The lectures from the last classes were very helpful, interesting, and insightful. It was fun to see very recognizable children authors. The lectures also allowed me to realize what important moment you should be illustrating, the image you choose to illustrate will show the audience the main idea. I also think that Alice in Wonderland is probably the most done over concept/story. I think that’s because Alice in Wonderland allows the illustrator to be super creative because the movie/story itself is super creative and unique with it’s characters.

From week 12 it went over important aspects of considering yourself to be a director. Thinking of yourself as the person in charge and that includes character design, POV, setting, and tone. The slides goes over different angles and point of view of the same illustration and how that can make your illustration dynamic and more interesting. There are many POV such as birds eye view, worms eye view, eye level, long shot, and medium shot. All in all, this technique is super important and makes your illustrations more affective.