Analysis on “Young Goodman Brown”

“Young Goodman Brown” is a story about a man deceived by the evil devil. Goodman Brown was tricked and was never the same. He was warned by his wife that evil was lurking in her dreams, to please stay with her. Gooman Brown ignored her and continued on his journey. He met an old man in the forest, that would take Brown to a meeting with the higher up towns people. The forest was filled with lust, greed and deceit.

While in the forest Goodman Brown found an acquaintance of his Goody Cloyse she prayed while she walked through the forest as a worshipper of god. When she saw that  Goodman Brown was in the forest immediately screamed Devil. She knew Goodman Brown was there because of the devil deceit because thats why she was in the forest. She spoke of witchery brooms disappearing. Goodman Brown and the old man continued their walk to the meeting. The meeting consitited of the congregation, ministers, deacons and others. As everyone was settled in the old man welcomed his children into their destiny. Their destiny was to follow his way of wickedness to deceive and destroy others.

Goodman Brown couldnt believe what he got himslef into. He finally woke up it was all a dream. But was it? Goodman Brown was never the same, he constantly feared that he could be easily maniipulated and that that people of the church were worshippers of the devil.


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