A Rose for Emily

‘’A rose for Emily’’ is about a woman who killed her lover, isolated herself and lived with her lover’s corpse for the rest of her life in her little own world. I believe that the root cause of this horrible tragedy is Mr. Grierson. Miss Emily was raised under her father’s strict rules and values that she did not seem to have any closed friends and any socialization through these years. When she grew up she was also prevented to see or date to any young men in town from her father because he thought that no one in town was suit for his daughter.  Therefore, for Emily, her father and her house was her own world and there was nothing else in her life. I think that prevent her ability to adapt or accept the change later in her life and she lived in her own little world. That is why she couldn’t accept her father’s dead and refused to bury him, refused to pay taxes, refused to fasten house numbers and attach mailbox. After her father died, she met Mrs. Barron, a construction worker who came to town for paving the sidewalks and was also the only man that she met in her life beyond her father. After she dreamed and planned about her wedding, she figured out that Mr. Barron was about to abandon her. She couldn’t lose her loved one again like her father dead body was forced to bury, so she poisoned Mr. Barron and secretly keep his dead body in house with her. I believe she has been isolated since she was young and her house is her own world and I think this is why she wanted to live with her loved one in her little own world either alive or not.

1 thought on “A Rose for Emily”

  1. “this is why she wanted to live with her loved one in her little own world either alive or not.”
    I don’t think she saw it that way. When her father died, she refused to let them bury him because in her mind he was still alive. I think here she did what she needed to make sure he stayed, and after that he was simply there. The way you described it makes her sound malicious, I think it was more a case of keeping the world in line with the way she saw it, and a lot of it can definitely be attributed to mental illness.

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