BP – 11 (Isaiah.S)

 To summarize the story of  “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” Douglass Quai wakes up from a recurring dream and a constant driving passion to head to mars in this grand sci-fi future but despite his wife constantly telling him he’s spewing nonsense the determination through his life and even while suffering the fact he works a middle class job is unwavered. It is only later does he realize from the Rekal corporation procedure to input fake memories into his mind that he remembers he did go to mars at some point in his life as a spy and then is let out the building with false memories overlapped therefore making him doubt the false experience working which then leads to him discovering at home evidence that states he really did go before remembering his assassination mission and thus is left now with the decision to die or plead for a change of memories with the Interplan corporation again who give him this wish despite it clearly not working in the end when he remembers the mission subconsciously again. 

Now at the end of the story McClane the leader of the Rekal industry states that there is no longer a need for the false identity proofs that Douglas and the interplan scientist plan such as the non-functional rod used in making a peace treaty with aliens or the documents that prove their arrival on earth and their interaction with the false identity prepared to be given to Doug. But despite simply being left in a room with the Interplanetary agent possibly to die it could be likely that they just perform the procedure again or wipe his memory completely. 


Yet I would argue that despite being in his state he is not bound to the operating table or tied up either, and he has 5 years of professional assassinations training which has proven useful in dodging a bullet at point blank against the same agent in the room so logically Douglas could break out of the table and incapacitate the agent and despite him having a living earpiece connected to Doug’s brain slug through telepathy. 


What could spark from this story is a new evolving one about Doug escaping with his memories from the Interplan organization and using his trained and remembered skills to find a way to escape from their hit agents which would expand this sci-fi universe greatly that then could add unique investigative elements such as why he had a wife or why was he tasked with killing a martian government VIP, from this he could make the events of the government public and hopefully get a procedure to remove the slime in his brain by acting quicker than the government can react in his adventures. 

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One Response to BP – 11 (Isaiah.S)

  1. Kimberly says:

    We had a similar idea of Douglas escaping the Interplan organization! I like how your version of the ending added that he would investigate more about the details of his life that he can’t seem to remember.

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