This photos that was taken of me by my group I really like. I think that the lighting gives the image a really good depth feel to it. That I would say was due to the way that the light was pointed at me and how the light reflected off of the backdrop. I think that the dark shadows on my right side really push the feeling of depth.


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class Flower

This photos that my group and I took of the flowers were amazing. It was hard to pick a favorite one, but I decided to go with this one. I went with this one. I really liked how the image in the background was distorted in a way that it gave more clarity to the image in the foreground. This gave the image a greater dynamicflower

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Class Portrait 2

What I enjoy about this picture is first of all the lighting.  This is an example of split light because the subject is looking forward and the light is directly at the face. I also find this picture interesting because of the mood. The mood or theme seems like a playful and happy theme.


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LL6 – Portrait Lighting for mood


This is one of my favorite photograph were we can see that two different lights were used to create this mysterious mood and also a reflector was used. One of those light was back light; you can see the reflection of the light on my shoulders and on the side of the face. You can also see my hair reflecting the back light through. The second light was the main light; that light is used to reflect and or to light up more one side of the face and body. We can see that one side is brighter and clear than the other; that’s because of the main light. Lastly, on the dark side of the face a reflector was used to give some sort of lightning on that part of the face. With those simple combination we were able to create this cinematic mood.

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Description of Lighting (Nov. 3)


The lighting in the photo is positioned in a 45 degree angle and I would classify this as a broad lighting just for the fact that the ear would be visible had it not been for the shadow and the scarf covering it up. The lighting is also positioned above the subject (myself) and there is no back light, only a main light source from above. I like how the shadows makes it look like a have no neck and so it gives the photo an cool look.

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In-Class Shoot // Portrait Mood Lighting


From the in-class shoot, I found this photo interesting. The station in which this photo was shot at was the glamour or butterfly lighting-front light. I like how the subject (Jesus) fills the frame perfectly, the calm feeling this photo brings, and the use of hand gestures. This is a perfect example of capturing a decisive moment. If this was shot a second before or after, the photo would be entirely different. It is very candid. Overall, this was a very well composed shot.

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It’s just flick

This photograph of me really set the mood of seriousness. The lighting arrangement helped capture a really solid composition. What I liked about this photo is the expression that I’m making and the transition of dark to light which is what makes it pop. Also the artifical highlights actually helped with a harsh shadow in the image. What works is the black background and me fading into it which makes it even more dramatic. Also I really like how everything is lined up and symmetrical.  It just looks cool!


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Lighting Mood


What I like in this picture is the off guard expression on my face. Of course the lighting is seen as a key element to portray the mood, but to me if this were a moment in a movie scene it would be from the bloopers. Although I was in position for a photograph to be taken of me I guess I was unsure when the moment was going to be caught in time. I thought I was ready, but this photo shows more than me being ready in my opinion. The bright lighting all around – mainly front and back create a pleasant mood even with the shadow on one side of my face because of me tilting my head slightly almost at a three quarter view to the front light or main light.


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Lighting Mood


I like how in this picture the bright lighting of the front light expresses the mood of happiness, plus given the face that I’m laughing . Furthermore, I believe that the whites and highlights in the photo adds to the affect. This photo is successful mainly because of the lighting and how it falls onto my face and how it fits with the rest of the composition.

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Lighting Potrait

In this photo which I thought it was my favorite, I realized that on one side of the face there’s a lot of light and the other side there’s a shadow. There’s shadows in the eyes and also shadow in the left side of the sweater. The mood in this photo I say is a serious kind of  mood. The pose that he’s making kind of shows he’s thinking. What made me come up with that idea is the way he has his hands holding his chin as if he was staring at something or coming up with a thought.jon

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