Category Archives: Uncategorized

Final Exams–Due May 21

Finals have been placed in your dropbox folder. They are due May 21st in the dropbox folder. If you have problems with accesing the folder, you should contact me immediately. Have a great summer! It was a pleasure having you … Continue reading

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In both “The Veldt” and “The Commuter” by Ray Bradbury and Phillip K. Dick respectively, we are introduced to people living within or amongst some type of alternate reality. In Bradbury’s story, the alt reality is within the home of … Continue reading

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The story “In the Penal Colony,” by Franz Kafka, examines the ways of a remote island colony where a unique and brutal form of justice is practiced. Designed by the previous and now deceased Commandant, this justice comes in the … Continue reading

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The first essay by Ursula K. LeGuin, “American SF and The Other”, essentially rips apart the genre from the inside out by highlighting the racial, sexual, and even class hierarchy that rules the character development, or lack of in her … Continue reading

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BP 11

Phillip K Dick’s “We can remember it for you wholesale” is a story about deciding whether or not you want to live a life you never experienced rather than the one that you’re used to. Our main character Douglas has … Continue reading

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BP 10

In “The girl who was plugged in” three of the most important characters in my eyes would be Paul, Dr. Tesla, and Mr. Cantle. Paul is brought into the story a little after the plot is being built up but … Continue reading

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No new Homework for 5/9 but makeup work due.

I hope everyone had a pleasant spring break. We’re all caught up, so there’s nothing new due. However, if you’ve fallen behind on any of the blog posts, I’m going to give you until Thursday, 5/9 to make them up … Continue reading

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Alexis Xinol Morales – BP 11

In “We Can Remember it for You Wholesale,” the author, Philip K. Dick, tells a story where things aren’t always what they seem. The title itself, I feel already says a lot on what is suppose to or is gonna … Continue reading

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BP 11 – Khalil Issa

The story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale”, follows a man named Douglas Quail, who makes a living working a menial Office job but has always had a dream to travel to Mars. Do to the lack of money … Continue reading

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BP#11: We Can Remember it for You Wholesale

In “We Can Remember it for You Wholesale,” the main character is Douglas Quail who is determined to see Mars. His wife, Kirsten, thinks he is just obsessed with the idea and honestly seems sick of him talking about it … Continue reading

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BP 11 – Joshua Caesar

“We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” by Philip K. Dick is a story that plays with the idea of choosing to live with the memories of a life that you never had instead of living the one you live … Continue reading

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Before my take on what possibly had happened after Mclane left Quail behind, there is some context from the story that takes precedence in order to support my thoughts. Firstly, and most importantly, Quail cannot be shot dead and disposed … Continue reading

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BP11- Gabriel Aguilar

The story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale”, is a story that relies on the reader’s suspension of disbelief at the very end. However, in the beginning, we are within a relatively grounded sci-fi mystery. I think the natural … Continue reading

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BP – 11 (Isaiah.S)

 To summarize the story of  “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” Douglass Quai wakes up from a recurring dream and a constant driving passion to head to mars in this grand sci-fi future but despite his wife constantly telling … Continue reading

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BP 11–Due 4/18/22

Make sure to leave 4 comments for BP 10. The ending of “We Can Remember it for You Wholesale,” I find, admittingly, a little goofy. Is it just a surprise ending to make you wonder? Was it an easy way … Continue reading

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BP10-Yamilet Vasquez

While reading “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” by James Tiptree, I was able to learn how there were many characters involved throughout the story. Delphi, or who she truly is, Rima, is used for advertisement in a world where … Continue reading

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BP 10 Albert Gonzalez

The characters I would like to talk about in the story would be ,mike, Roger       .All of these characters have some sort of infacturation for P. burke that can be seen within the  novel. Just like P. Burke Roger was … Continue reading

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“The Girl Who Was Plugged In” By James Tiptree Jr. (Alice Sheldon) is set in a distant future where advertising has become outlawed by the state. However, some very powerful people were able to find a loophole in this ban … Continue reading

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BP10: “The Girl Who Was Plugged In”

Excluding P. Burke and Delphi, the next three most important characters in Tiptree’s “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” are Doctor Tesla, Mr. Cantle, and Paul Isham. Doctor Tesla is one of the most important characters in the story because … Continue reading

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BP – 10 – Joshua Caesar

James Tiptree Jr.’s story “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” is a very bleak and complex story that is about a world where beautiful celebrities are remote controlled by other people to sell products and help the rich get richer. … Continue reading

