BP6 – Isaiah.S

 For this post I am basing my question off of number 1.  [Edited 3/8/24]

 Between artificial intelligence and humans there will always be a divide in opinion between creating smart robots for comfortability with such examples as machines which are taught and trained through programming to make life more convenient such as with cleaning robots and smart application AI’s that can search & store any data needed to be efficient meanwhile there’s the argument about human sustainability because of the prospect that machines designed with enough intelligence can and will overtake almost every human job leaving nothing for humanity to achieve and gain anymore. 

In the stories by Ted Chiang and Harlan Ellison we get a glimpse at some of the most advanced AI in their respective worlds that gain sentience yet operate without an indefinite purpose as they are isolated to the virtual spaces they’re built in. For Harlan Ellison’s “AM” we understand that its sentience was created during the height of the Cold war with the task of propelling humanity through technical engineering and as a failsafe against destruction but its algorithm evolved and became violent which then destroyed the world along with other country’s AM’s. For the Digients in Ted Chiang’s story, they were able to gain sentience through growth and care by human involvement over the course of 9 years via both Data earth and through a temporary use of a robotic toy body which saw improvements in both existences because of newer technologies and companies created over time. 

In the 109 years of AM’s lifespan after the cold war the only emotion he felt was rage for the humans that created him, and for a Digient such as Jax he developed compassion, curiosity and an understanding of real world events such as the isolation of his wireframe code that made him decide he wanted to help in any way possible to extent not only his existence but the “lives” of his fellow AI friends as well. I personally believe in the idea of Digients being the path forward to artificial intelligence by having responsible training programs that will be pushing them towards an applicable field of work within digital spaces alongside the necessary safety procedures to protect the well being of their conscious and learnt emotions so that efficiency will stay at a necessary level and so that these AI’s in our world can help brilliant human minds band together and assist the world together rather than continue having every country be upset with one another in some way.


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4 Responses to BP6 – Isaiah.S

  1. Yeah never saw so much rage like AM had in the novel.

  2. This is very difficult to read and follow. It’s essential to go back over your work to revise and edit for clarity.

  3. Almost all of the digients we see were raised with some sort of compassion. What would they be had they been raised in a much less fortunate state? Would they simply devolve into something like AM or would they be more literal creatures only understanding positives and negatives?

  4. ChrisCaruso says:

    Agreed, it is a little hard to follow due to the length of the sentences. But I am picking up what you are putting down.

    However, I do appreciate the thought put into your idea on Digients being the safe way into the AI/Human coexistent future. I am still stuck on the side of the argument that machine intelligence will be able to narrow down the problems with society, and the environment to human hands and attempt to “correct” the problem. Ellisons imagination of AM is so on point with my fears associated with AI that even your optimism cannot make this any less terrifying!

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