Donato Zevallos- Observation on attention

Some things in life can grab our attention so much that we become distracted to the point where nothing else seems to matter. My best friend, Aaron, has an addiction to nasal spray. He’s had this addiction for five years and he tells me how without the spray his nose begins to become extremely stuffy after two hours which disallows him from breathing properly from his nose and from focusing on anything but the spray. He tells me that anytime he goes out, whether it’s to school, the gym, or anywhere in general he must bring the nasal spray with him. Aaron said during high school he would try to go to the bathroom in between classes just so he could spray the nasal spray into his nose. Without doing this he wouldn’t perform his best in tests or listening to the teachers’s instructions because all he would be thinking about was when he would be able to use his nasal spray.

Attention Assignment by Andrea Zambrano

A personal example happened during Sunday night, my sister and I were in the car driving to get some frozen yogurt at Forest Hills. On our way, we stopped at a red light and I noticed there was this huge sign saying “DJ’s for all occasions” placed high outside of one of the houses. So, I point it out to my sister and tell her “look, they have DJ’s there now, that’s new” and she responds that the sign has always been there. That caught me by surprise because we always take the same route to the yogurt place and I never seen the sign during all the numerous times passing by the place. However, perhaps, I have seen it before but my memory did not fully process it since it wasn’t my target point at the moment. My target has always been to get to the yogurt place and eat my yogurt whenever  I take this route so anything before hand isn’t significant.


Reference | Personal Experience

Who with: my sister

When: Sunday night

Where: Forest Hills

Yann Tchoumta observation on attention/focus

The attention acts in our brain. It allows us to focus on what part of what is going on around us, while we ignore the environment. The attention is necessary for us to take information from our senses like seeing. we use that process for thinking, solving problem because it helps us to save information. when we pay attention we focus on something and save the information easily. pay attention and focus on something or think about something may have different effects on us, it depends on what we think. it can create the attraction which could be positive or negative we call that “Attraction law” to bring the attraction you have to convince yourself  that you want what you focus on it.

for example in the documentary “Attraction law” the author explains that the attraction law has changed the way he think. when we focus on something strongly, what we wish to get  during our thought will become true. that is a different part of the attention. now we have the case where i watch the television because i pay attention and focus on the scene something is burning in the kitchen and i’m not able to smell that.

Kiara Wright Observation on attention

Kiara Wright
intro to psych 1101
There are many people who ay seem like they are paying attention to there surroundings, but little do they know that that’s not always true. Certain times they would something called filtering out there surroundings and not even notice doing it. For an example: there could these two people fighting and someone walked by with noticing and they just keep walking. There could be another person that would come up to them and ask “did you see the fight that was just going on across the street?” the person would say “no”. The thing how couldn’t that person notice the fight going on across the street? It could be that the person didn’t care about it. But that’s not the case is it now. What happened was that the person was walking and just filtered out all the distractions and just continued walking. So the person wouldn’t have noticed it. There was another example: I was watching Criminal Minds and in this episode there was a lady that went into a gun store and bought a gun . She then tried to refill it . Without noticing while doing that she dropped a bullet on the floor. What happened was that she filtered out the fact that she dropped one and continuing loading the gun. The thing about her situation is that about two years ago her and her son got into a car accident and when she got to the hospital she was saying you have to help him but the son die. So because of that incident no one pay attention to the boy that died and gave the hero’s all the attention. so she gave revenge because she think no one cares.

Ana Bravo Observation on Attention

When a person is thinking about something or doing something they filter out their surrounding. A person puts all of their attention to one thing that the rest does not matter. The brain cannot perform many things at once and for this, it only focuses on one thing and ignores the rest. The person may be able to catch some parts of the ignored things or may not. Last week, I went to to the Hospital to pick up some results. To kill time I started reading my book and really focused on the book that I started to imagine the scenes of the book, and forget that I was at the hospital.I ignored where I was until I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was the nurse. The nurse said that she had called my name twice but I didn’t remember to hear anything.

Philippe Paul observation on attention

Philippe Paul
Prof. Schulz
When a person is focusing, either by thinking; planning a move or performing a task they tend to filter out their surroundings. They may hear or see what lays besides, but due to the fact that their mind’s is elsewhere their surroundings is not registered. It is still somewhere in their memories, located to the part of their brain’s where you might consider it to be their “junk files”.Example: I myself (Philippe Paul) tend to get lost in watching my favorite show Tom and jerry. On the second of September my best-friend had came over to visit, to tell me about how his date went the previous night. I was on my couch watching television when he walked in and greeted me. Then he began to tell me about his date. I switched the Channel unintentionally and landed on Tom and jerry. From that point in time everything my friend was telling me was irrelevant to me and my focus turned swiftly to the t.v as I’m shaking my head in agreement to everything he was saying. To this day I recall nothing of what he was telling me. So because I filtered my friend story out my behavior can be consider as a negative reinforcement.

Angela Gonzalez – Observation on attention.

As mention in class, children don’t filter out information thus, their span of attention is not big. Since I work a lot with children, this week I’ve been taking a closer look at how they react in different circumstances in reference to their attention. Indeed children of 2 to 3 years old seemed to be easily distracted by small things. This week I was taking care of a 3 years old girl that is really active at all times. She is gotten used to going through my bag every time I get to her house, which is fine with me. But this time I’d forgotten I had a bag of Skittles in it and she went crazy for them. I gave her some but she wanted to keep eating the whole bag; first, I am not allowed to give her any candy, and second it was too late for her to be eating them. Thus, I took the candy away from her, for which she made a scene, and I brought watercolors to her to her attention, as painting is one of the things she loves to do the most. She easily calmed down and changed her attitude as if nothing had happened. Yet, every time she would see my bag she would remember the Skittles and the whole cycle would start again. However, something that I’ve noticed is that with children from 6 and up it gets much harder to trick them into driving their attention to something different than what they want.

Shawn Villeta – Observation on attention

My experience on attention actually occurred recently, last Wednesday I was in a hurry to get to my 11:30 am math class. What happened was that I woke up around 8:30 am so I went through my regular morning routine such as shower, brushing my teeth, eating and getting changed. When I grab my phone I see that the time is 10:15 and I don’t like being late to anything, I always like being 30 to 45 minutes early. The reason I thought I was going to be late is due to where I live and it isn’t a fast commute, so what I ended up doing was grabbing all of my belongings that I needed for school that day and rushed out of the house and once I got to the train I remembered that I forgot to lock my house door so I then called my uncle and told him the whole situation and then he called the neighbor so she can watch the house until one of us got home.