Young Goodman Brown

“Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, i believe is about how Goodman Brown not only lost his innocence, but also his view of things changed. The story starts off with Goodman Brown saying goodbye to his wife, faith. According to paragraph 3, they’ve only been married for 3 months.  “What, my sweet , pretty wife, dost thou doubt me already, and we but three months married.” Faith has a bad feeling about the trip and asks for her husband to stay. Goodman Brown replied with, “Say thy prayers, dear faith, and go to bed at dusk, and no harm will come to thee.” Based on the first few paragraphs, you can see how much both goodman brown, and faith care about each other. After saying goodbye to faith, brown headed for the forest in which he met an old man with a staff. The man claims to know brown’s grandfather and father as well. Turns out the man goodman brown met was the devil himself, at least that’s what the woman referred him to in paragraph 30. “The devil! screamed the pious old lady.” Fast forward through the passage, goodman brown ends up in a evil ceremony in which people he knows, including his wife faith, the minister, and deacon were also apart of. After seeing not only his wife but people he knew giving in to evil, brown himself lost his innocence. The next day is as nothing ever happened. Goodman Brown questions whether all this really happened, or if all this was just a dream. I myself question this as well.

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