Tag Archives: extra credit

How to present yourself online – EC

The talk about how to present yourself online was extremely enlightening. They described it as a hiding and showing sort of game on the internet. You need to control what you put on the internet and how you present yourself. You need to edit the profile so that you can control what you want to show on the internet. You present yourself on the internet how you want to be seen by selecting what you want on your website by choosing the visibility you want

E-portfolio is a part of OpenLab where you can customize categories and how it would look to the viewers. You can make it like your own personal profile including education, experience and projects. Some e-portfolios we saw were extremely professional including resumes and objectives.

Others included either biographies or thoughts and feelings in the e-portfolio. You can arrange the e-portfolio however you want creating drop downs of certain links as well as side bars of links as well. You can do whatever you want with these and get creative and playful. Putting yourself out there as an individual is a nice touch. It is kind of like your own website to present yourself.

Something that was extremely interesting from this talk is that this website can literally be a profile of yourself to present yourself whether in a professional setting for finding jobs, educational setting for applying to school, or creative setting for presenting yourself. This is an extremely beneficial and innovative way to express yourself besides just in a boring piece of paper for resume and cover letters.

All the Announcements

Homework: As  you probably noticed, I didn’t assign homework this week as you prepare the final version of Project #2. Instead, I ask for the following as you submit your project by the end of Wednesday, 5/6:

  • Write one post with Part 1:
    • give it a title that reflects your work
    • choose the category Project #2
    • add any tags you think apply
  • Write another post with Part 2:
    • include the image/video/text of your creative work
    • include the curatorial comment (200-300 words)
    • choose the categories Project #2 and Gallery
    • add any tags you think apply
  • Write a third post that serves as your cover letter (this is what will count as this week’s homework):
    • It must address, in any order:
      • what are you most proud of in each part of the project?
      • what did you find most challenging in each part of the project?
      • what new skills do you have or tools did you acquire through this project?
      • if you could change any part of your project, what would it be?
      • if you could change any part of the Project #2 assignment, what would it be?
      • is there anything you would like me to know about you as a writer in general or about your work for this project?
    • It must include links to Part 1’s post and Part 2’s post.
    • Choose the category Project #2.
    • Tag it Cover Letter and any other tags you want.
    • If you do not want to share the cover letter with the whole class and everyone who finds our OpenLab site, you can make it private:
      • in the sidebar menu called Publish, look for the eye icon. It should say Visibility.
      • the default is Public. Click Edit, and choose Private instead.
      • click Publish, as usual
      • now only the posts’s author (that’s you) and the site administrator (that’s me) can read the post.

Presentations: The presentation guidelines are now available. Please read them and come to class ready to answer any questions about them. Presentations are due 5/18.

Glossary: At the beginning of the semester, I announced our semester-long glossary project that required each student in our course to gloss 15 words and blog about them according to assignment guidelines to crowd-source the effort of building a course glossary to improve our vocabulary and our understanding of the course texts. Included in that assignment is a final glossary reflection, with a due date TBD. That due date is 5/17. Please refer to the assignment and follow all steps to successfully complete your glossary assignment for the semester.

**If you have been neglecting your glossary work this semester, I strongly encourage you to take the time remaining to work on catching up. I will not look kindly on 15 consecutive glossary entries submitted at the end of the semester.**

Extra Credit: In last week’s in-person class, we talked about the opportunity to make up missed work by participating in and blogging on our site (according to our course’s blogging guidelines) about the “Presenting Yourself Online” OpenLab workshop. I want to extend the offer for a couple of other upcoming events:

The Research Mixer: every semester, the Coordination of Undergraduate Research committee sponsors an event that’s both informational and social to promote research opportunities for City Tech students. This Research Mixer is on Wednesday from 3:00-5:00pm in N119.

The Student Research Poster Session: The Research Mixer is held each semester during the poster session that showcases the fantastic research students do at City Tech through a variety of sponsored programs. The posters are up in the Atrium on the first and ground floors from Wednesday at 11:00am until approximately 3:00pm on Thursday, though you’ll only find students there to talk about their work from 11:00-4:00 on Wednesday and 10:00-3:00 on Thursday, with an awards ceremony on Thursday during Club Hour in N119.