week 9

Time has passed by so quick soon we’ll be home, but I’m excited to get back!

Classes finished this week our last classed took place in a park, one was Magic Kingdom and the other Hollywood studios.  I had a lot of fun for my corporate analysis class we had a trivia and raced against other teams, Monique and I did a very good job!

For my experiential learning class we were just required to go on three attractions and describe whether it was educational or entertainment. That was a lot of fun too!

Overall these two classes were educational and very fun! I enjoyed learning about the Disney history and Walt’s life history, also about the different learning types and our individual learning experiences.

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6 Responses to week 9

  1. Maria Gonzalez
    Attractions/ Mission Space

  2. How will you use what you learned when you get back to City Tech? Do you think having a better idea about how you learn and how others learn will be of benefit in your college education? What were the most significant concepts that you learned?

  3. jbeverett says:

    We sure did have a lot of fun and I feel the same way. Time is slipping by but I feel like we accomplished so much already learning so much about ourselves and others we work with. Congratulations!

    Jennifer Everett
    DownTown Disney
    Merch/ Goofy’s Candy Co.

    • momo7991 says:

      It was a grate time, it was one of the best times I had in a very long time. It was a break we needed and well deserved and I got to do it all with my girls, the class was very informative, I learned a lot and I’m very grateful. I’m with you Jennifer congratulations to you all, we did it.

      Monique Soden
      Animal kingdom
      Merchandise Stroller Rental

  4. Mei Lin says:

    I wish I got to go explore the theme parks with you guys. It seems like a lot of fun but your right about the classes, I learned a lot from my Human Resource Management class. I think I might actually miss going to class every Friday morning.

    Mei Ling Lin
    Epcot – Future World East Attractions
    Spaceship Earth

  5. Bonds made in school last. The learning lasts too. You will all find that you have a lot to contribute back at City Tech.

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