Sheng (HW#1)

Social media is a like a gun. These days information travels almost instantaneously through online networking. If companies use it well, it can help the company business as more people know about it and in shorter time. Most of the time, before people even visit the actual restaurant or hotel, people search it up on google. Nice pictures and nice words can influence a guest’s decision on whether they want to come to or use this companies’ product or service. Likewise, if people put in a bad word about a particular company, the company business will start having a decline and if worse comes to worse, bankrupt. Social media is the company’s second face. Companies need to maintain a positive image in order to gain the best benefit and profit.

Personally, I rarely take photos of food, but if the times that I do it is because the food looks appetizing and beautiful. Likewise, I think other people take picture of food for the same reason. Of course, there are also people who are taking photos and posting it as a career. I have nothing against it since it is a way of earning money, but I do not like it because it is sometimes misleading. For example a restaurant might not be good, but people said it is.

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