Tag Archives: Monuments

Obama’s Recklessness and De Blasio’s Attempt at a Clean Up

The first article we found on Lexis Nexis refers to how Obama used his powers as president to protect as many “monuments” as possible. In Obama’s last few months of presidency he used the antiquities act to protect as much land as possible. He claimed up to 550 million acres of land in the U.S. This reckless land grab from Obama caused a lot of problems because so much land was taken up without any real criteria. Meaning that many monuments became monuments because of Obama’s last minute land grab. Not because they actually “qualify” to become monuments.

In the second article that we found with out own search, was the New York Post article about De Blasio’s attempt at setting up a monument review. De Blasio is trying to get rid of some monuments because of the push from liberals to remove old statues that represent bad times in history. However, the monument review is meeting a lot of resistance from conservatives who want the monuments to stay. De Blasio came up with the idea of taking down some selected monuments with his board of officials that will review each monument. He wants to get rid of the statues with his criteria stating some monuments could be offensive towards specific groups of people, however there are a lot of resistances against removing the statues from conservatives. There are people who’s opposed of his actions and refuse to came up to an agreement. The argument turned into a debate because there is equal resistance and force from both sides.

Group Members: Tiffany, Kyle, Donald

Project #2, Part 2


Agitate (Verb)- To stir up public discussion of


“In response to recent and ongoing protests around the country- and most notably in Charlottesville,VA- agitating on one side for both the removal of controversial monuments and on the other for their preservation, Mayor Bill de Blasio called for an examination of New York City’s monuments.” (Project#2: Monument Surveying)

This word came to my attention while I was reviewing the requirements for Project #2. I used the sentence it was used in to help define the word and that helped out a little. I still wanted to find a way to define it in my own words.

After researching the word, the understanding became more clear but there were at least four definitions that I needed to decipher through to see which one best fit the sentence I had read. now my understanding of the the word to that word to its context would be “to create a buzz about a particular topic”. In the sentence, it was saying that there was great discussion about the removal and remaining of certain monuments around the world that was creating buzz in NYC also.




what’s a monument?

Something dedicated to someone:

  • statue
  • plaque
  • something decorated, maybe a plant or flowers
  • building
  • street names
  • bicycles (dedicated to cyclists where they were killed)
  • parks
  • public art
  • geography
    • river
    • land
    • etc
  • money
    • who’s pictured on it
  • flags


Project #2

This project should be very interesting because it focuses on a main problem that is going  on today.People view monuments differently some may disagree with it’s importance being there and  some may agree about it.However, today people are protesting violently to get monuments removed.Collaborating with classmates for this project is good idea because we get to share ideas that we might see differently.Also we get to explore outside of City Tech which can help us know the area better.

An Opportunity to Bond

I am looking forward to this project because the topic is so important especially in the time we live in now. Hate groups in the US are not new but recently some hate groups have been expressing their hate violently and in some cases taking the lives of their opponents. Having monuments up around NYC that spread hate or represent bad values should be taken down. However, a New Yorker knows that although we may pass so many monuments daily we don’t stop and acknowledge them because we are always so busy. This criteria we can create could help make our neighborhoods become more friendly and safe for everyone. In addition, to the task I am looking forward to working with my classmates because I would like to know them. In conclusion, I’m looking forward to working on this project for this class.

Project #2 reflection

In this project i believe to get the best sort of outcome we would have to know things about one another and each attitudes and how every is, because sometimes personalities would clash and that could weigh down the group. The good thing about it is that because it is a group project you branch off more than just yourself or your peer editor you become more social. I am a great team player and i love to work in groups, i always feel that although working alone sometimes is necessary you get more work done seeing other perspectives. For example someone would see the monument one way completely different than you and then want to know why you think the monument you chose is fit for the group project. I believe i can handle this project the part that could be a little tricky to me is finding more than one monument because i only know where one is so far. I find that this project will form a more interactive class because in the groups we would find some interest and thats a good thing, so I’m excited to see where this project goes and who I’m in a group with.