BP-9 (Isaiah.S)

 The reading I have chosen to work on will be “The Voice in the Night” by William Hope Hodgson, this is a story that begins with a small crew sailing in an unknown position within the perimeter of the northern pacific, the time of day is within the dark shade of night and thick fog covers the quiet waters. Although the story begins with the point of view from an unnamed sailor and his friend the captain; “Will”, the narrative soon shifts over to the unknown old man on the water who pleads to keep the lights off and deliver some food.

At first the protagonist is very suspicious of the old man who so suddenly announces his presence yet thanks to the negotiations  and a brief summary of the old man’s situation both Will and the protag decide to grant the old man some rations from the ship to which there’s a 3 hour pause of silence and the men on the ship are told the man and his wife are grateful before moving forward with his story about how they’ve been stranded for 6 months following a shipwreck they got into on their voyage to Frisco from Newcastle and thus had to sail on a makeshift raft for 4 weeks until reaching a seemingly abandoned vessel filled with mold and supplies which thankfully was anchored to a nearby island.

Although the story explains that they had access to a water purifier on the ship, the capability to fish and a good expense of ship rations the old man would then explain that the mold seems alive in it’s increasing affliction on the ship, so much so that even he and his wife began to be afflicted with the mold growing on their bodies with the eventual final trip to the ship as well because of a molded human that tried to attack the man just after he discovered there were no more rations, and so in the end as the man drifted away telling the sailors he and her were thankful same as the blessing of god it is the protagonist that catches a silhouette of a moldy creature rowing away therefore revealing the dreaded fate of the shipwrecks.



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3 Responses to BP-9 (Isaiah.S)

  1. This story focuses a lot on dread and isolation. Have you ever experienced those? I think we all have felt isolated in some respect at least during covid. But dread is something i luckily haven’t experienced. I’ve “dreaded” a test or two sure, but that’s not really what this story is about. In the case that you haven’t experienced to dread, how do you feel reading about a topic that you have little relation to impacts your enjoyment of the content?

  2. JoshuaC says:

    Your beginning summary was very cohesive and straight to the point, very well done.

  3. Hello Isaiah,

    I enjoy how you delve into the symbolism of the mold and its implications for the character’s fate. What do you think the mold represents metaphorically in the story?

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