Destined for Greatness

a card that says "We are all destined for greatness"

“The people we meet, decisions we make, and events in our life are not random occurrences. It is the hand of destiny guiding our faith. I don’t want to become a doctor to simply “help people”. I want to be a doctor for the poor and disenfranchised because my destiny is somehow intertwined with theirs. I don’t fully know how yet but, everyday I am guided closer to understanding and continue to work hard because I can’t sit idly by while my dreams and aspirations are in the balance. More importantly we all have a role to play in the game of life and if our faith are dependent on each other then I refuse to be the reason we don’t succeed in what ever endeavors lie ahead of us.”

Name: A. W.
Age: 22
Major: Applied Mathematics

Long Exposure

Happy Tuesday guys!! I have one question for you. Has anyone heard of the term “Long Exposure?” For those who are not sure, I will give you a quick description. I promise not to bore you. Long exposure occurs when the shutter stays open for a certain amount of time. It freezes moments in an image. If there’s a person in the image, they can appear transparent or blurry. However this must be done using a tripod.

Below my pictures will reflect just that. Feel free to ask any questions.

exploding lights

Life has many outcomes. But it first starts at the center of our hearts. The outcome varies per person. But the end result is a lesson.- Kwillie.  Freedom Tunnel Manhattan, NY 7:09pm.


a city skyline reflected on the water

“Risky takers stay close to the edge. But guess what?! They are the ones that succeed. Their journey never ends.” -Kwillie.  Brooklyn Bridge Park Brooklyn, NY 6:17pm.



a person standing in front of graffiti

Transparency is removing the mask and revealing who you really are; it is getting beyond the surfave to what isreally going on in your heart.- Kevin Martineau.  Freedom Tunnel Manhattan, NY 7:15pm.



a colorful sunset on the water, by a city skyline

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”- Unknown.  Brooklyn Bridge Park Brooklyn, NY 5:52pm.


Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

Girl Ice CreamCrazy Ice CreamBiden Ice Cream

(From Left to Right)

Image by Daniel Rothamel via Flickr

Image by Don Ryan via ABC News Go

Image by Unknown via


As young children, we fantasized about the days when we could eat candy and all other kinds of sweets for breakfast. Instead of eating healthy food for the most important meal of the day, we wanted feast on cakes, cookies, or ice cream. It seemed like was an amazing dream come true despite our parents’ opinions. In the 1960’s, Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast day was founded by Florence Rappaport of Rochester, New York, most likely, from an enormous blizzard that hit hard in their area that year. In order to avoid her six children from becoming restless due to school closures, she allowed them to spontaneously eat ice cream for breakfast. Her children enjoyed the occasion so much that the following year they asked their mother if they could celebrate her made-up holiday again and it continued to be a family tradition every year and was passed on to others who interacted with the Rappaport family. Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast day is currently observed on the first Saturday of every February. Now, this food inspired holiday is widely celebrated on February 18th in order to bring awareness to childhood cancer in the world. In 2010, nine year old Malia Grace succumbed to her long battle with cancer. To honor her beautiful yet short life, in 2013 Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast day became viral on social media to honor many children suffering from this aggressive disease by doing one of Malia’s favorite traditions that she did on her birthday every year.

Coffee and Donuts

Image by Gnokii via OpenClipart


Below is a recipe for an interesting flavor of ice cream that is perfect for breakfast and a rather fun approach to celebrate Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast day next year or you can simply purchase a pint of Häagen-Dazs instead.


Coffee and Doughnuts Ice Cream

 Yield: 1 quart

Prep time: 8 hours

Total time: 12 hours


1½ cups whole milk
¾ cup granulated sugar
1½ cups whole coffee beans
3 glazed doughnuts, chopped, divided
Pinch of salt
1½ cups heavy cream
5 egg yolks
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Warm the milk, sugar, whole coffee beans, 2 doughnuts, salt, and 1/2 cup of the cream in a medium saucepan. Once the mixture is warm, cover, remove from the heat. And let steep at room temperature for one hour.

2. Rewarm the coffee-infused milk mixture. Pour the remaining 1 cup cream into a large bowl and set a mesh strainer on top. In a separate medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Slowly pour the warm coffee mixture into the egg yolks, whisking constantly, then scrape the warmed egg yolks back into the saucepan.

