All posts by Christina Ming

Project #2 Part 2


Project#2 Part 2

custom image

The image is the imaginary chokecherry tree on Sethe’s back which is the scar left on her back from being whipped by the schoolteacher and his nephews after her milk had been robbed.  It is part of my pivotal scene essay and it is also mentioned throughout the book the white girl Amy Denver who helped Sethe to deliver Denver on her way of escape and Sethe when she told Paul D about being whipped while she was pregnant just before her escape.

Amy said, “It is a tree, Lu. A chokecherry tree. See, here’s the trunk-it’s red and split wide open, full of sap, and this here’s the parting for the branches. You got mighty lot of branches. Leaves, too, look like, then darn if these ain’t blossoms. Tiny little cherry blossoms just as white. Your back got a whole tree on it. In bloom. What God have in mind, I wonder.” (93)

Sethe said, “That is what she called it. I’ve never seen it and never will. But that is what she said it looked like. A chokecherry tree. Trunk, branches, and even leaves. Tiny little chokecherry leaves. But that was eighteen years ago. Could have cherries too now for all I know.” (18).


Work Cited Page

Morrison, Toni.  Beloved.  New York:  Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.  Print.



Project#2 – Draft ( Beloved)


Project#2 –Draft

In the novel Beloved written by Toni Morrison, Sethe was the main character of the novel a former slave who escaped from the Kentucky plantation, Sweet Home, with her children to Cincinnati, Ohio where the pivotal scene of the novel occurred when her slave owner came to recapture her and her children. Sethe attempted to kill all her children, but succeed in killing one her two year old daughter, in order to prevent them taken back to Kentucky and lived as slaves.  If she did not murder her child, the whole novel would lead to a different direction.   No one would take the life of one’s own child, if there were not enough reasons to make such a tough decision and terrible act. I think the scene that Sethe’s slaying of her daughter is vital because which reflect the whole novel of before and after her action and it was also embedded with the courage and the powerful love of a mother and the cruelties of the slavery.

Sethe was the kind of mother who loves her child and wanted to give the best of her which she felt was her milk. She was very upset and angry when her owner Mrs. Gardner’s brother in law, a schoolteacher; and his two nephews took her milk just before she tried to escape from Sweet Home. She explained Paul D who also was a slave worked together with Sethe in Sweet Home came and met her in Cincinnati that, “After I left you, those boys came in there and took my milk. That’s what they came in there for. Held me down and took it” (19).  Instead of getting angry and mad for she was held down and felt the pain of the sexual assault that she received from her owner, she got angry for them for taken her milk which she thought her milk was her best and valuable things that she wanted to keep and give only to her children not others. Therefore, she repeatedly told Paul D that “And they took my milk 
And they took my milk” (20).  Sethe was showing the deepest love of a mother to her child to give the best of her which  supported her action that she used her best ability to protect her children from taken back to Sweet Home and living as slaves that Sethe believe was hell.

Cruelty of the slavery did not stop for Sethe after her milk had been taken and she was beaten with the cowhide while she was pregnant with her second daughter. She told Paul D that “Schoolteacher made one open up my back and when it closed it made a tree. It grows there a still” (20). That is why she said that she had a tree on her back which actually what she meant was the scar of the wound that left after she was beaten by her owner.  She described the tree to Paul D as “A chokecherry tree. Trunk, branches, and even leaves. Tiny little chokecherry leaves. But that was eighteen years ago. Could have cherries too now for all I know” (18).  The scar on her back always reminded her of the painful experiences of being a slave and traumatized her of taken back her and her children to Sweet Home and stay as slaves again.

                One reason that Sethe killed her daughter is that she knew the painful experience of a slave and she had also enjoyed and experienced the life of freedom for twenty eight days in 124, therefore, she knew the experience of both  and  she knew which would be the best for her children.  Later she wanted to explained Beloved why she killed her (child) that

“That anybody white could take your whole self for anything that came to mind. Not just work, kill, or maim you, but dirty you. Dirty you so bad you couldn’t like yourself anymore. And though she and others lived through and got over it, she could never let it happen to her own. The best things she was, was her children. Whites might dirty her all right, but not her best thing, her beautiful, magical best thing — the part of her that was clean.” (295)

Sethe said that being a slave was not only simply about the terrible work that has to work, but can take whole self of you for whatever came up in the mind of the white. They can kill you, hurt you and dirt you. She meant” dirt “was literally rape you or invade your private part and you felt yourself as no longer clean, but she said she and other slaves lived through with it. Her children were her best things and she would not allow her children to become slaves and dirty them. That was her decision to take the clean life of her daughter to protect from dirtying which she believed was far worse than dying once.

