

Social media is a like a gun. These days information travels almost instantaneously through online networking. If companies use it well, it can help the company business as more people know about it and in shorter time. Most of the time, before people even visit the actual restaurant or hotel, people search it up on google. Nice pictures and nice words can influence a guest’s decision on whether they want to come to or use this companies’ product or service. Likewise, if people put in a bad word about a particular company, the company business will start having a decline and if worse comes to worse, bankrupt. Social media is the company’s second face. Companies need to maintain a positive image in order to gain the best benefit and profit.

Personally, I rarely take photos of food, but if the times that I do it is because the food looks appetizing and beautiful. Likewise, I think other people take picture of food for the same reason. Of course, there are also people who are taking photos and posting it as a career. I have nothing against it since it is a way of earning money, but I do not like it because it is sometimes misleading. For example a restaurant might not be good, but people said it is.

Alexis Graham Mclean Hw#1


I think the use of social media in hospitality is a must. I believe it is essential in the hospitality industry, it helps promote businesses like restaurants and hotels. Social media has major impact in hospitality, it can either make you or break you. In today society everyone blogs/vlog and post their everyday life on social media pages. They post pictures of their meals, what they’re doing and how they feeling, which can be bad and good. I take pictures of the food I eat to admire the appealing meal and to encourage others to intake. By doing that I am promoting and advertising businesses, that help selling and marketing.

I am intrigued about what I will be learning about photography and food, which is where food stylist plays a part. They make food look photogenic, which is important. People will only eat food that looks appetizing and appealing. I can honestly say that, I do look at photos of food to help me decide if I would want to cook it or eat it. This class will teach me what to look for in good quality food photos.

I already enjoy taking pictures of the meals I make, however I don’t really post the photos on social media. I just feel that people on social media, sometimes have too much opinion despite others feelings.

TingTing Jiang – HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

The use of social media in hospitality industry became a must nowadays. Especially with the fact that everyone has a smartphone and internet is available everywhere.  People post photos of their daily life on the social platform and some people just love the feeling of taking photos and making sure that their valuable moments are being recorded somewhere.

It’s not surprising that restaurant owners are paying for people to take photos of their food. Those people know how to take appetizing photos that draw attention. Those people have a lot of followers in the first place and they are popular, just like any other celebrities. Their followers may go to the restaurant just because that they went. Photography on social media is a great way of advertising.

I personally don’t like to take pictures and post them on those social platforms because I’m the type of person who is not active and like to live in my own world. However, I do use social platforms such as Instagram and Facebook as a way of getting connections with the society. I get my daily news from those social platforms. Even though I don’t take photos of foods, my friends do. Furthermore, we make decisions about what to eat based on pictures on the menus most of the time; and we always go on Instagram to see how the food looks like before we decide whether to go in the restaurant and try their food. People nowadays care more about how the food looks like rather than what it tastes like. Some people don’t even like the food, but they go to take a picture with the food because it’s a “trend”.

Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Najja Hennix

I was excited to join this class because I love art, I love food, and I hope that one my career in my lifetime is to be a food photographer. In cookbooks and in everyday commercials we see the art of food photography. Photography in today’s society can potentially determine the success and serve as advertisement for a business. In this instagram era the camera is just important to the experience as a knife and fork. Anyone can be a food photographer with a smartphone and a tap of a finger.

It is the super bowl weekend. We will see lots of food commercials. When we see a pizza commercials and the cheese so deliciously melted and the Pepsi next to keep has a little bit of water dipping from it making you crave this meal. Photos of appealing food are captivating. I always take photos when I am at a restaurant and post them to snapchat or instagram so other can see it. I do this so others can try the great food I am eating and that is advertisement for the restaurant.

Chris Raghubir HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Chirs Raghubir


Prof. Cheng

Photography has been around for many years, but in this era, it seems that photography can tell a story without someone actually telling it.  Many people today are obsessed with taking a photo of their food when out dining and posting it on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. Most are posting, so their friends and family can see, and like their pictures, but sometimes the pictures are viewed by numerous people around the world.

I have a tendency to take a picture of my food when I cook, but sometimes it takes about 2-5 attempts to get the perfect shot. I want a shot of the food to look appetizing, want the color to pop out, and an underlay or background to be just right before posting. I sometimes get likes from people that not on my friend’s list, so I know it’s reaching a vast number of people. They say most people eat with their eyes first before the taste.

The internet is the number one avenue that people used when searching for anything, including food. Usually, the first thing that pops up when a search is done for a restaurant, it’s usually a picture of food. A picture can represent numerous interpretation without writing any words, or to describe it.

Many people now are using a hashtag in order to do searches, which seem to a phenomenal way to do a search on social media. I think the social media world is a great tool to use to advertised and reach millions of people to expand or showcase your business, plus it doesn’t cost anything.

HW#1 Photography + Instagram + Food Industry

Carlos Cintron

2/3/2018 HW#1

I believe the use of social media in the hospitality industry plays a huge roll in its chances of success.It has evolved into something that brings in customers. People are traveling to places to eat somewhere they heared about through social media. If a celebrity posts or talks about your restuarant or hotel it could drastically change your business. Online photos give people a better idea of what your place has to offer and wether or not they should make the effort to go.

