Warning about using AI to Write Blog Posts

Dear Students of ENG 2420:

I’ve discussed this in class and it is on the syllabus. You may not use Artificial Intelligence programs to write your blog posts for you. I read through all the posts and it is very easy to detect when someone is using AI. There are AI content detectors that can discern between human-generated and machine-generated content and provide evidence that someone has used machine-generated content. Nonetheless, when you are trained, as am I, it’s very apparant when someone isn’t using their own language. Recently, there have been several students who have posted using AI, insulting not only my human intelligence but also insulting the rest of the class by cheating. This is a warning to anyone who thinks they can get away with cheating.

The syllabus states that using AI without citation is considered plagiarism and plagiarism is a serious offense that could potentially result in expulsion from the college. Anyone who uses AI will receive a zero for their initial offense. Subsequent attempts will result in an F for the course and such cases will be reported to the academic standards committee. Don’t do it. If you’ve done it, Stop.

Professor Lest贸n


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