All the painful experiences and the traumas that Sethe had in her past pushed her to make such a terrible decision and created such a cruel and vital scene of the whole novel to take the life of her own children.

Inside, two boys bled in the sawdust and dirt at the feet of a nigger woman holding a blood-soaked child to her chest with one hand and an infant by the heels in the other. She did not look at them; she simply swung the baby toward the wall planks, missed and tried to connect a second time, when out of nowhere

Sethe killed her one daughter and held her to the chest, wounded her two sons and held the baby (Denver) by the heel and swung to the wall of the woodshed.  I can imagine the hatred, courage and the love of a mother from this quote. Sethe’s  hatred of her slave owners who traumatized her in past  came to get her and her children and the courage that she showed the comer that she would kill all to prevent them from taken back to Sweet Home. She was holding one to her chest, one by heel and two lying by her feet, to protect them from taken back.

In conclusion, Sethe’s action of killing her child might not be acceptable and might be disgusting, but the love she had for her children is powerful. The later scene of the novel is occurred due to the fact of her dead daughter.  In other words, there would not be the baby ghost who haunted Sethe’s house, her two sons, Howard and Bugler would not run away. Sethe and her younger daughter Denver would not isolated in their own home and Paul D would not horrify and leave Sethe, and Sethe would not be so obsessed with Beloved who believed to be embodied spirit of Sethe’s dead daughter. That is why I think this scene is vital to the whole novel.

Work cited

Morrison, Toni.  Beloved.  New York:  Alfred  A. Knopf, 1998.  Print.

Home work

The pivotal scene of the Beloved is that Sethe’s murdering of her own daughter.  If she did not murder her child, the whole novel would lead to a different direction.  In other words, there would not be the baby ghost who haunted the house, Howard and Bugler would not run away, Sethe and Denver would not isolated in their own home, Paul D would not horrify and leave Sethe, and Sethe would not so obsess with Beloved. Sethe believed that the experience of being a slave is worse than the death. When Paul D argued her that her action was wrong to kill a child and there could be other way to protect her children. He also told her that the result of her action did not work because her two sons run away and one locked herself in the house. But she said that, “They ain’t at Sweet Home. Schoolteacher ain’t got em.” “It ain’t my job to know what’s worse. It’s my job to know what is and to keep them away from what I know is terrible. I did that. “That is why she chose to kill her child to protect them from brought them back to Sweet Home which she believed is worse than death.


Resurrection- Noun- 1) the act of restoring a dead person, for example, to life.

2) The condition of having been restored to life.

The word “resurrection” is found on the end of chapter 9 or page123.

“Denver kept watch for the baby and withdrew from everything else. Until Paul D came. But the damage he did came undone with the miraculous resurrection of Beloved.”

The meaning of the word resurrection in this paragraph is that even though Paul D can stop the baby ghost from haunting the house but Denver knew and believed that he cannot stop the restoration of the baby ghost to life as Beloved.

Home Work ( Beloved)

I think that the pivotal scene of the novel” Beloved” is the scene that Sethe was holding her dead daughter to her chest with on hand and holding the heels of Denver on the other to swing to the wall of the shed. The two boys were lying in the dirt at the feet of Sethe and soaking with blood. This scene was happened when the schoolteacher, one of his nephew, slave catcher and a sheriff came to the house 124 on Bluestone to catch Sethe and her children who escape from the farm of Kentucky.  The paragraph is found on page 175 of old edition.

Inside, two boys bled in the sawdust and dirt at the feet of a nigger woman holding a blood-soaked child to her chest with one hand and an infant by the heels in the other. She did not look at them; she simply swung the baby toward the wall planks, missed and tried to connect a second time, when out of nowhere- in the ticking time the men spent staring at what there was to stare the old nigger boy, still mewing, ran through the door behind them and snatched the baby from the arch of its mother’s swing.

I think this scene is pivotal because if the schoolteacher and his nephew were not coming to the house of 124 to catch Sethe and her children. She definitely would not kill her child and the whole novel would be different. She would live her life as others forget her past experience as a slave and might be living happily and freely with her children. If this event hadn’t happened, her two sons probably would not leave her and Denver would have friends and would not isolate herself in the house and the neighbors also would not abandon her and Denver. Baby Suggs was a preacher and was respected by the neighbors for her great heart. But after Baby Suggs died and the dead of Sethe’s daughter, Denver and Sethe seemed to isolate themselves in the house and neighbors seemed to abandon them.  Sethe would not also feel guilt for her dead daughter and would not try to fulfill the needs and demand of Beloved that she believes is her daughter who she killed.