3. Stir the mixture constantly over medium heat with a heatproof spatula, scraping the bottom as you stir, until the mixture thickens and coats the spatula (and registers 170 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer). Pour the custard through the strainer and stir it into the cream. Press on the coffee beans and doughnuts in the strainer to extract as much of the coffee flavor as possible, then discard the beans and doughnut remnants. Mix in the vanilla and stir until cool over an ice bath.

4. Chill the mixture thoroughly in the refrigerator, then freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions, adding the remaining chopped doughnut during the last few minutes of churning.

Coffee and Doughnut ice cream recipe via Brown Eyed Baker

Life In The Fast Lane

Ever wanted to drive around a luxurious car? You know, like a Ferrari or Lamborghini? Well you’re not the only one!

One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2015 is for me to get my driver’s license. So far I have my permit. Although I live in Manhattan – the city with NO PARKING, I feel like you having a driver’s license puts you at an advantage for many things such as racing around in a Ferrari or Lamborghini!!

Last year for father’s day my sister in law purchased an event on group-on where my brother got to choose between a Ferrari or Lamborghini and drove around a racing track three times. It was such a thrilling moment! Even though I wasn’t the one behind the wheel, seeing everyone so excited to race around and seeing these luxurious race cars gave me the “UMPH” to get my license so that I could do this. Especially since I LOVE cars and my favorite race car is a Lamborghini!!

Right now, living social has a deal where you can get a luxurious experience driving around in a Ferrari or Lamborghini in MetLife Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ)! I recommend everyone with a driver’s license to do this! Even though I haven’t done it yet, I do plan on it and my brother said it was an amazing experience and he’ll do it again!

two sports cars

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, my brother drove in the Ferrari!

An Adventurous Journey to NYC Underground

One of the major things that keeps New York City moving is its subway. The city’s public transportation system is crucial to its everyday’s life and it is the greatest asset in helping people to circulate and commute in the city. Waiting for the train, struggling to find a seat, and encountering subway performers while being in a place with complete strangers, is all part of the subway experience. Certainly there is nothing like it, even though some New Yorkers pretend it is possibly the worst thing on earth, they surely know that they wouldn’t survive without it.

Humans of Cuny comes back, featuring a New York City College of Technology student, talking about his experience taking the subway.


The wondrous sunset vividly animating the sky, awarded the commuters below with a beautiful sight while patiently waiting for the arrival of the train.

High Elevated Platform SunsetPhoto taken at Broadway Junction


And suddenly arriving, is the very much anticipated train skating over the electric railway, to gather its new passengers for the long journey ahead to the underground.

Ariving TrainPhoto taken at Broadway Junction


This subway car is the chosen one for the journey; it’s so vast it seems as it stretches deeper than the eye can see. Nevertheless, in seconds it will be bombarded with passengers fighting for a place of their own in order to take part in this new adventure.

A NYC Train CarPhoto taken at Lexington Avenue / 59th Street Station


Now trapped to another world; a world with strangers, but certainly greatly animated by subway performers. Whether they dance, sing or do magic tricks, they can certainly make the journey enjoyable until the final destination is reached.

Leaving Train Photo taken at Jamaica Center


Humans of Cuny

“What do you like the most about NYC subway?”

“The diversity, all the different types of people you see, from all social classes and all races. Of all the subway lines my favorite line is the E train because, it passes by my high school and it brings up a lot of amazing memories.”

a young man in a capPhoto taken at New York City College of Technology


The Best Cold Weather Foods

It’s no surprise that this month has been nothing, but an icebox outside. However, this icebox-like weather shouldn’t put a crimp in your food plans. If anything, this freezing month and weather means it’s the perfect time to embrace and enjoy hot, hearty, and comforting foods.

I’ve compiled a list of warm, mouth-watering deliciousness you can bask in during these subzero temperatures at least until spring is finally in the air. All of these foods make for a great idea on any cold day or night.

a food dish

Chicken pot pie is a true, classical, and harmonious comfort food. This is the chicken pot pie I made in my Culinary 2 class last semester. It’s a completely different version of the chicken pot pie you may be used to seeing. I really enjoyed this version of the chicken pot pie because it was based from my own creativity, but also because it’s a feel-good dish!

food dishes

Hot Pot is definitely one of my favorite style of cooking and eating. If you don’t know what hot pot is, it’s really simple because all it is really is a simmering metal pot of stock and ingredients are placed into the pot and cooked at the table. Typical hot pot dishes include thinly sliced meats, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, dumplings, seafood, and much more. The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce. Hot pot is commonly eaten in the winter during dinner time.

I love hot pot because it’s considered to be healthier, it’s a feel-good dish and style of cooking, and versatile. Hot pot is especially more fun when your doing it with family or friends.


Pho is a classical Vietnamese noodle soup and specialty of a number of restaurants. It consists of  an amazing broth, rice noodles, herbs, and meat. It’s primarily served with either beef or chicken. It can be garnished with lime, bean sprouts, cilantro, and cinnamon basil. The broth is heaven! It’s full of beef and herb-like aromas and absolutely Vietnamese comfort food.

a food dish

Every once in a while, I crave for Cuban cuisine and I usually would order a hearty beef stew with rice and beans. I love it when the beef stew are big and juicy and the sauce is drenched over the rice and beans which makes it more exciting and enjoyable! There’s nothing like staying warm with a warm and tasty dish!


If you haven’t noticed by now the popularity of ramen is booming! The truth is ramen has always been around, but after it’s booming that’s when I really developed a love and excitement for ramen. It’s become a comfort food and a food that many have learned to appreciate and admire because not only is it delicious and savory, but ramen is a process and layers of different flavors and textures.


Another food that is perfect for a chilly winter day is a bowl of creamy, velvety grits. I’ve had grits 2-3 times in the past two or three years and not only will it fill you up, but it’s real a pleasure to eat. There’s no real taste to grits like oatmeal unless you add in your own flavoring, foods, and garnishments. Wouldn’t you want to have a hot bowl of creamy goodness in front of your face right now?


These are soup dumplings also known as xiao long bao. They are traditionally filled with pork and a solid meat aspic. When you take your first few bites into the xiao long bao, a savory pork soup will explode in your mouth. Xiao long bao is best consumed when hot.

I hope you’ve found this list of foods to be helpful especially with the days we have left of this frigid weather. If you haven’t tried any of these yet, I think you should at least it give a shot at least once and see if you may enjoy it.

What kinds of foods do you enjoy in the cold weather?


You think capturing sunsets are beautiful? Try when it snows. Nature is at its best when snowflakes drop on branches, rocks and pavements. Creating a heavenly scenery.
I guess by now you have figured out my euphoria when we had the “Blizzard”. And I do speak for other photographers besides myself.
“Shooting”( a term commonly used by photographers) when it snows or in areas that is covered with snow, creates a scenic atmosphere. Which allows you to be more creative with your images and creates illusions. With that being said I have included a few of my breathing moments.

snow falling

“Advice is like snow-the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge.  East NY, Brooklyn 8:18pm


snowy rocks

“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.” – Unknown.  Central Park, NY 3:57pm


a snowy forest

“Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers” – Unknown.  Central Park, NY 3:59


snow falling

“The power of imagination created the illusion that my vision went much further than the naked eye can actually see” – Nelson Mandela.  East NY, Brooklyn 8:47pm

“Don’t Take it Personal”

six runway models

Boston FW by Luke Aaron/Jenny via CC license

February isn’t only Black History Month or a time for award and sport shows. It’s also about FASHION. This Winter’s month is when designers and artist show their latest styles for Summer, creating a constant flow of castings and events.

I have been modeling since Winter 2010 and partaking in entertainment since youth. I’ve appeared on local television, national television, independent films, and local modeling/fashion circuits. Now-a-days I cherish the few gigs, or jobs, I obtain here and there, especially being enrolled full-time. (Fun fact: I will be in the CityTech’s Spring Production “the falling Sparrow”)

.                         704664_10151360682268921_2078211220_o                      a model

 Amoni B | Photography Credits L-R  Garden of Bathsheba & Entertainment Vibes

Last year I joined a booking agency for natural hair models. They emailed about a casting for $500-$1000 to be apart of a DVD or Webcast. Models allowed to attend would be considered for the job. I was confirmed and I was excited! I even avoided getting my hair done with my newly purchased internationally imported hair wefts.

I went to the casting after class, traveling to Lower Manhattan Gansevorts’ Meatpacking District on the West side near 14th street. It was snowing, I was cold, I got semi-lost, yet very determined. I managed to arrive before call time. To my surprise, because of the STORM, the casting was delayed. I canceled my sub-sequential appointments.

Models of various shapes and sizes poured into the mini elevator, then headed to the penthouse suite. I saw some familiar faces and several new ones. There were models conversing with new found friends; models sitting on couches dreaming away; models standing against walls; models sitting and gazing at those walls; models on their phones avoiding looking up at the surroundings, models preparing their newly painted masks in the restrooms, models changing garments from their winter-barriers to runway ready attire, and models disappearing due to the wait.

A couple of hours later, a male appeared. He laughed at the site and asked for some more organization. He separated us by our current hair length: those with long hair went to the right and those with hair above the shoulder went to the left. Having my hair in its tightly curly state I went to the left. He disappeared and there was a large waves of chatter. 20 minutes later he reappeared with a female companion. She further grouped us by hair color: brunettes to the right; blondes to the left; red heads to the back center; those with bobs or who will cut their hair to the back left; an those who would color their hair in any of the previously mentioned go to that group. I didn’t want to cut my hair so I went to the rouges, showing an open mind. The pair looked in the crowd of eager faces. They walked the room choosing those they saw fit. They ran their hands in models’ heads before putting them on a lifted platform.  They disappeared and deliberated, upon returning they dismissed us. Of the 30 models on stage, all were female, Caucasian, long hair, straight, maybe with a slight wave on some. Most were brunettes, 3 blondes, and one model had short gray hair in a bob.

two models

Backstage by Barnadette via CC license

The minorities looked at each other and at those on the platform. Some faces looked upset, others looked used to the turn out, and other visages remained blissful. I hoped at least one any minority, long or short, straight or curled, would be chosen. I felt even though we was allowed to attend this “equal opportunity” casting, there wasn’t an authentic place for us.

When leaving, it was as if we were on 42nd street during rush hour packed in a cramped corridor. People went to the elevator and some searched for stairs. While I waited online for the elevator, a feminine Greek-like statuesque consoled her tribal match, yet curly red-haired friend. She said, “Don’t take it personal… they usually go for people with straight hair. I’ve been chosen several times before when my hair has straight so I won’t [take it personal].”

I was conflicted. I was taking it personal. I thought of how I was screened for the casting and had hopes of being chosen. I thought of discrimination. I thought of being of color during Black History Month. I thought of breaking out of the African-American circuit and being internationally accepted. I thought of straightening my hair.

QUESTIONS TO THE PUBLIC: Do you feel there is a STILL a gap in the beauty industry?  |  Have you partook in fashion shows, what was the casting process?  |   What is your take on Mercedes Benz Fashion Week vs. Couture Fashion Week vs. Brooklyn Fashion Week vs. Urban Fashion Week?  |  Should models take castings personal or should the artist choose their subjects?  |  Should castings be regulated?

a young woman

Amoni B by Heaven Sent Photography

Does MTA Hate Us?

a pile of metro cards

Well it’s that time again…..the MTA has once again raised the cost of a MetroCard, by 25 cents. Meaning, a single ride will go from $2.50 to $2.75.

But the news gets worse. The weekly MetroCard will go up an entire $1 from $30 to $31, while the monthly MetroCard will increase from $112 to $116.50.

As someone that’s a full time student, and works, I rely heavily on the MTA. And while 25 cents or a whole $1 doesn’t sound much, it adds up!!! A good chunk of my paycheck will now be going to the MTA……then again that’s probably exactly what they want. They obviously don’t have the people’s best interest in mind, with all these increases.

But wait, the MTA has blessed us with so called “good” news. Bonuses will increase to 11 percent for every $5.50 spent!!! Currently, riders get 5% bonus for every $5 spent. Now doesn’t that make up for ANOTHER fare hike….

The hike will take effect on March 22, so we have a little over a month to get ready  and start preparing our wallets.

At this point, I think it’ll just be easier to buy a car….

The Earth From Above

I have always been fascinated by mountains, by their heights, their shape and the breathtaking views they project. I am going to take you guys on a journey to Haiti which is one of the best places in the world to see this natural phenomena. The country is surrounded by mountains, its name was given by the native Indians and it means high lands and Beautiful mountains.



Hiding comfortably under the clouds, this splendid sight is only witnessable from above of the earth.

Cloudy MountainsPhoto taken in Port-au-Prince Haiti


One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure. Don’t just live in the world, explore it and find a place that is yours.

Bushy MountainsPhoto taken in Grand-Anse Haiti


Look deep as far as your eyes can see, there is always one last mountain chain waving at you.

Mountain ChainPhoto taken in Grand-Anse Haiti


Only up there, one can have a glance of the city by witnessing its corners all at once.

Port-au-PrincePhoto taken in Port-au-Prince Haiti