Blogging on “The Story of an Hour” and “A Jury of Her Peers”

Now that you have had the opportunity to read Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” and Susan Glaspell’s “A Jury of Her Peers” and to discuss them with classmates via our course blog, your homework is to think further about them in your own blog post. This post should follow our course’s blogging guidelines, and should draw on one or two quotations as the main focus of your post to convey an argument about some aspect of the texts. The post can touch on points that you or others made in the discussion, provided you cite them AND that you take any of those ideas further. Your goal is to provide analysis of the specific passage or passages you have chosen to focus on, and to show how it exemplifies a larger argument about the text or texts.

This is going to be the format for our homework blog posts for the next few weeks, so you will begin developing these skills here.

Some things you might want to think about:

  • How do you judge the protagonists for their thoughts about/actions against their husbands? Do you judge them differently?
  • How do other characters and the narrators influence our understanding of the protagonists?
  • To what extent does setting play a role in the women’s stories?
  • To what extent are these stories dated, or are they as relevant as if they were written today? What difference does that make for you reading them now, in 2015?

Remember to categorize your post with Week 1, and to use any tags you think are relevant (except Homework Assignment, which I’m using for these weekly instruction posts)–or add your own tags. If you neglect to categorize your post, I will not find it and will not be able to count it.

These posts will guide our discussion on Wednesday. Please post them by the end of Tuesday night so we have the chance to read them and come to class prepared.

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