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BP 10 – Khalil Issa

Paul Isham, Joe, and Mr. Cantle are the next three most important characters. Paul served as both Delphi and Burke love interest. I put him as the second first important charters behind them for that very reason he was the … Continue reading

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BP10 – Gabriel Aguilar

The story “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” by James Tiptree, otherwise known as Alice Sheldon, is a story with deep roots in our society. It revolves around the themes of escapism, capitalism, infatuation, and greed. These themes run deep … Continue reading

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BP-10 (Isaiah.S)

  Dr Tesla Quine plays the role of the scientist likely in charge of creating Delphi as well as being a founding member of the Burke project for the GTX corporation, his developments in science is what gives P. Burke … Continue reading

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BP 10–Due 4/11/24

For Blog Post 10, you have two jobs: Excluding P. Burke and Delphi, discuss the next three most important characters in Tiptree’s “The Girl Who Was Plugged in.” Provide a brief 1-2 sentence overview for each character that explains their … Continue reading

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“A Voice in the Night”, by William Hope Hodgson, is a story essentially two parts. Part one is two sailors (Will and George) who come across a distress call in the distance as they are marooned in a fog. Part … Continue reading

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Alexis Xinol Morales – BP 9

The story “The Voice in the Night” by William Hope Hodgson begins with a ship’s captain, which I believe Is George, and then Will and another seaman, out on their voyage in the Northern Pacific Ocean. He and his crew … Continue reading

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BP9: “The Voice in the Night”

In this short story, there is a crew who encounters an old man that is begging for some help. This man was very strange because when he would give information about himself, he would pause abruptly before. The random man … Continue reading

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BP 8 Albert Gonzalez

In bloodlines the superior race the telic might be just a better race overall in many attributes than one. However just like Maslow’s popular hierarchy     of needs  theory of needs goes we need a who bunch  of needs to be … Continue reading

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BP 9 Albert Gonzalez

In story of your life  mystery of what the creature exactly is gives a sense of passion to the main chracters.As they were curious wanting even a ” sound spectrograph” to know what they are saying . The heptapods even … Continue reading

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BP-9 (Isaiah.S)

 The reading I have chosen to work on will be “The Voice in the Night” by William Hope Hodgson, this is a story that begins with a small crew sailing in an unknown position within the perimeter of the northern … Continue reading

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BP 9–Extra Credit–Due 4/4/24 11:59 pm

Since we didn’t have class this week because I was out sick, I’m going to make this blog post optional for extra credit. I’m also going to make the comments for BP 8, which are due at the same time, … Continue reading

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Khalil Issa – BP8

The theme slavery is explored the most in my opinion. My reasons for thinking this is nauseous these people are forces led against their will to have en egg implanted in them which hatches and are forced to withstand as … Continue reading

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BP 8

Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild” displays many instances of manipulation throughout the text. Humans within this story’s society are relied upon to reproduce with an Alien species in order to keep society running. At first the main character, Gan, is uncomfortable with … Continue reading

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BP 8 – Joshua Caesar

Throughout Octavia Butler’s story “Bloodchild”, we see the theme of hierarchy throughout and we see how hierarchy affects the story and the characters within it. We learn that a group of humans, referred to as “Terrans” are living in a … Continue reading

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BP 8 – Alexis Xinol Morales

The subject of symbiosis is moved throughout Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild” story. demonstrating the bond between the Tlic, an alien species. The Tlic are characterized as intelligent grub-like animals with numerous limbs that can extend claws and speak in human language, followed by … Continue reading

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BP8-Symbiosis in Bloodchild

Symbiosis is the relationship between two distinct species. That relationship must benefit them both positively to be considered symbiotic. Furthermore, that relationship can have dependence, like the Remora fish that eat sharks’ leftovers and are not eaten by the sharks … Continue reading

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BP8 – Gabriel Aguilar

Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild” presents an excellent example of parasitic symbiosis. Parasitism, which the National Library of Medicine defines as “A symbiotic relationship in which a symbiont lives all or part of its life in or on a living host, usually … Continue reading

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Each of the four themes can be extrapolated from the relationship between T’Gatoi, the Tlic and Lien the terran and her family. The one I felt the most in this story though, especially toward the end when we figure out … Continue reading

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BP8: “Bloodchild”

In the short story “Bloodchild” by Octavia Butler, we are shown a relationship between something similar to an alien and a human family. In my opinion, the relationship that these creatures have with the humans very closely resembles slavery. Although … Continue reading

