Monthly Archives: October 2017

My Views

The Brooklyn Height Promenade has one of the best views that any man could ever wish to see. When I sit down in a bench I witness the surrounding area come alive, people walking their dogs, going out for a jog, and relaxing, captivated by the view they have in front of them. I chose the Brooklyn height  promenade because of the view of the city. I believe its one of the best view to watch. In “City Limits” the author Colson Whitehead states “… you have your own personal skyline” my interpretation of this quote is that the skyline I see In the Brooklyn Height Promenade is not the same skyline the person next to me is seeing, everyone is experiencing it in their own way. The individual has a different perspective then me and their ideology is also different compared to mine. I also witness the area around the promenade and noticed the different stature, how big Manhattan is compared to Brooklyn in general. Looking at a photo from The New York Post, I see how Manhattan is the biggest area around compared to the other cities. The attention to detail of Manhattan was massive compared to the surrounding area. I believe the author is trying to tell the reader that the area people like specifically in Manhattan is the area they know/remember most.

Why I chose Barclays center


Image result for barclays center

I chose Barclays center as my point of interest for my project #3 because I really find that this was the place I began to understand the message behind the project. That everyone’s version of New York is different because of the experience they have in the city they create this image of their own specific version of the city one more different to the last. One persons experience could be the complete opposite of another.I believe its kind of an unique idea mixed in opinion and pretty much shows the persons personality towards their emotions over the city. For example Colson Whitehead’s  “city limits” essay at one point explains in the third paragraph: “only skyscrapers visible from your stroller were the legs of adults” that even at an early age an idea of a personal New York can exist. one person could love the loudness and festiveness of the city and see it as a place for opportunity, others are bitter twords the city and believe that its overrated and the city does not fit the cliche of what others think. I’m some where in the middle. As much as I enjoy living here there are things I do dislike about it. That is how I see my New York. Another perspective of New York and the difference between them is also in “City Limits” is a passage found in the second page “There are eight million naked cities in the naked city — they dispute and disagree. The New York City you live in is not my New York City;” further explaining that no ones version of the city is exactly the same. They may be similar but never the same. The ideas can argue with each other of what New York is really about and to appreciate that we are here and be grateful before our versions of New York change, the city is always having new buildings and tearing down others. That we should not take things for granted.

where is the juxtaposition

As you walk out of City Tech on the Jay Street and walk towards the a train station, you continue to walk past the train station and continue walking straight until you walk past a deli when you reach Fulton Street and you cross the street so you’re on the side opposite side of the McDonald’s and you keep walking straight. Continuing straight your going to see a slight left turn near the century 21. Then walk past the century 21 you will see an old building that looks as if it is under construction and across the street is a strip of stores that you can signs that have been broken down. The juxtaposition about this area is that although this was a big thing back in the 1990’s and how much of a difference and beautiful piece it was. It will now become a ” SHop Architects-designed mixed-use tower” which is a place that consist of many things such as apartments and restaurants. The picture i took does not really capture the idea because its just the side of the building but it can’t catch it because it is not built as yet but is under construction.

Dumbo before it was Dumbo

At first I was quite hesitant towards this project, I wasn’t really sure if I was going to be able to go through with it until Monday rolled on in and Prof. Rosen had said we could take a stroll along our “campus” which she considers to be the area around the school for our project ideas. Shortly thereafter I had gone carelessly roaming around until I found myself in the streets of Dumbo, 68 jay streets to be exact. Then and there I decided to write about a factory looking building which is now an apartment building. This particular building stuck out to me because its design looked as if it was from the late 1930’s and it also had two platforms for water towers, but those were removed because they weren’t up there. The story I felt this building was communicating to me was although everything around you may change and things aren’t as original as they once were you have to remain the original you. Three passages I found in “city limits,” by colson whitehead which support my overlap story is in paragraph #2 when he says “You are a new Yorker when what was there before is more real and solid than what is there now”. As you can see the building is a part of the past but it’s still there which makes it realer than what we’ll ever know. Another passage is on the fourth paragraph where it says “I still call it the pan Am building, not out of affectation, but because that’s what it is. As I said the original can’t change.

