Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Category: Readings (Page 3 of 4)

Nicholas Albanese Week 5 Reading: Response

March 2, 2022 11:43 AM

When it comes to choosing colors for my next piece, I often find myself gravitating towards colors with low saturation but high luminosity. I often prefer warmer colors like pink and yellow over cooler colors. The reason I think I choose those colors over others in specific is because of the feelings they evoke inside me. To me, pink and yellow represent innocence, joy, playfulness and fun. They can both be inoffensive colors and both are often associated with warmth, play, and fun.

Reading Week 5

WGSN’s colour director on the evolution of how humans perceive and define colour

In the reading the the article states:

“Humans connect with colour on a visceral level, and a colour’s psychological associations run deep within human culture and imagination. As such, when faced with making colour selections people tend to be guided by their own subjective colour propensities. “

Jane Monnington Boddy

What color choices do you make ? Do you have color preferences? Why do you think you choose the colors that you choose? Do those colors convey anything specific or remind you of anything?

Respond with commentary in a few sentences.



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