Albert Gonzalez’s Profile

Active 9 months, 1 weeks ago
Albert Gonzalez
Display Name
Albert Gonzalez
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

ADV3351 Web Design – ADV XHTML & CSS

ADV3351 Web Design – ADV XHTML & CSS

Advanced web design is a continuation of ADV2450 Web 1, a prerequisite of this course. Students will study, in further detail, HTML and CSS to ensure that they have a solid foundation. It is assumed that students have a solid grasp of Photoshop and Illustrator, and their proper workflow integration with Dreamweaver. The course is focused on completing a website, designing and building it, as well as writing all the content for the site. A portfolio site is not appropriate for the final project, and will not be acceptable. Each student will select at least one affiliate program which is appropriate for their site’s concept. They will register with the affiliate program, and practice effective content development with the goal of driving traffic to their site, and making income. Introduction to the uses of HTML 5, CSS3, PHP, Javascript, and other technologies will be reviewed in this course.

Web 3 – Fall 2013

Web 3 – Fall 2013

This is an intensive course in design and development of dynamic websites. The course offers a combination of theoretical and practical information on how to combine the PHP scripting language with the MySQL database to produce dynamic web content. Students are expected to have intermediate to expert skills in HTML and CSS. The goal of the course is to give students the experience of designing dynamic web content and demonstrate tasks such as generating images dynamically, sending and managing email, facilitating user discussions and managing content. The purpose is to learn a professional approach to website conceptualization and execution.

EMT1111 Logic and Problem Solving

EMT1111 Logic and Problem Solving

This course introduces the foundations of problem-solving and computer programming as it is applied to computer engineering technology. It provides a basic understanding of programming techniques, logic, and number systems through hands-on laboratory exercises in a modern programming language. Students will learn Python to understand basic programming concepts and AppInventor to create fun and useful applications (Apps) for Android based phones and devices. The course encourages students to cooperate with others and use their imagination, creativity, and problem solving skills to develop a successful final project.

My Projects

CUNY Service Corps

CUNY Service Corps

The CUNY Service Corps will mobilize CUNY students, faculty and staff to work on projects that improve the short and long-term civic, economic and environmental sustainability of New York City and of its residents and communities. The program’s goals are three-fold: for students to make a meaningful difference through service while gaining valuable real-world work experience, earning a wage, and where appropriate, receiving college credit; for faculty members and staff, through their work with students in the program, to have additional opportunities to apply their expertise to addressing many of the city’s key challenges; and for residents, communities, and project sponsors to realize concrete benefits as a result of CUNY Service Corps projects.

My Clubs

Student Government Association

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is the representative body for students. We are responsible for recommending student activity fee allocations, shaping policies affecting student life, coordinating extracurricular events and chartering new organizations. Feel free to contact SGA President, Lucas Almonte, with any questions, suggestions or concerns. He can be reached at SGAPresident@CityTech.Cuny.Edu If you wish to start a club on campus contact SGA Vice President, Sylwester Dombroski, at SGAVP@CityTech.Cuny.Edu