BP 8-Yamilet Vasquez

In “Bloodchild,” T’Gatoi’s manipulation of Gan is clear despite the gruesome realities he faces. He is Initially repulsed by the idea of being used for reproduction as he witnesses disturbing events like Lomas’s fate. However, when faced with T’Gatoi’s authority and the confrontation with his old friend Qui, Gan finds himself defending her actions and even resorting to hitting  Qui despite the relationship they had. When Qui tells him if he has been used yet I think it triggers him because he doesn’t want to hear the truth. This suggests that Gan may have been conditioned from birth to worship T’Gatoi, regardless of his personal beliefs. 

Furthermore, Gan’s reluctance to confront the truth about T’Gatoi could stem from his upbringing under his mother’s influence. Where he was told that it was and “honor” to have T’Gatoi. I also think that Despite outwardly following T’Gatoi’s lead, Gan’s mother shows signs of protecting him from the harsh realities of their existence. She volunteers for tasks on his behalf and intervenes to shield him from certain experiences, indicating that she too was manipulated by T’Gatoi not only Gan. I also think that her not taking eggs and aging shows that she may not fully agree with T’Gatoi as well.

Moreover, I think that when Gan mentions how T’Gatoi has a connection to his father it adds another layer to the manipulation. The thought of harming T’Gatoi becomes entwined with the fear of harming his own father and further complicating his internal conflict. I feel that this just adds another layer to the manipulations which makes it harder for Gan to against T’Gatoi. 

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One Response to BP 8-Yamilet Vasquez

  1. Kimberly says:

    I agree that the manipulation is very apparent in the story..when Gan realizes the horror of what may happen to him he definitely is repulsed by the idea of it but once she lets him go so easily for his sister, I think that was another way of manipulating him to make the role seem more appealing.

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