Weekly Journal #1

I have a week in the program and its been going great. My role is Main entrance ,park greeter and I live in Vista Way. I have already been adjusting to everything. I live with 5 girls and they are really nice and friendly. One is from California, one from upstate New York, another from china, and the last two from the Netherlands. We are all organized and compromise with each other. I love how we just clicked instantly when we met each other.

IMG_1183I haven’t started to work on the role I was assigned to yet. I didn’t know  it would take this long, it’s a process. I had gone to so many meetings that I had lost track, but finally I officially start my training tomorrow. I’m going to be working in Epcot. This is my first time being in Disney so all these theme parks are new to me. I went to the orientation and had a tour of Epcot. It was amazing; I actually got to go on some rides with my co-workers. I can’t wait to start working at Epcot.

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10 Responses to Weekly Journal #1

  1. Best of Luck Jennifer!
    I’m sure you will love and do great in your role.
    I will be sure to visit when I arrive there!

  2. Ninoska says:

    Hello Jennifer I also live in Vista way, I’ve extended my program so I’ll be here till May. My role isn’t park greeter, but if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask. Ill be glad to help! Hope trainings going great for you!

  3. Keriann says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I just wanted to say how wonderful it is that you and your roommates are getting along and also how great it is that you are all from such different backgrounds! I’m sure you’ll each learn a lot about each other’s cultures over the next few months.

    Also, welcome to Disney for the first time! I hope you and your roommates, coworkers, and whoever else will have an amazing time in the parks during your free time. Good luck with training!

    • Keriann says:

      I forgot to ask… Did you happen to make a bucket list of everything you want to do at Disney? I made a short one for myself since I haven’t been here in about 15 years and I can imagine how overwhelming it must be to want to explore the entire park in these few short months. I think a list would definitely help!

  4. So happy you are off to a possitive start. Yes, the parks have sso much to offer and soon you will know all that is offered without thinking. Your role is an important one. You are quite often the first person guest will interact with. You will set the tone for the magic that is to come.

  5. Thank You Professor, yes my role is important. The guests are always excited and happy about coming to the parks, which makes my job much easier.

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