I listened to a podcast called Modern Love, and the title was Confessions of a Late Bloomer. And it was about a 28 year old guy who talked about a time when he was speaking to his 14 year old sister on the phone and she was telling him about her crush in school and it made him tear up to know that she’s able to talk to him about those things even those they live far from each other and the age difference. He went on to talking about how it sucked for him when he was younger because he couldn’t really talk about love with his parents or anyone because it was hard being gay at that age. His first relationship had their first fight over them being late to the movies and it made him sad later on to realize his first love had to deal with him not knowing how to work through problems in a relationship since he was very new to it. In the ending of the podcast he talks about one day him and his sister will be with the perfect love.