Project#1 Two Men in My life


Retelling of the story “A Rose for Emily” in First person singular narrator

Two Men in My Life

I am Emily and I live in a small town down south where my father has influent in his old generation and he is also influent my life when I am in younger age by not allowing any young men in town to approach me. Because of him, many town people in the community believe I am pride and stubbornness. Some saw me as very distant person and living in the past. I believe I am a very strong person that follows the tradition of my family and care of generation value and inheritance.

I love my father because he is the only man that I meet in life until his death  and at the same time I hate him so much for bringing me up so lonely and not thinking long enough for my future if he is unable to accompany me one day.  I am still single at the age of thirty because he believes that none of the young men are quite good enough for me. I believe my father is alive with me even he is dead and I refuse to bury him at first. The ministers and doctors persuade me to depose of his body.  I break down when he is laid to rest.  Now, I am all alone by myself in this old house with nothing left after his death.  “How should I do with this big old house with no one to talk to?” The complex feeling of love and hatred to my father strike me so hard that causes me sick and emotional unstable for a longtime after his death. Although I have two cousins in Alabama, My family does not too close to them due to the estate of my great aunt Wyatt when my father is alive. Furthermore, they do not even show up at my father’s funeral and I am not close enough to them to talk about my feelings. The fears, the loneliness and sleepless night cause me sick for a long time but I do not want the town people to see my weakness since my family has a reputation in town and I don’t want people take advantage on me since I am alone and I have to protect the dignity of my family’s tradition and myself.

I meet him in the summer after my father’s death. His name is Homer Barron. He is a Yankee–big, dark skinned with a loud voice. He is a construction foreman who comes to the town with the construction company for pavement of the town sidewalks. After I meet him, I feel myself like a different person and the most enjoyable time of my life. The most memorable time for me is spending the time with him on Sunday afternoon driving in the yellow-wheeled buggy around the town despite of the gossip of the town people and the warning of the minister that I make a bad example to the young people. He also gave me the type of joy that I ever had and I am dreaming and planning of the upcoming my wedding. My two female cousins come to visit me after the minister’s wife write about my relationship.

The street sidewalk construction has been finished and he also leaves the town. My cousins stay for a week and leave the house. I am wishful thinking that he gives me opportunity to talk with my two female cousins about my relationship with him and he will be back within a couple days for preparing our wedding.  He does come back the town after three days my cousins left.

All my dreams and happiness are not last for too long after my cousins’ visit and after he back the town. I also learn his remark that “he likes men, he enjoys drinking with young men in the Club and he is not the type of marrying person”. He is the man that I love most in my life after my father. I hate him as if I never meet him in my life and at the same time I don’t want to lose him forever as I lose my father. They are the men that I love in my life. I must decide to do something so he will be with me the rest of my life. I get the best available poison from the drug store. The druggist ask me that the local law requires buyer to tell the purpose of use, I do not   answer his question but then I see “for rats” on the package.

I have prepared one room above the stair for our wedding. Inside the room, everything is set up for bridal including rose color curtains, rose-shaded lights, dressing table, and man’s toilet silver sets with the letter H.B., man’s outfit clothing including the nightshirt.  I want the man I love to see my bridal room that I have prepared for him. I wish him to be with me forever whether I love or hate him. Since my health gets deteriorating and I know I don’t have too much time left, but I still want to keep secret about the poison that I bought and the corpse of the man in my bridal room.

Project #2 – Comparison Essay

First person narration can be written in two forms: first person singular and first person plural. The original version of “A Rose for Emily” was written in first person plural point of view which was the view of a town person or a group of town people who was telling the story about Miss Emily from a distant position. In the new version of retelling the story about Miss Emily” Two men in my life” I used first person singular as point of view of Miss Emily self which was described as she  was written a journal about all the experiences, thoughts and feelings of self. Written in first person singular is more limited or restricted in giving information to the readers but have more close relationship to the reader than written in first person plural point of view.

In first person plural point of view which uses the pronouns “We” as the form of telling a story from the perspectives of a town people or a group of town people and which can provide  the readers a larger group’s point of view. In the story the views of the town’s people for Miss Emily makes the readers to believe that the narrator seems more reliable because of the group of the town people see and think the same thing about Miss Emily and giving the fact that this might be true for her as many people believe that can see in the paragraph of “We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she had to do that. We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will”. Then the readers will think that probably this is the reason why Miss Emily told the town people with no trace of grief on her face that her father was not dead and refused to bury her father.