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BP 8

In the story “Bloodchild” by Octavia Butler the theme of manipulation can be seen. Throughout the story Gans old best friend, Qui, was telling him that he had seen one of the Tlics eat a man. Gan did not know … Continue reading

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BP 8-Yamilet Vasquez

In “Bloodchild,” T’Gatoi’s manipulation of Gan is clear despite the gruesome realities he faces. He is Initially repulsed by the idea of being used for reproduction as he witnesses disturbing events like Lomas’s fate. However, when faced with T’Gatoi’s authority … Continue reading

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BP 8 – Isaiah.S

  To my own understanding this sci fi story in particular creates a more dramatic yet also manipulative story in which humanity in it’s expansion had a mass proportion of the human race labeled as “Terran” and hoarded in nature … Continue reading

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Bruce Sterling: The Professor and the Writer

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BP 8-“Bloodchild” Due 3/28 by 11:59 pm

Make sure to get comments completed for BP 6 and 7 by the 28th as well. In three paragraphs, thoroughly explore one of the following themes in “Bloodchild.” manipulation heirachy symbiosis slavery Readings for Tuesday, April 2nd: Ted Chiang–Story of … Continue reading

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BP7-Yamilet Vasquez

On pages 60-61, we see Hamid going through a lot of deep feelings and thoughts. He’s learning surprising stuff about his parents and feeling unsure about what the Tourists are saying about this important person called the “Great Man.”  Even … Continue reading

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BP 7

Some essential information from the story is Hamid’s childhood. He was adopted by Huss Thomphson and his wife. Hamid remembers being happy growing up even though he knew he was adopted because his parents had told him. He started college … Continue reading

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On Page 17 of  “The Blabber” by Vernor Vinge A description of the the city’s skyline is given where it’s said that starships formed a row in the sky with something described as dark being hung above but we then … Continue reading

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BP7-Historical Preservation

In Vernon Vinge’s “The Blabber” page 33, the narrator describes the city as a shell, pretending to be an old (by their standard, future by ours) city. We read the imagery of the skyline, the structures, the advertisements, the lights, … Continue reading

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BP7 – Joshua Caesar

In Vernor Vinge’s story “The Blabber”, we are given little hints and clues as to not only what the Blabber looks like, but also what the being is capable and its origins. We learn that it is being that is … Continue reading

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Though earlier in the story the Slug suggests that the Tines may be of a species similar or the same as the Blabber and a brief description of their speculations on the beings, toward the bottom of page 47 begins … Continue reading

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BP7 – Gabriel Aguilar

The Blabber Pages 6-16 Within the story “The Blabber” by Vernor Vinge, specifically on pages 6-16 we get a bit of an info dump about the world/worlds and its lore. The scene that gives us this mass of information happens … Continue reading

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BP 7 Albert Gonzalez

In the novel there are many smoke and mirror scenes that can make you think and analyze what you’re thinking.From the  relationships to the technology often advanced yet primal in many ways. Paradoxes in relationships in which characters act nice … Continue reading

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BP7: Bryan Jimenez

A key informative scene from “The Blabber” by Vernor Vinge is on pages 9-11 when Hamid talks on the isolation of Middle America, how it relates to Old Earth, and how big of an impact the blabber has in their … Continue reading

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BP 7: “The Blabber”

A key scene in “The Blabber” by Vernor Vinge is on pages 52 through 54. In this scene, it is revealed to Hamid that the Blabber is the same race of the tines. On page 52, there are multiple parts … Continue reading

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BP – 7 _ Isaiah.S

BP 7 – (Cited pages 54-58) BP 7 (S.F) (1)

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William Hope Hodgson – Alexis Xinol Presentation

William Hope Hodgson – Alexis Xinol Presentation

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BP 7–Due March 21 by 11:59 p.m.

BP 7 is due March 21. Make sure to leave at least four comments to BP 6 of your peers by then as well. For BP 7, pick a key informative scene in “The Blabber” where essential information is revealed … Continue reading

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James Tiptree Jr. (Alice Sheldon) Presentation

Alice Sheldon Presentation

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Greg Bear Presentation

Greg Bear

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Readings for Tuesday, 3/19

This is on the syllabus, but just as a reminder, the readings for March 19th are BrianAldiss—Supertoys Last All Summer (1969) Vernor Vinge–The Blabber (1988). The Blabber by Vinge is 61 pages long, so make sure to get a jump … Continue reading

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BP 6 – Khalil

I choose question 1, the relationship between the artificial Intelligence and the humans in “I have no mouth, and I must scream” is simple, both despise each other. The computer named Am, wiped almost all of humanity with the exception … Continue reading

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Midterm Exam, Due Friday 3/15 by 11:59 p.m.