Reasons for the area

The reason for why I chose this area where because one it was near the school I was tired honestly I didn’t feel like walking much and I had class in like 30 minutes I wasn’t trying to late. But I noticed a lot of things I don’t see around where I live I saw a high school that looked like a building where businesses would have there business location or where governments would have there buildings located. Around where I live high schools have like a small campus in front and they look like castles or mini buildings but this high school looked like a 6+ story building and it was a high school so it caught my interest. Also as I walked down the road I noticed nice hotels delis and bar and restaurants and it was dope like that whole road was just mixed it wasn’t just one certain thing it was a mixed of food places a high school and hotels. And before I turned back to school I saw a building that just said in big words bar and restaurant and it was like straight to the point it didn’t have a name like shenanigans or Big ales or Hooters or Buffalo wild wings It was just plain and simple Bar and restaurant and I found that dope cause not many places are that simple they go extra and come up with a name but this place was like simple bar & restaurant and I liked the location as well it was across the Manhattan building so like you have a great view. So yeah thats pretty much why I chose the area I did to explore.

Reason for The Area

At the beginning of this project I did not choose the spot I am originally going to work with. I choose a black and white Smoke Shop where you go to buy cigars. However, I choose New York Transit Museum, because it was the only thing Downtown Brooklyn in the direction that I walked that caught my attention. Not being from the United States made it even more interesting because I never saw a real train until I came to the U.S. And automatically I was interested. I saw this perfectly cleaned clear glass with its green background and I was already blown away. On the side of the glass it has a black frame explaining what it was. I then proceeded to the front of the museum and said to myself oh no. It seemed spooky compared to a regular train station and that is as far as I got, due to the fact the museum is only open Tuesday to Sundays. Another reason I choose this area, is because I could make connections to the reading of Colson Whitehead, “City Limits,” and that inspired me to work on this project for the next few weeks. And if anyone is interesting in attending the museum as me the price is $10.00.

(I took pictures but they were not as good so I have to retake them)


Why I Chose This Area

The location that I chose is called Eagle Warehouse and Storage Company, its about a 15-20 minute walk from city tech. To get there you can walk to Whitman and Cadman Park. You are going to see a huge monument called the Brooklyn War memorial. You are going to want to keep walking up Cadman Plaza until you get to Old Fulton Street. As you walk down you are going to see a huge white colored building called Grimaldis pizza, which is right across the street. The Warehouse caught my eye because it was a huge red brick colored building and it also looked different from all of the other buildings in the area. Believe it or not this is actually an 9 story apartment building. The Juxtaposition for this building is that a newspaper company called the Brooklyn edge was here. Their newspaper was called the brooklyn daily eagle and a popular journalist named Walt Whitman edited their articles. This is currently a million dollar Apartmant building.


Metropolis (noun): the chief or capital city of a country, state, or region.

“Over a lifetime, that adds up to a lot of neighborhoods, the motley construction material of your jerry-built metropolis.”

I encountered this word while reading an artifle that we are discussing in class, “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead. This isnt my first time hearning of the word metropolis but I never fully understood its denotation. With the help of context clues I got the idea that metropolis was just another word for large city. I wasn’t wrong but I wasnt entirely correct. An example of a metropolis would be Manhattan.


Serendipitous (noun): the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; also :an instance of this

This word was encounter in the article “Walk with Me” by David L. Ulin which states “This was urban walking after a fashion, repetitive and serendipitous at once”. This word was located on the fourth page, first paragraph, third sentence.

When I came across this word I was skeptical on what it meant. Just the fact that it was along word and I was unsure of what it had meant. Since I wasn’t clear still on what it meant I read other definitions that would help me understand it better . From what I got was that serendipitous meant a discovery but within a positive way or as an accident. Sometimes it can also mean that finding something can be beneficial to that person.

Reason As To Why I Picked My Area

To get started I decided to go to a hotel near by the school for many reason. One of the reasons why, was because of gentrification. Another was the fact that many fancy, expensive hotels are built in the an area for a reason. Plus a lot of money is going to this hotel to make it look the way it’s suppose to look. Picking a hotel strike me because people come all over the world to come to New York to experienced the New York life. So these hotels are built to make it seem like it’s a dream, where the city never sleeps. Reason why they have hotel is because when people come to visit New York and want to party and explore they have hundreds of hotels around New York where people can stay at. While having fun and getting get service that of course they pay for for the whole experience. One of the articles explains more about how the hotel was built and the whole process of it being built . The other article tells a little more about how hotels are causing  gentrification around the area and neighborhoods.

These are the two articles

Article 1:

Article 2: