‘Little Salem Village’

‘Young Goodman Brown’ by  – 3rd person limited


‘Little Salem Village’ First person narrator – The Old Man


Today is the day. I take the people of this Salem village and convert them, and expel the ‘love of god’ out of them. This may not be a simple task, since this village is heavily religious, but everyone is capable of being corrupt. This could be proved by the amount of people I already converted. Getting the ones with the weakest faith in god was definitely a good start. Have them attend my gatherings, go back to their village and help manipulate the citizens, making them easier to catch for me when the time comes. If I could maintain this cycle, the people of Salem will be under my arms, and most importantly, my control.


Now, I was on my way to the gathering in the middle of the forest. Then I laid my eyes upon this young lady with a knotted pink ribbon tying her hair, frightened out of her skin. I try to remember if I ever saw this one in the Salem town I found the others, but I can’t recall. I observe her from my hiding spot to hear what she is talking about to herself.


“A dear God, please let him be safe.” she said to herself. “Why did I ever let him out of my hands and make him go in to these dreadful woods? If only a persuaded him more vigorously…”


Who is this man she speaks of? I haven’t encountered anyone in my journey yet. I need to know. When she approached the tree I was stealthy waiting behind, I approach her with a greeting:


“Hello, you seem to be los-”


“AAHHHH” she screamed, as she back peddled, tripping over a tree branch and falling on the ground. Little did she know, she wasn’t alone after all. She’s lonely, afraid and helpless. This will be easier than I thought.


“Oh, Im so sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you, ma’am.”


“Get away from me!” she said. “Who are you?!? and-and why are you following me???”


“Im sorry to have startled you ma’am. If there is anything I could do to help you, I’ll gladly give you a helping hand. Here, let me help you up.” As I extend my hand she starts to crawl back, avoiding me.


“Im looking for my husband. Have you seen him?”


“Can’t say I have. I’ve been traveling alone for a couple hours. What does he look like?”


“He’s a-” she paused and started reading me, trying to figure me out.


“Here, let me help you”


I extend my staff to her so she could get up. Not knowing what powers I possess in my priceless staff, she grabs on and her demeanor, her trust towards me changed.


“Wh-why thank you for helping me, sir.”


“No problem at all. So, you never told me why you’re in this dreadful forest ”


“Well I trying to look for my husband, Mr. Goodman Brown. You and him kinda look alike.”


As we walk side to side, I tell her where this gathering is, and I part ways with young Faith, with her pink ribbon which now has a bit of dirt on it when she fell during our run-in.


I see a figure walking alone. This has to be him. Mr. Goodman Brown. I sneak towards him to hear what he’s muttering to himself.


“-leaving her like this. She tells me she’s afraid and I run off it to this forest? Leaving her to her nightmares? Maybe I sho-.”


He stops walking and looks around him. I know he can’t see me, but it seems like he feels my existence.


“I feel there is evil hidden within these woods. For all I know, an evil presence may be upon me right now.”


He feverishly looks behind him every couple steps, until I present myself as another lonely traveler. If his loved one was as easy to convert, he will be in my hands in no time. If I somehow fail, I guarantee, his experience with me will stay with him for the rest of his life…


1 thought on “‘Little Salem Village’”

  1. You tell the story of Young Goodman Brown using the devilish figure as the third-person limited narrator. This gives you the motivation for the story that the original version is somewhat lacking. In the original, it is never clear why Young Goodman Brown needs to go to the woods; here, the devil is trying to convert townspeople from believers to sinners.

    You have a line with the name Deacon Gookin but it isn’t clear what that name is doing there. Are you suggesting that he is present? That he’s the person this section is about?

    It seems in this version that the devil encounters Faith before he encounters Young Goodman Brown. Is that right? If so, why? This seems less like a retelling and more of a change in the story, although it isn’t clear what this does for your version.

    What are some of the points of comparison you will include in Part 2? It seems very important to have the intention of the devil included in your retelling, so I would anticipate that factoring into your comparison.

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