Classwork for “A Rose for Emily”

Put the following events in chronological order:

  1. Emily Grierson dies.
  2. Emily’s father, Mr. Grierson, dies.
  3. There is a smell around Emily’s house.
  4. Emily teaches china painting in her house.
  5. Emily buys arsenic from the town’s druggist.
  6. Colonel Sartoris makes up a story to allow Emily not to pay taxes.
  7. The aldermen visit Emily to try to get her to pay taxes.
  8. Mr. Grierson disapproves of all of Emily’s potential suitors.
  9. Homer Baron arrives in town.
  10. Homer Baron disappears.

Today’s discussion will draw from our online discussion about race and the use of objectionable language in “A Rose for Emily,” as well as our further reflections about power in the short story.

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