I’ve placed a copy of the midterm exam in everyone’s dropbox folder. If you are having trouble with that let me know through email. You may write directly into the midterm exam. Make sure to follow the directions. When you … Continue reading

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BP 6

Question 1. In the stories “The Lifecycle of Software Objects” by Ted Chiang and “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison, different types of relationships between artificial intelligence and humans exist. Both stories show opposite relationships … Continue reading

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BP6 – Digients & Blobs

In both Ted Chiang’s The Lifecycle of Software Objects, and Harlan Ellison’s I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, our characters are unable to get out of their undesirable situation. Stuck in a world, their world, that transformed into … Continue reading

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BP6- Yamilet Vasquez

Question 4 In Ted Chiang’s “Stories of Your Life and Others,” the theme of hope resonates throughout the narrative beginning with Colonel Weber’s decision to enlist Dr. Louise Banks and Ian Donnelly in helping with the mystery of the extraterrestrial … Continue reading

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Presentation- Ocatvia Butler

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BP 6 – Alexis Xinol Morales

I decided to choose Question 1 : “In Lifecycle of Software Objects” by Ted Chiang and “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison present different views on the relationship between artificial intelligence and humans going deep … Continue reading

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BP 6

QUESTION: What kinds of relationships are likely to develop between artificial intelligence and humans? These two stories show two very, very different scenarios. Discuss these relationships in each of the stories and draw some speculation of how you imagine such … Continue reading

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BP6: Bryan Jimenez

Question 1: The stories “The Lifecycle of Software Objects” by Ted Chiang and “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison, both showcase the relationships between humans and artificial intelligence (AI). In “The Lifecycle of Software Objects” … Continue reading

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BP6 – Gabriel Aguilar

For my post, I will be responding to question 2. Who are the marginalized and disenfranchised groups in each of the stories and how are each treated by the powers that be? Within the stories “Lifecycle of Software Objects” by … Continue reading

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Both Ted Chiang and Harlan Ellison’s show the relationship between human beings and artificial intelligence, however, both stories have two completely different ways of portraying these relationships and just how deep things can get between humans and AI. One shows … Continue reading

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BP 6 Albert Gonzalez

I will be answering question number 1 In Ted Chaings novel the SI seem to comingle with one another. Just like we would teach a AI on ways to communicate with us .They have more of a understanding of the … Continue reading

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BP6 – Isaiah.S

 For this post I am basing my question off of number 1.  [Edited 3/8/24]  Between artificial intelligence and humans there will always be a divide in opinion between creating smart robots for comfortability with such examples as machines which are … Continue reading

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Ray Bradbury Presentation – Joshua Caesar

Ray Bradbury Presentation

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Gabriel Aguilar – Philip K. Dick Presentation

Here is the presentation! Download PDF

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BP 6–Due 3/7

There are various themes that run through the two stories this week by Chiang and Ellison. Respond to one of the following questions to create three paragraphs of a coherent, cogent, clear, and unified blog post that sheds some light … Continue reading

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Ted Chiang Presentation (By Vincent Zheng)

Ted Chiang Presentation

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CRC_Franz Kafka

Kafka Finally getting my files back up, here are the slides from my presentation (20FEB24) on Franz Kafka and his contributions to literature. Please enjoy and reach out if you have any questions! -Chris Caruso

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Both “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury and “The Commuter” by Philip K. Dick explore technology and  emotion, showcasing the darker sides of advanced machinery and virtual realities. In “The Veldt,” a futuristic nursery filled with this advanced technology allows children … Continue reading

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BP 4 – Khalil Issa

In “The Veldt” you have the nursery, which is  a virtual reality room that can bring one’s imagination to life, reproduce any place they imagine, and grow increasingly attached to it. This makes In the “The Commuter” you have Paine … Continue reading

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BP5: Bryan Jimenez

In the stories “The Commuter” by Philip K. Dick and “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury both go into alternate realities, although they do this in different ways. “The Veldt” shows a futuristic home where the kids use ‘virtual reality’ as a … Continue reading

