
Indolent- lazy, irresponsible, no work ethic

“Beloved” by: Toni Morrison

P 142

“Where she was once indolent, resentful of every task, now she is spry, executing, even extending the assignments Sethe leaves for them”

“Where she was once resistant, resentful of every task, now she is spry, executing, even extending the assignments Sethe leaves for them”


Genial-  obsolete, out of style

“A Jury of Her Peers” By: Susan Glaspell

“who was particularly genial with the law-biding, as if to make it plain that he knew the difference between criminals and non-criminals.”

“who was particularly obsolete with the law-biding, as if to make it plain that he knew the difference between criminals and non-criminals.”

The clothes that are in style today will be obsolete tomorrow.


Repression-  not allowing a memory or feeling to be expressed

“Story of an Hour” By: Kate Chopin

“whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength”

“whose lines bespoke such restraint and even a certain strength”

In the midst of a debate Ms. Cruz repressed her sudden anger.



Gaiety (noun)

Definition- joyful or festive activity.


Location: This word was found in the book Beloved by Toni Morrison; located in the 8th line on the 87th page.

Quote: She had never seen Beloved this happy. She had seen her pouty lips open wide with the pleasure of sugar or some piece of news Denver gave her. She had felt warm satisfaction radiating from Beloved’s skin when she listened to her mother talk about the old days. But gaiety she had never seen.

While reading the passage I understood that Beloved was happy but the word gaiety through me off because it made it seem that there was more to her happiness. With research I understand now that it means that she was simply at the highest extent of happiness, a more festive type of feeling. With the understanding of this word it simply made the paragraph a smoother read even though with context clues the definition can be assumed. With the understanding of the word and its definition the paragraph simply took more life and color.

Principles of Narrative