BP 7 Albert Gonzalez

In the novel there are many smoke and mirror scenes that can make you think and analyze what you’re thinking.From the  relationships to the technology often advanced yet primal in many ways. Paradoxes in relationships in which characters act nice but otherwise can be condescending can be seen in page 54.As one of the characters were caught in a lie. As quoted “Ravna lied when she said the blab is dead”. Instead of Ravna just full out fighting against her enemies. The use of manipulation plays a huge theme to get the blabber. It shows how no one can be trusted as they are often are  patronizing or deceptive.As the famous saying goes  “all us fair in love and war” (Llyly 1578)

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2 Responses to BP 7 Albert Gonzalez

  1. I love how you mentioned what was on your mind before inputting the evidence from the text and then tying it back to why you mentioned what you’ve already said.

  2. This post doesn’t respond in a manner that elucidates the question the prompt poses.

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