This Week in the OpenLab: Student Blogger/Photoblogger Edition!

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Why should you become a student blogger or photoblogger?  Well, you can share your experiences and ideas with the City Tech community, collaborate with a team of students, publish your work on the OpenLab, gain real-world blogging experience, add to your resume, and get paid $300!

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This Week in the Openlab! November 4th Edition

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Hope your term going swimmingly!  We upgraded our WordPress system not too long ago and want to highlight the features of the new update for our users.  There are plenty more features than this, particularly on the back end, and if you’re interested you can have a look here.  … Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: October 21st Edition

(image by Mushin via Wikimedia Commons)

In keeping with our recent theme, this week we’re going to highlight some clubs from around the OpenLab.  Enjoy!


Energy and Environmental Simulation Laboratory (EESL)


EESL is Professor Masato R. Nakamura’s research group based on Mechanical Engineering Department in New York City College of Technology (City Tech), City University of New York (CUNY).… Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: October 9th Edition

Last week we highlighted OpenLab courses from this term. This week we thought we’d highlight a few project that are particularly interesting for the term.  Enjoy!



veterans affairs

Created last year, the Office of Veterans Support Services’ goal is to assess, plan, and expedite the required resources for our community of veterans at City Tech.  … Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: October 2nd Edition

(image by Olve Utne via Creative Commons License)

Happy Holidays for some of you, happy short weeks for the rest. With the term well under way, we thought we’d highlight some courses! Enjoy!


LIB 1201 – Research and Documentation for the Information Age – Section D952 – Fall 2014

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This course, taught by Ian Beilin, explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia.… Continue reading this post

This Week In The OpenLab: September 10th Edition!

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(image by via Creative Commons License)


Last week the OpenLab passed a huge milestone:  10,000 members!  We’re extremely proud to have fostered this community, and thank each and every one of you for participating, teaching, learning, and sharing.


Last week we mentioned that there were a number of updates, new features, and new bits of help on the OpenLab added or installed over the summer.  … Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab–Back to School Edition!

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On behalf of the OpenLab, City Tech’s open-source digital platform where students, faculty, and staff can meet to learn, work, and share their ideas, we’d like to welcome you back (or welcome you) to the school year.  … Continue reading this post