I always take photos of what i’m having at a restuarant, i post them onto snapchat or Instagram stories. Other people take photos and post them onto more permenant platforms like facebook, twitter, instagram, or blogs. I do it because i want the people who are watching my short videos to see some amazing food so that they could go try it in the future. I use different platforms for different reasons but for the most part its to share places, projects, and food. Its not just me lots of people do it now a days, its become such a reguler thing that quality has become the focus of popularity. Businesses are able to thrive with the right service, atmosphere, and food because people will be talking about it.

IG: paca_des

BiQing Liu- HW#1 Photography, Instagram and the Food Industry

With the increasingly use of social media, apps like Instagram have a huge influence on people’s decision making, such as which restaurant to dine in for next meal. Users of Instagram are able to find new restaurants by looking into the posts on Instagram. With the beautified pictures and captions of the food, followers of that certain Instagramer will be easily convinced to try that restaurant.

Photography, food and social media created a new business opportunity for both the restaurant owners and social media users. It is no longer peculiar for restaurant owners to pay for certain Instagram users to take a photo of their food and post on Instagram. The photo posted on Instagram will then act as advertisement for the restaurant. By paying for the photo, restaurants are able to increase their sales and attract more potential customers, Instagram users are able to make a decent money for what they do every day and consumers are able to find new restaurant.

I personally don’t take photo of what I eat, but I do make my decision based on what people eat. If a photo really draws my attention, that restaurant will be the next one I am going to. Based on my personal experience, I do believe that photography is deeply connected with food industry and social media.

The Impacts of Social Media in the Hospitality Industry

Maria Claris S. Pineda

ARTH1100 LC04

Professor Sandra Cheng

February 3, 2018


Social Media plays a very big role in the hospitality industry in this generation. Nowadays, people post things they do in their daily lives online; whether they’re just eating or even watching television. Personally, I am not fond of cameras and rarely take photos of myself; rather, I posts photos of days that were eventful to me. Days where I had a great day with my friends, or I had a certain food or drink that absolutely matched well with my tastebuds, and it could be both. I believe there are lots of benefits that the trend social media has on the hospitality industry. Nowadays, when people look for a certain place to eat, or simply have a nice time in, their second option after not liking or can not trust what they find on the internet, they go straight to social media to see where people go and what they thought about the place. Social media now serves as a self-promoting site, as well as a place to review about them; whether or not the place is “Legit”. As technology further advances, the trends that social media brings will continue to affect the hospitality industry, and it is up to us as part of the hospitality industry to make use of this tool to benefit our future careers and endeavors.

HW #1 – Photography in Culinary Arts

Photography in society today, can potentially determine the success and serve as propaganda for a business. Having a photographer come and take photos of your plates, is a business in fact. Promotion in this day in age is essential to make money. For example , if there were no emails or commercials and posters about the IPhone X, I’m sure not as many individuals would have purchased this phone. A beautiful display and enhanced photo works in the exporters favor because what is appealing to ones eye eventually becomes appealing to their wallets as well. McDonalds is as successful as it is today because of their visuals. We see a Big Mac and fresh fries and we begin to crave it. I believe there is a science behind the lens; photos of appealing food is captivating.
When I open my own restaurant I will be taking many pictures of my plates. Taking these photos will not only motivate me to be much more creative in the long run but will also get my name and visuals of my work out to the public. I do understand that having these photos of my work will hold me to a certain expectation and I am willing to sacrifice that because social media is the future. If your plate does not match the picture you took then you will be frowned upon and you may lose business. Social media is very important and a large aspect of success.

Bannesa Espinal – Homework #1

As technology expands our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. Not only has it impact the world as an addictive tool to communicate, it has greatly impacted the business industry. Serving as one of the biggest platforms to stay connected, social media is now being used as a marketing platform where advertising is becoming extremely successful.

As lovers of social media, it has become normal to snap a picture of nearly everything we find attractive, interesting, or even alarming. For many, social media has become a job to which they receive a salary according to their number of followers and views. This is also being applied to the food industry. Majority of restaurants are using social media as a stage of advertisement since it has become an effective commercial marketing business. As discussed in “The Business of Designing a Restaurant for Instagram” 30% to 40% of  “Pearl’s Finest Tea” customers are people  “who catch a glimpse of the cafe on social media.”

In the food and beverage industry, photography has become a critical aspect of advertisement. It is attention grabbing to those who attempt to visit a restaurant based on the creativity of the dishes presented on the restaurant’s website, or on social media. Good photography helps build an imaginary taste of the food being presented which ultimately leads to wanting to have a real experience of its taste.

As a consumer, photography helps me decide where to eat approximately 95% of the times. It builds my taste, interest, and ambition of visiting the restaurant. It also helps me narrow down my food options and determine what appetites me the most. Therefore, it is important to have an effective photography since it attracts customers to your operation.