The Story of an Hour & A Jury of Her Peers are two stories that are different in many ways but have similarities as well.

In The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard goes into shock and many stages of emotions after hearing the news of her husband’s death. She, I would say is “”relieved” and feels free after hearing the news. She later on, dies of a heart attack.

A Jury of her Peers is also about a husband’s death. It was a sudden death of Mr. Wright, finding out that he was murdered by Mrs. Wright at the end of the story.  From reading the story, I believe some abuse and damage was done in closed doors, that had ended the way it did.

I understand how the character acted the way the did even if I do not agree with the outcomes. I do not judge them differently. Everyone has their own reactions to different situations.

The other characters and the narrators influence our understanding of the protagonists by  using many details and context clues in the story. The setting also plays a big role in both the stories. The time the story was told 1800s, I would say men were way more dominant and has more control of their spouses.  It would be different if the stories settings is changed today. In conclusion, the setting played a big role in how the both stories played out.


  1. I have to agree with how the time settings of these stories both displaying the way women were treated and how there lives were controlled. In the “Jury of her Peers” there were some definite signs of controlling and abuse. I remember the ladies talking about how Mr. Wright killed her singing meaning that her happiness was gone. Mrs. Hale also said that the house was not cheerful when she visited. These could be the signs that Mrs. Wright had lost her sanity in the end killing her husband. In the ” The story of an hour’, I did not detect any abuse or discontent in their marriage. But more of how a woman is tied to serving their husband from marriage. So as we talked about it in class there was a fear of change followed by an inclination that it might be exciting or even nice. As I had said in my paper sometimes there can be a relief of someone passing who might be very sick or feeble. That relief of they are in a better place coupled with the feeling of worrying or stressing finally ending. The only thing that I saw that in my opinion could have been written better was not so much focusing on Mrs. Mallard’s Heart condition. The reason I say that was because I suspected that was how the story was going to end. So for me I really did not take in a lot of the stories twists and turns, knowing they would not matter. On the other side I could see how experiencing a plethora of emotional highs and lows in a short amount of time could hinder or even kill a person. The other story showed me that continual emotional abuse could net the same results. As a final statement to this post is that a girl in those times had so much fun and happiness, only to have it taken by becoming a married woman. With chores, children and becoming the listening post of their husbands. There lives will be nothing like the joy of being a beautiful girl who sings and dances. So the times of being married back then must have been very hard.

  2. The two stories many similarites and differences. The main characters are women. Women that live in the shadows of their husbands and are liberated by their deaths. Differences are one husband died in an accident the other died at the hands of his wife. We read each story from two point of views and get invloved in the chararcters lives differently.

    in “A Jury of her Peers” we know Mrs. Wright from Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters. No one really knew Mrs. Wright’s current life just what she once was and where she is at the moment. From Mrs. Hale’s knowledge of Mrs. Wright we know she was a vibrant young women who was polite and cared how she looked. From Mrs. Peter’s knowledge Mrs.Wright is in a cold jail cell only asking for her apron, as if its a secruity blanket. We don’t get any facts just what others recall regarding Mrs. Wrights life. It would’ve been nice to get inside her head to know what happened and why. We only know he’s gone.

    In “A Story of a Hour” we personally get to know Louise. We were inside her mind, we felt her emotions and saw what she saw. We as the readers felt distraught with her regarding her husbands death, the we were happy with the world outside her window and her current freedom. She was ready to go outside and breathe the fresh air until her husband opened the door and she died. The story says she died of joy, but we know the facts and she died because her hunsband didn’t.

    Both stories “A Jury of her Peers” and “A Story of a Hour” are set inside the homes of the wives. Mrs Wright’s life just by the visual of her home was disorganized and in an eerie part of town. Unlike Mrs. Wright’s house Louise’s house was full of life and possibility. I symathize with both ladies. Mrs.Wright probably had a difficult life from being with someone who no one cared for, she made sure she would be free. Louise was free by a tragic accident yet she saw potential in her new life long years became a life full of joy she was free of having the same everyday life, she died in order to contunue to live free.

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