Chris Raghubir HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Chirs Raghubir


Prof. Cheng

Photography has been around for many years, but in this era, it seems that photography can tell a story without someone actually telling it.  Many people today are obsessed with taking a photo of their food when out dining and posting it on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. Most are posting, so their friends and family can see, and like their pictures, but sometimes the pictures are viewed by numerous people around the world.

I have a tendency to take a picture of my food when I cook, but sometimes it takes about 2-5 attempts to get the perfect shot. I want a shot of the food to look appetizing, want the color to pop out, and an underlay or background to be just right before posting. I sometimes get likes from people that not on my friend’s list, so I know it’s reaching a vast number of people. They say most people eat with their eyes first before the taste.

The internet is the number one avenue that people used when searching for anything, including food. Usually, the first thing that pops up when a search is done for a restaurant, it’s usually a picture of food. A picture can represent numerous interpretation without writing any words, or to describe it.

Many people now are using a hashtag in order to do searches, which seem to a phenomenal way to do a search on social media. I think the social media world is a great tool to use to advertised and reach millions of people to expand or showcase your business, plus it doesn’t cost anything.

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