In first person singular or major point of view which uses the word “I” as the form of telling a story usually the narrator is the main character who is talking about own story.  In new version of retelling the story by the main character can give the readers a full perspective view of what emotional experiences, thoughts and feelings of the character as in my new version of the story about Miss Emily. In this new version, the readers know in depth about her inner thoughts such as how she feels about her father, Mr. Barron and her complex emotional experiences of love and hatred than the original version without guessing it as in the text “ I love my father because he is the only man that I meet in life until his death and at the same time I hate him so much for bringing me up so lonely and not thinking long enough for my further if he is unable to accompany me one day” and  “I meet him in the summer after my father’s death. His name is Homer Barron.  After I met him, I feel myself like a different person and the most enjoyable time of my life”.

Another advantage of writing in first person singular is that feeling closeness and directness between the readers and the character/ narrator by using the word “I” and the readers has a lot to get to know the character by describing the opinions, thoughts and feelings by listening to the voice of the character as in the text” The most memorable time for me is spending the time with him on Sunday afternoon driving in the yellow wheeled buggy around the town despite of the gossip of the town people and the warning of the minister that I make a bad example to the young people. He also gave me the type of joy that I ever had and I am dreaming of and planning of the upcoming my wedding”. In the origin version, the usage of the word “we” gives the readers the feeling of the outsider who are observing and guessing the action of the character without having chance of listening to the inner thoughts of the character as in the text of “So the next day we all said, “She will kill herself”; and we said it would be the best thing. When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had said, “She will marry him” Then we said, “She will persuade him yet” and “Later we said, “Poor Emily” behind the jalousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon in the glittering buggy. Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth reins and whip in a yellow glove”.

One disadvantage about writing in first person major point of view is that it limits the scope of the story because the readers can only get to know about the point of views of the main character Miss Emily alone and lacks the point of views of others of her surroundings. It is also a lot harder for the narrator to provide more information to the readers from the personal perspective of the main character alone without getting into the views of the others. It is less restricted or limited if the story is written as in distant position as in original version than the story is written by the main character due to the fact that they are speaking on behalf of the view of  more than a person usually a group of people as we can see in text as “  At first we were glad that Miss Emily would have an interest, because the ladies all said, “Of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer. “ But there were still others, older people said that even grief could not cause a real lady to forget noblesse oblige—without calling it nobles oblige. They just said, “Poor Emily”.

In conclusion, even though written in first person singular gives the readers a full perspective view of the character’s inner thoughts, closeness and directness of the readers and the character, drawback for written in this type of point of view is the limitation of the scope of the story without including the views of others. On the other hand, first person plural seems more reliable and less limited than singular form.


Conspicuous ( Adjective) – very easy to see or notice( Merriam Webster)

The word ” conspicuous” is found in ” The Cottagette” of the paragraph: “He came so often that Lois said she thought it would look better if we had an older person with us; and that her mother could come if I wanted her, and she could help with the work of course. That seemed reasonable, and she came. I wasn’t very fond of Lois’s mother, Mrs. Fowler, but it did seem a little conspicuous, Mr. Mathews eating with us more than he did at the Calceolaria.” My understanding of the word is that Malda did not like Mrs. Fowler and obviously it was easy to noticeable for her dislike.


Bulbous – (Adjective): big and round often in an unattractive way( Merriam Webster)
The word “bulbous” is found on page 4. “There is a recurrent spot where the pattern lolls like a broken neck and two bulbous eyes stare at you upside down”. My understanding of the word and the phrase is that the narrator’s feeling of a pair of big and round eyes which are also unattractive are staring at her upside down from the pattern of the yellow wallpaper.


Catechism—Noun—(1) a collection of questions and answers that are used to teach people about the Christian religion

(2) a book that explains the beliefs of the Christian religion by using a list of questions and answers.  (Merriam Webster)

The word “catechism” is found on page 4, paragraph 26 of “Young Goodman Brown”

My understanding of the word in this paragraph is that the female that Goodman Brown and his companion saw on the path of the forest who was the person that she taught him or explained him about the beliefs of the Christian religion when he was young and until now she was still his moral and spiritual adviser.


Barricade –Noun—to block (something) so that people or things cannot enter or leave (from Merriam Webster)

The word “Barricade” is found on page 18, line 14 of “The Metamorphosis”

The chief clerk now raised his voice, “Mr. Samsa”, he called to him,” what is wrong?” You barricade yourself in your room, give us no more than yes or no for an answer, you are causing serious and unnecessary concern to your parents and I mention this just by the way-you fail to carry out your business duties in a way that is quite unheard of.

My understanding of the meaning of the word “barricade” is a barrier in this story is the door that the chief clerk thinks that Gregor is lock himself in his room without given any detail explanation  and also does not allow anyone to enter his room. That creates serious concern about him of his parents and the clerk. Actually Gregor is trapped in the room struggling to get out of bed to reach the door.