Tag Archives: Glossary Wrap-Up

Glossary conclusion
















I enjoyed doing the glossary project throughout the semester because not only did it help me understand certain texts that we read in class better but it also help me strengthen my vocabulary. Me being the person I am , I love to replace regular everyday words with strong words that you don’t hear too often. For example “drab”, I use that word to describe something boring or something that doesn’t really interest me. Some of these words I actually heard before  but I still never understood the actual meaning and how to use it in a sentence. Like the word activist. I always assumed it just meant somebody who takes part in politics. But no it actually means a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change. Well I wasn’t entirely wrong but now I know what it truly means. This is the first English class that I’ve been in that has done something like this and I can truly say that this will help me in the long run. Looking at my fellow colleagues definitions as well will certainty help, even if we have the same words, their definitions could be a different version of the word. I would definitely recommend this other than a thesaurus.


Reflection/Wrapping it up

  1. Frequency
  2. Authorship
  3. Expertise
  4. Monotonous
  5. Inevitable
  6. Prominent
  7. Anticipation
  8. Groggy
  9. Braggart
  10. Hokum
  11. Haunts
  12. Spiritually
  13. Captivating 
  14. Grasp
  15. Mayhem

This glossary assignment was a pretty good assignment to start off our college career. Unfortunately I had a bunch of other projects and studying to do with other classes so I was a bit backed up in terms of this assignment. I feel like if i had the time and did it the way it was suppose to be done it would of been better for me in the long run. Looking for specific complex words to write and look up and also reading my peers words really helped me with learning and understanding new words. When ever we got a new article to read i would always circle or underline the words so that I would be prepared to write about it in the glossary. Sadly i did a lot of this last minute but the good thing is that I had a bunch of interesting words already underlined. Back in High School Sometimes in class or at home while i’m reading i would be glancing at particular words trying to figure out what they mean’t and most of the time I used context clues to assume what it mean’t. I never really used to look up words that often and this was a bad idea, using context clues is good but it would of been better if I had actually looked at the real definitions and stopped assuming. This assignment increased my vocabulary and definitely affected my reading process for the better. When ever i’m reading an article and I don’t understand a particular word ill definitely look it up for myself right there on the spot. I also enjoyed reading other classmates Glossary Words just so I can increase my vocabulary even more.


Wrapping It Up


This glossary project was not hard to accomplish if I had finished it the right way. Instead because of all the projects and keeping up with other classes I had often forgotten about the glossary and I would see new words but thought it would take too long to make the post about them. Throughout the class itself, it was not hard to understand the most of the words by either using context clues or when we searched it up together as a class. Throughout the semester, finding and searching for new words not even for the glossary but for my own knowledge has allowed me to look at the words differently. In the sense of where the word originated from and what are some ways by focusing either on the prefix or suffix to figure out the word. It affected my reading process because usually, I would just glance over the words and not focus on figuring out the meaning behind the word itself, but instead either not to pay any mind to the word or just to use context clues whether wrong or right. One part throughout this project that was kind of hard was to not repeat words because originally I know that was the goal of the project although I tried very hard one of the words that I wrote down was a repeated word but that was because I had already had it written down. One thing I would have done differently would be to actually manage the project along with other assignments, for example, I could have done the summary and the same time that I was completing that I could have input some of the glossary words instead of doing them within the last few days. Although it was something that didn’t hold the center of my focus during the semester it did help with figuring out the definitions of unknown words better and understanding them in a different context as well.

My Glossary Wrap-Up

The glossary project was not difficult per say, but it was quite challenging for me as when I was younger I grew up reading dictionaries and thesauruses. I also from time to time like to just search up synonyms and antonyms for words that are already present in my current lexicon. While doing this project, I have come across but one word that I hadn’t already known. This word was Exhortations. So when going through the articles and readings we had, there came a time when I questioned myself about if the words I was reading were indeed difficult or not as to my knowledge, they were already known. After having this struggle I went forth and decided that I’d just pick all the words that were either big or archaic as those stood the best chance at being unknown to the other pupils in the class. After doing so it was relatively easy for me to find the fifteen words needed for this project. The way that I always look up new words to learn or use in my daily language is something that is second nature to me. My favorite is using archaic words as even though they may be small, their meaning can vary, or just not give any inclinations as to what they may mean. I find this to be more interesting than using large, unpronounceable words that may sound clunky in writing and speech. All in all, when I went with this strategy, the once difficult project that was placed in front of me became minuscule and was a cinch.