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BP 5 – Alexis Xinol Morales

Both Ray Bradbury’s “The Veldt” and Philip K. Dick’s “The Commuter” examine the idea of parallel universes, but they do it in distinctive ways that makes it interesting perspectives on society. In “The Commuter,” the main character comes onto a … Continue reading

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BP 5

“The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury and “The Commuter” by Philip K. Dick are both interesting stories about alternate realities. In “The Veldt”,  the alternate reality is the nursery that George and Lydia had installed for their children. It lets the … Continue reading

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BP #5

Both stories, “The Commuter” by Phillip K. Dick and “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury, display examples of alternate realities. In “The Commuter,” we follow Bob Paine on his journey to discovering Macon Heights, a town that was nonexistent until Paine … Continue reading

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BP5-The Commuter & The Veldt

Both “The Commuter” and “The Veldt”, have a mysterious, riddle-like element with a Surrealist undertone. They both start with a clue to the nature of the world being created, leading us into the story’s arc. We go along with the … Continue reading

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Bp 5 Albery Gonzalez

In Veldt and the Commuter  as we read in other stories a dystopian theme is seen within this these two stories as well.In the commuter a world similar to a metaverse can be seen in which can immerse someone too … Continue reading

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Blog Post 5

“The Veldt” and “The Commuter” are both similar in that they are both about seemingly normal, everyday people who are caught off-guard and have their lives being drastically effected the world that is changing around them. What separates these two … Continue reading

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BP5- Yamilet Vasquez

While reading “The Veldt” and “The Commuter,” Im able to see how alternate realities are central to the narrative but are approached in different ways. In “The Veldt,” the alternate reality is manifested within an advanced home where the children’s … Continue reading

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Bp 5- Paige Sanderson

In “The Commuter,” Dick presents a world where individuals can travel to alternate realities through a train station. As he investigates different real factors, Ed Jacobson, the principal character, battles with the impacts of changing his own life. The idea … Continue reading

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BP 5 – Gabriel Aguilar

I would argue that “The Veldt” and “The Commuter” don’t share a lot of similarities. However, they share some aspects that do make them good counterparts to each other. It’s almost as if these two stories run opposite of each … Continue reading

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BP- 5 (Isaiah.S)

Both stories are Unique parallel worlds where ounces of technology are elevated past the modern age of the 21st century however in “The Commuter” besides the advancement of the railway system it is clear that something occurs in the past … Continue reading

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Warning about using AI to Write Blog Posts

Dear Students of ENG 2420: I’ve discussed this in class and it is on the syllabus. You may not use Artificial Intelligence programs to write your blog posts for you. I read through all the posts and it is very … Continue reading

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BP 4 (Late upload due to tech issues)

A penal colony is an area where those who are exiled or who are prisoners are sent as a punishment to be away from regular life away from the general population. The “apparatus” in this story is a machine that … Continue reading

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BP 5 – Darlyn Marine

Philip K. Dick’s “The Commuter” and Ray Bradbury’s “The Veldt” both explore the concept of alternate realities, but they do so in vastly different contexts and with divergent implications. In “The Commuter,” the alternate reality of Macon Heights represents a … Continue reading

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BP 4 – Darlyn Marine

Franz Kafka’s “In the Penal Colony” intricately weaves a narrative around themes of justice, authority, and the human condition through the lens of a peculiar execution device within a penal colony. The story begins with the exploration of the penal … Continue reading

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BP5-Due Thursday, 2/28

I know I said that since we’re not having class on Tuesday that you would have an assignment due both Tuesday and Thursday, but since this blog post is about both stories, we’ll make it due just on Thursday. Remember … Continue reading

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BP4 Albert Gonzalez

The penal colony is a story with a setting of convicts . There is a machine other wise known as a apparatus that punishes it’s victims violently.The vibe  of the story of it being so hot especially for the officer … Continue reading

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BP 4-Dreyfus & the Penal Colony

There are no actual details to tell us where the story is taking place, but there are some clues. From the understanding of the location, we can stipulate the meaning Kafka intended the story to convey. It seems like the … Continue reading

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BP 4: Bryan Jimenez

“In the Penal Colony” looks into issues of justice, authority, and the human condition through the account of an execution machine in a penal colony. The story goes over various aspects of justice and punishment, which raises concerns about the morality and effectiveness of … Continue reading

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BP-4 Khalil Issa

The story “In the Penal Colony.” By Kafka’s is simple about a traveler who was invited to an unnamed island by the Commander where a penal colony takes place, which is settlement where the await of being exiled happens, and … Continue reading

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